11. Official Development Assistance Canadian ODA Policy Issues and Debates in Canadian ODA Policy
11. Official Development Assistance Historical and contemporary motives
11. Official Development Assistance Historical and contemporary motives The international development context
11.1. Canadian ODA Policy The International Assistance Envelope
11.1. Canadian ODA Policy The International Assistance Envelope ODA defined by OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC)
11.1. Canadian ODA Policy The International Assistance Envelope ODA defined by OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) is lead agency
11.1. Canadian ODA Policy Areas of Emphasis in the 1990s Basic Human Needs Women in Development Infrastructure Services Human rights, democracy, governance Private Sector Development Environment
11.1. Canadian ODA Policy CIDA’s Social Development Priorities: A Framework for Action (2000) Increased priority on: Health and Nutrition Basic education HIV/AIDS Child Protection Gender
11.1. Canadian ODA Policy The Mandate Today
11.1. Canadian ODA Policy Sustainable Development Strategy : Activity 1—Promote pro-poor and equitable growth and improved standards of living for women, men, and children Activity 2a—Improve prevention and control of high-burden, poverty- linked disease Activity 2b—Strengthen programming in basic education Activity 3a—Greater integration of environment into CIDA decision making as well as increased capacity of developing countries to manage their environment and natural resources Activity 3b—Improve the greening of CIDA’s operations at headquarters Activity 4—Strengthen civil society, public institutions, and non- governmental organizations engaged in democratization, human rights, rule of law, and public sector performance and accountability
11.2. Issues and Debates Funding
Signs of Life? ODA Budget commitments since budget pledged to increase ODA allocations by 8% per year In 2005 Martin government pledged five-year, $3.4 billion increase to double ODA spending by 2010 to.33 of GNP: no timetable set to reach.7% target In 2005 a House of Commons motion passed calling on the government to increase aid budget by 12-15% annually to reach.7% GNP target by 2015 Harper government maintained Budget 2005 commitments in Budget 2006: budget in was C$3.8 billion and in it will be C$ 4.1 billion
11.2. Issues and Debates Funding Tied aid
11.2. Issues and Debates Funding Tied aid Canadian trade policy and development
11.2. Issues and Debates Funding Tied aid Canadian trade policy and development Focus and priorities
11.2. Issues and Debates Funding Tied aid Canadian trade policy and development Focus and priorities Political Conditionality