Paperless Teaching ?! Presented by Holly Hofmann 2009 Tech Fair West Los Angeles College
THE FUTURE Can you hear your grandkids asking… “What’s a tree house?” “What’s a copy machine?” “What’s toilet paper?”
Imagine Saying to Students: No, I don’t have any ‘copies.’ Download it to your cell phone or laptop. Right now. It’s also up front on the projection screen. Take your ‘pop quiz’ before you come to class. your essay to where it will be scanned for plagiarized material before I read it. The lesson you missed last class is online on my website.
Without paper, instructors can: Give tests and quizzes Deliver Homework Collect Homework Deliver Lectures, Links, and Resources Moderate Academic Discussions Chat informally with students Maintain an online grade book which is accessible to students, or not, as you like.
Give Tests and Quizzes Etudes NG, (English exercises) Publisher Websites There may be subject-specific web sites for your discipline.
Deliver and Collect Homework WLAC’s ADX program puts material directly on our website Web 2.0 applications such as Facebook, Wordpress, Mac websites, Angelfire websites and Text Messaging Delivery (can attach documents, files, etc.) ETUDES NG
Deliver Lectures, Links, and Resources WLAC’s ADX program puts material directly on our website Web 2.0 applications such as Facebook, Wordpress, Mac websites, Angelfire websites and Text Messaging Delivery (can attach documents, files, etc.) ETUDES NG
Moderate Academic Discussions and Chat Informally with Students Social networking sites are ideal for either formal or informal (asynchronous) discussions and/or synchronous chatting. Examples: Facebook, Ning, WordPress, Blogspot Also ETUDES-NG
~Store Grades Online!~ is a fantastic resource that I’ve been using for 4 years. Limited (free) or full yearly membership ($45…so worth it!) If you want, students can log in and see their grades any time You can print out sign in sheets, grade reports, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions Q: Does it take a lot of time to set these things up? A: It varies, but once you set it up, it’s done…permanently. No more copy requests! Q: Will any of this cost me money? A: Not much of it. Most is free.
FAQ (2) Q: Will having my curricular materials online make them vulnerable to theft? A: Inasmuch as your classroom materials are already vulnerable, yes. What’s worth more to you, completely secure intellectual property, or 2 extra hours of free time a day?
FAQ (3) Q: What if a student can’t afford the machine to access the online data? A: They can come to your office and get a copy, perhaps that you printed out on a recycled “backside.” Long term, most students will have access to these machines, if only at school.
“It’s Not Easy Being Green!” Stage 1: Awareness 1-2 semesters How Much Paper do I use? What/how could I do without? Stage 2: Greenie1-3 semesters Develop paperless lessons and online materials. Get resources from other paperless teachers. Start using backsides. Stage 3: Greener1-3 semesters Continue refining paperless techniques. Stage 4: Green! (As Paperless as Possible) ∞ Enjoy your newfound leisure!
Potential Problems Discuss!
Additional Resources Dennis Angle’s PresentationDennis Angle’s Presentation, National Technology Plan, post004.html “I’m such a cool cat now that I’m a paperless teacher!”