Analyzing Advertising and IBP Environment Chapter 5 with Duane Weaver
Outline Consumer as Decision Maker Consumer as Decision Maker Four Modes of Consumer Decision Making Four Modes of Consumer Decision Making Key Psychological Processes Key Psychological Processes –Consumer as Social Being Culture Culture
Consumer as Decision Maker Consumer Behavior: “…the entire broad spectrum of things that affect, derive from, or for the context of human consumption.” Consumer Behavior: “…the entire broad spectrum of things that affect, derive from, or for the context of human consumption.” Decision Process Decision Process 1.Need Recognition 2.Info Search 3.Purchase 4.Post-purchase use and evaluation
Four Modes of Consumer Decision Making Involvement Involvement Extended Problem Solving Extended Problem Solving Limited Problem Solving Limited Problem Solving Habit or Variety Seeking – Brand Opp. Habit or Variety Seeking – Brand Opp. Brand Loyalty Brand Loyalty
Key Psychological Processes Attitude: Attitude: “…overall evaluation of any object, person, or issue that varies along a continuum…(e.g.: neg. to pos. or unfav. to fav.) Beliefs: “…the knowledge and feelings a person has accumulated about an object or issue.”
Evaluation Tools MAAMS Multi-attribute models … framework for collecting information about beliefs and attitudes about competitive brands MAAMS Multi-attribute models … framework for collecting information about beliefs and attitudes about competitive brands –Evaluative criteria –Importance weights –Consideration set –Beliefs ELM Elaboration Likelihood Model…looks at low and high involvement levels relative to motivation and ability and the likelihood that a persuasive communication may affect the decision process. ELM Elaboration Likelihood Model…looks at low and high involvement levels relative to motivation and ability and the likelihood that a persuasive communication may affect the decision process.
Culture “what people do, or ‘the total life ways of a people, the social legacy the individual acquires from his (her) group.’ ” “what people do, or ‘the total life ways of a people, the social legacy the individual acquires from his (her) group.’ ” Values Values Rituals Rituals
Stratification a.k.a.: Social Class “…a person’s relative standing in a social system as produced by systematic inequalities in things such as wealth, income, education, power and status.” a.k.a.: Social Class “…a person’s relative standing in a social system as produced by systematic inequalities in things such as wealth, income, education, power and status.”
Thanks Get into Groups and analyze the following questions. Be prepared to summarize and present your findings in class. Get into Groups and analyze the following questions. Be prepared to summarize and present your findings in class. P. 207, Questions P. 207, Questions