Please click anywhere on this slide to start the presentation Cittaslow Uusikaupunki
What is Cittaslow? An international network of towns where it is good to live
The Cittaslow movement is: An Italian movement that was founded in 1999 An extension of the Slow Food movement For small towns – with less than 50,000 people Now a worldwide network of towns
The Cittaslow Goals Involve the whole community in a gradual process of improvement Work for a more sustainable local environment, encouraging diversity Promote healthy living, especially with young people and children Support and develop local producers and their products as well as local culture and traditions.
What makes a Cittaslow? It is NOT a place that stands still! It embraces change and new technology - so long as it follows the Cittaslow goals These goals are sorted into six main groups, and a Cittaslow town works towards improving its score against them all n
The Cittaslow Goals Infrastructure Urban fabric Local products Hospitality Promoting Cittaslow Environmental
Environmental Goals These include ☺ Air and water quality ☺ Reducing light pollution ☺ Energy conservation ☺ Composting and recycling ☺ Integrated traffic management strategies ☺ Support of wildlife & wildlife sites.
Infrastructure Goals These include: ☺ Good, free public toilets ☺ Well-kept green spaces and play areas ☺ Notice boards in key locations ☺ Free public drinking water ☺ Pedestrian and cycle access and public transport.
Urban fabric Goals These include: ☺ Protection of the built heritage ☺ Good street furniture ☺ Flower displays ☺ Promote eco-friendly architecture ☺ Control of litter ☺ Use of public spaces for markets and cultural events ☺ Attract local independent retailers.
Local products Goals These include: ☺ Increase awareness of healthy eating and good diet ☺ Encourage local schools, hospitals, councils etc to use local produce ☺ Develop training in traditional skills ☺ Preserve local culture and heritage.
Hospitality Goals These include: ☺ Clear signage ☺ Good car parking ☺ Information packs to new residents ☺ Tourist routes and walks ☺ Supporting initiatives for disadvantaged groups.
Promoting Cittaslow Goals These include: ☺ The promotion of local producers through a directory ☺ A Cittaslow website ☺ Use of the Cittaslow logo by council ☺ Encouraging local people, and businesses, to help work towards improving performance on these policy headings.
Cittaslow: The Benefits Involves the whole community in developing the town Provides opportunities to share challenges and solutions with other Cittaslow towns Opens up funding opportunities via linking in with other Cittaslow towns Commits the Town Council and its partners to working towards to a sustainable future and builds on the positive work already carried out Entitles Uusikaupunki Town and businesses who support Cittaslow to use the trademark. The trademark is becoming an internationally recognised symbol – it ’ s a quality mark for towns that value their people and environment..
Cittaslow Uusikaupunki: The Future Working with the people of Uusikaupunki, the Town Council will be developing its plans to achieve all the expectations of Cittaslow As a result, Uusikaupunki will continue to improve and continue to be. A town where it is good to live