Target Setting: Issues & Experience Presented to the CSIN Learning Event LiveMeeting By Linda Harvey July 27, 2006
Target Setting: Issues & Experience Overview 1. Systems Approach The importance of measurement and targets throughout the system. 2.Process The Role of Stakeholders in target-setting 3.Whither goest thou? Where are your targets taking you? 4.The purpose of target setting Re-examining the function and utility of targets
Target Setting: Issues & Experience The Importance of a Systems Approach Products Pollution Generated By-products Residual outputs Waste Release into environment By setting targets throughout the system, we can simultaneously prevent pollution, manage residual outputs to create efficiencies and reduce releases to the environment.
Target Setting: Issues & Experience Rule #1: It will take stakeholders working collectively to make environmental improvements in our communities. Rule #2: Collective actions to improve the environment require commitment from stakeholders. Involvement in target setting is critical to building commitment. Rule #3 Setting boundaries around this is dependent on local factors: culture, expectations, resources…. Process: The Role of Stakeholders
Target Setting: Issues and Experience Whither Goest Thou? Where are your targets taking you? Are your targets as big as your Vision? Will they pull you forward towards achieving desired outcomes beyond the norm …. or Will they lead you to look backward to trend analysis and extrapolation of past practice only? Interim goals & targets and indicators that can be affected can create achievable tasks that will maintain accountability while building confidence & deepening commitment.
Target Setting: Issues and Experience The purpose of target setting Re-examining the function and utility of targets Accountability Progress Measurement (fast enough or too slow?) Locus for building Motivation and commitment to action (Target discussion lead into discussions exploring the tension between vision and current reality and new ways to leap ahead.) Not an end unto itself; it is no longer a strictly technical exercise. The process is important.