© 2010 Quest Software, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Techstravaganza 2010 PowerShell 101 Dmitry Kagansky Solutions Architect - Quest Software (Public Sector)
2 Introduction & Administrative Items Agenda –Dmitry Kagansky PowerShell 101 –Aaron PowerShell and Server Management –Barry Gerdsen PowerShell and Active Directory PowerGUI PowerShell Scripting & Debugging Expectations
3 What is PowerShell? Blah blah blah – you’ve heard it all before However, these are some things to keep in mind It is Object Oriented –What? It is extensible –“Snap-ins” is the word of the day It is baked into Windows It is mandatory for some products –Exchange It’s now up to version 2.0!
4 Unified and Standardized Exchange Get-Mailbox –Database 'VIP' | Set-Mailbox –MaxReceiveSize 'unlimited' Active Directory Get-QADUser –City 'Aliso Viejo' | Set-QADUser -PhoneNumber ' ' VMware Get-VM -Name web* | Set-VM –MemoryMB 1024
5 Where to begin? “Blue is the new black” The console
6 So how did I start? I stumbled around and tried things First new word –cmdlets The only cmdlet I can reliably remember –Get-Help save it for the lab cmdlet format –Verb-noun Aliases
7 cmdlets Verb-Noun –No ‘real’ standard to separate out separate vendor cmdlets (Quest uses Verb-QNoun but another snap-in could break this) I lied; I can also remember: –Get-Command
8 How It Works filtering, etc. Get-Something Do-Something Collection of objects
9 PowerShell for Reporting Get-* to retrieve information on most objects Sorting, Filtering, Grouping Tables, Lists Output to XML, CSV, HTML On the fly calculations
10 Perfect for Bulk Operations Bulk changes Provisioning from csv Snapshots Learn to love the pipe –| –(and its red-headed step-children, the redirectors)
11 Natively Supports Modern Technology HTML Reporting CSV XML Web Services Get-QADUser | ConvertTo-Html –Property Name, Title
12 Natively Supports Modern Technology HTML Reporting CSV XML Web Services Get-Mailbox | Export-CSV c:\out.csv
13 Natively Supports Modern Technology HTML Reporting CSV XML Web Services $data = [XML] Get-Content c:\data.xml $data.chapter $data = [XML] Get-Content c:\data.xml $data.chapter
14 Natively Supports Modern Technology HTML Reporting CSV XML Web Services $zip = New-WebServiceProxy –uri `
15 Variables, Arrays, and Hash Tables Variables - allows us to store single bits of information –$firstName Arrays - allows us to store information in a sequentially numbered index –$strComputers[x] Hash Table - allows us to store in key/value pairs (like Arrays but referenceable by name) –$strEmployeeID[“Dmitry K”]
16 Special Variables $_: Contains the current pipeline object, used in script blocks, filters, and the where statement $Args: Contains an array of the parameters passed to a function $Error: Contains objects for which an error occurred while being processed in a cmdlet $Home: Specifies the user’s home directory $PsHome: The directory where the Windows PowerShell is installed I give up – just run: _ Get-Help about_automatic_variables
17 Conditional Logic Comparing data if/else/elseif OperatorDescription -eqEqual to -ltLess than -gtGreater than -geGreater than or Eqaul to -leLess than or equal to -neNot equal to If (this –eq boring) {surf-web} else {pay-attention}
18 Looping Looping is the key to batch work Common loop constructs –do while: - Script block executes as long as condition value = True –while: Similar to “do while” –do until: Script block executes until the condition value = True –for: Script block executes a specified number of times –foreach: Executes script block for each item in a collection or array
19 Output & Feedback Lots of ways to do it –Write-Host –Out-File –Redirection –Lots of ways.... Get-Command *export* Get-Command *out* Get-Command *write* Get-Command *export* Get-Command *out* Get-Command *write*
20 Redirection Cheat Sheet OperatorDescription > Redirects output to specified file. If the file already exists, current contents are overwritten. >> Redirects output to specified file. If the file already exists, the new output is appended to the current content. 2> Redirects error output to specified file. If the file already exists, current contents are overwritten. 2>> Redirects error output to specified file. If the file already exists, the new output is appended to the current content. 2>&1 Redirects error output to the standard output pipe instead of to the error output pipe.
21 Demonstration
22 Dissecting some code From that-gpo-using-a-quest-product-of-course/ Follow it with me
23 import-csv deletelist.csv | % {& Delete-QGPO.ps1 $_.GPOName $_.GPMServer} import-csv deletelist.csv | % {& Delete-QGPO.ps1 $_.GPOName $_.GPMServer} Dissecting some code
24 ##################################################### # In an ideal world, this would be a cmdlet called: # Delete-QGPO GPOName [-GPMServer] ##################################################### # define the GPO name, which is what people # will probably know it as – this # can be an argument to a script later $gpoName = $args[0]; # Which GPM Server to export from $GPMHostname = $args[1]; $GPMPort = 40200; ##################################################### # In an ideal world, this would be a cmdlet called: # Delete-QGPO GPOName [-GPMServer] ##################################################### # define the GPO name, which is what people # will probably know it as – this # can be an argument to a script later $gpoName = $args[0]; # Which GPM Server to export from $GPMHostname = $args[1]; $GPMPort = 40200; ##################################################### Dissecting some code
25 & 'C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Quest Group Policy Manager\QGPMInit.ps1' -computerName $GPMHostname Dissecting some code
26 $foundGPO = $false ; # loop through all the objects in the data set and find the policy we want foreach($currentGPO in $VCManager.GetControlledObjects("GPO") | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $gpoName}) { $foundGPO = $true; # check out the GPO so we can edit it # you can discard the contents # returned since we want a previous version $VCManager.Delete($currentGPO.VCId, "Deleting GPO - bye bye"); Write-Output “deleting GPO $gpoName"; } $foundGPO = $false ; # loop through all the objects in the data set and find the policy we want foreach($currentGPO in $VCManager.GetControlledObjects("GPO") | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $gpoName}) { $foundGPO = $true; # check out the GPO so we can edit it # you can discard the contents # returned since we want a previous version $VCManager.Delete($currentGPO.VCId, "Deleting GPO - bye bye"); Write-Output “deleting GPO $gpoName"; } Dissecting some code
27 if ($foundGPO -eq $false) { Write-Output "GPO $gpoName not found”; } if ($foundGPO -eq $false) { Write-Output "GPO $gpoName not found”; } Dissecting some code
28 ##################################################### # In an ideal world, this would be a cmdlet called: # Delete-QGPO GPOName [-GPMServer] [-GPMPort] ##################################################### # define the GPO name, which is what people will probably know it as – this # can be an argument to a script later $gpoName = $args[0]; # Which GPM Server to export from $GPMHostname = $args[1]; $GPMPort = 40200; ##################################################### & 'C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Quest Group Policy Manager\QGPMInit.ps1' -computerName $GPMHostname $foundGPO = $false ; # loop through all the objects in the data set and find the policy we want foreach($currentGPO in $VCManager.GetControlledObjects("GPO") | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $gpoName}) { $foundGPO = $true; # check out the GPO so we can edit it # you can discard the contents returned since we want a previous version $VCManager.Delete($currentGPO.VCId, "Deleting GPO - bye bye"); Write-Output “deleting GPO $gpoName"; } if ($foundGPO -eq $false) { Write-Output "GPO $gpoName not found”; } ##################################################### # In an ideal world, this would be a cmdlet called: # Delete-QGPO GPOName [-GPMServer] [-GPMPort] ##################################################### # define the GPO name, which is what people will probably know it as – this # can be an argument to a script later $gpoName = $args[0]; # Which GPM Server to export from $GPMHostname = $args[1]; $GPMPort = 40200; ##################################################### & 'C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Quest Group Policy Manager\QGPMInit.ps1' -computerName $GPMHostname $foundGPO = $false ; # loop through all the objects in the data set and find the policy we want foreach($currentGPO in $VCManager.GetControlledObjects("GPO") | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $gpoName}) { $foundGPO = $true; # check out the GPO so we can edit it # you can discard the contents returned since we want a previous version $VCManager.Delete($currentGPO.VCId, "Deleting GPO - bye bye"); Write-Output “deleting GPO $gpoName"; } if ($foundGPO -eq $false) { Write-Output "GPO $gpoName not found”; } Dissecting some code: The whole script
29 $gpoName = $args[0]; $GPMHostname = $args[1]; $GPMPort = 40200; & 'C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Quest Group Policy Manager\QGPMInit.ps1' -computerName $GPMHostname $foundGPO = $false ; foreach($currentGPO in $VCManager.GetControlledObjects("GPO") | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $gpoName}) { $foundGPO = $true; $VCManager.Delete($currentGPO.VCId, "Deleting GPO - bye bye"); Write-Output “deleting GPO $gpoName"; } if ($foundGPO -eq $false) { Write-Output "GPO $gpoName not found”; } $gpoName = $args[0]; $GPMHostname = $args[1]; $GPMPort = 40200; & 'C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Quest Group Policy Manager\QGPMInit.ps1' -computerName $GPMHostname $foundGPO = $false ; foreach($currentGPO in $VCManager.GetControlledObjects("GPO") | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $gpoName}) { $foundGPO = $true; $VCManager.Delete($currentGPO.VCId, "Deleting GPO - bye bye"); Write-Output “deleting GPO $gpoName"; } if ($foundGPO -eq $false) { Write-Output "GPO $gpoName not found”; } Dissecting some code: The whole script
30 Remember this? - Unified and Standardized Exchange Get-Mailbox –Database 'VIP' | Set-Mailbox –MaxReceiveSize 'unlimited' Active Directory Get-QADUser –City 'Aliso Viejo' | Set-QADUser -PhoneNumber ' ' VMware Get-VM -Name web* | Set-VM –MemoryMB 1024
31 PowerShell 2.0 – What’s new See for details An update of not just PoSh but the entire Windows Management Framework Remoting –run commands on one or more remote computers from a single computer Integrated Scripting Environment –run interactive commands and edit and debug scripts in a graphical environment. Modules –partition and organize Windows PowerShell code in self-contained, reusable units. Advanced functions –Advanced functions are functions that have the same capabilities and behavior as cmdlets but not written in compiled C#. Background jobs –allows for running a command or expression asynchronously and "in the background" without interacting with the console. Eventing –adds support for listening, forwarding, and acting on management and system events. Script internationalization –enables scripts to display messages that is specified by the UI culture setting on the user's computer. Script debugging –New features were added to Windows PowerShell that let you do more during debugging. New cmdlets –introduces over 100 built-in cmdlets.
32 Thank You
33 Additional Info Special user group pricing on PowerGUI Pro ($99) –
34 Resources MSDN PowerShell Blog – Good Starting Tutorial – PowerGUI Community – Free Tools from Quest –Look for PowerGUI and the AD cmdlets at: