Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, 2005 Introduction Klaus Bothe 5th Workshop Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering, Baile Herculane, Romania, 29 th August – 03 rd September 2005 Institute of Informatics, Humboldt University – Berlin, Germany,
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Contents Overview of the workshop What happened in our DAAD project since September 2004? Cooperation between project members – overview and generalisation Statistics "5 years of DAAD special program 'Academic Reconstruction of South Eastern Europe' "
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Workshops Sep. 2001: 1 st Workshop Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering, Novi Sad Sep. 2002: 2 nd Workshop Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering, Plovdiv Aug rd Workshop Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering, Ohrid Sep th Workshop Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering, Zagreb Aug th Workshop Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering, Baile Herculane
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Academic Reconstruction of South Eastern Europe Background Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe Humboldt University Berlin University of Novi Sad 2000 University of Skopje University of Plovdiv University of Belgrade 2001 University of Kragujevac University of Nis University of Zagreb University of Sarajevo University of Banja Luka University of Timisoara University of Tirana 2003 University of Rijeka University of Dubrovnik 2004 DAAD project: Software Engineering: Education and Research Cooperation
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, JCSE Use, extend and improve e.g. Design Patterns, RUP, Extreme programming, … national versions (localization) educational issues: assignments, tools, students feedback sheets case studies, projects management: review reports, version management, copyright, slide style guides New courses OO with Java Compiler Construction Project Management RE XCTL Refactoring Tool (Plovdiv) Software architecture recovery DAAD : Fields of our project cooperation E-Learning: Tools,...
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, JCSE Use extend and improve e.g. Design Patterns, RUP, … national versions (localization) educational issues: assignments, tools, students feedback sheets case studies, projects management: review reports, version management, copyright, slide style guides New courses OO with Java Compiler Construction Project Management RE XCTL Last year summary Baile Herculane: Workshop presentations E-Learning: Tools,... New curricula: Computer Science Software Engineering Tempus
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Contents Overview of the workshop What happened in our DAAD project since September 2004? Cooperation between project members – overview and generalisation Statistics "5 years of DAAD special program 'Academic Reconstruction of South Eastern Europe' "
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, What happened in our DAAD project since September 2004 ? Papers at Conferences DAAD Conference "5 Years of Stability Pact" Hamburg, Febr Visits to Berlin Coordination Meeting of project group leaders JCSE: Applications in real lectures Other activities
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Papers at Conferences K. Bothe, K. Schuetzler, Z. Budimac, K. Zdravkova: Collaborative Development of a Joint Web-Based Software Engineering Course across Countries, 35th ASEA/IEEE Frontiers of Education Conference (FIE2005), Indianapolis, Oct K. Bothe, S. Joachim: Interactive Tool-based Production of Multilingual Teaching and Learning Materials, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2005), Koahsiung, Taiwan, July 2005 K. Bothe, S. Joachim: Tool support for developing multi-lingual course materials, Online Educa 2004, Berlin Dec. 2004
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, DAAD Conference "5 Years of Stability Pact" Hamburg, Febr Participants: –Katerina Zdravkova, Zoran Budimac, Klaus Bothe Main points: –Summary and future of the programme –Political future of SEE countries in EU –Special sessions concerning law, higher education … –Statistics: 2000 – 2005 (see below) Resume: –Useful and valuable program –Should be continued after 2006
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Visits to Berlin Dragan Bojic, Zoran Budimac, Georgi Cholakov, Natasha Ibrajter, Mira Ivanovic, Boro Jakimovski, Zoran Putnik, Katerina Zdravkova Results: –Preparation of a new course "Software Project Management" –JCSE: new translated topics –OO Java: new topic materials –Jeliot: preparation of case studies (Java tutoring software) –CC: Syllabus of a joint course in compiler construction –S-Bahn tool: use, suggested features, dictionary data base interface to S-Bahn tool –Principles of SE assignments
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Coordination Meeting of project group leaders Berlin May 2005 Participants: –Dragan Bojic, Zoran Budimac, Ioan Jurca, Damir Kalpic, Stanimir Stoyanov, Katerina Zdravkova Results: –Draft workshop program for Baile Herculane –Workshop organisation: invitation, registration, visa hotel, conference room, excursions, … –Future of our cooperation fields –Presentations: new curricula, national versions, …
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, JCSE: Applications in real lectures Novi Sad: : 2 times, English, 10 particular participants, : ordinary students, Serbian slides Skopje: English, 2 different courses since 2004 Plovdiv: Bulgarian, 2 different curricula, 100 participants, since 2003, textbook in 2005 Kragujevac: Serbian Zagreb (Dubrovnik): Croatian, 1 topic Timisoara: Romanian, 1 topic Berlin: 4 times (transparencies) + 4 times (ppt), German, 80 participants Belgrade (Faculty Elec.Eng.): 2005, Serbian slides, 12 topics, 133 participants
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Other activities Course "Software Project Management" introduced in Novi Sad in summer semester 2005 AHyCo (Rijeka) applied to the JCSE First prototype e-Learning course materials developed in Novi Sad from JCSE Tempus project "Joint M.Sc. curriculum in Software Engineering" has started: Draft curriculum + module templates
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Our project: the future 2006: –our project proposal accepted (budget €) –workshop, coordination meeting beyond 2006: –DAAD will support multi-literal educational and research networks –TEMPUS and our current DAAD (13 universities from 8 countries) project should make us successful
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Contents Overview of the workshop What happened in our DAAD project since September 2004? Cooperation between project members – overview and generalisation Statistics "5 years of DAAD special program 'Academic Reconstruction of South Eastern Europe' "
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Cooperation between project members: Overview and generalization 1.The subject of our DAAD project changed considerably over years 2.Our main subject (SE) has been split extended generalized DAAD requested an assessment of cooperation in connection with our 2006 project proposal
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Topics of 1 st workshop Novi Sad 2001 Reverse Engineering XCTL URCA Introduction of the Institutes Zoran: “Let’s take the HU SE course as a joint course.”
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Topics of 2 nd workshop Plovdiv 2002 RE: XCTL JCSE: Presentations of SE lectures (10 topics)
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Topics of 3 rd workshop Ohrid 2003 RE: XCTL JCSE: Presentations of SE lectures (12 topics) JCSE: Project management -Version control, copyright, … e-Learning Introduction of new participants
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Topics of 4 th /5 th workshop Zagreb 2004 / Baile Herculane 2005 RE: XCTL (2 lectures) JCSE: Project management e-Learning JCSE: -Assignments -Larger case studies -… CC OOJava Localization: -National versions -Tools Higher education, curriculum development, TEMPUS, … Software Project Management (2005) JCSE: Presentations of SE lectures (12 topics)
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Cooperation between project members: Overview and generalization (cont.) 3.Flexible and changing cooperation among different participants takes place in several subfields 4.Of course, the groups contribute differently to the project – depending on their: capacity, manpower, closeness to project goals … 5.More and more groups have joint us over the years – and we have lost some (Kj, Ns, Du)
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Cooperation in Subprojects JCSEOOJavaSW PMRE XCTLCCNational versions S-Bahn ToolE-Learning Curriculum development TEMPUS Berlin, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Plovdiv, Skopje, Timisoara, Zagreb, Tirana, Banja Luka Timisoara, Novi Sad, Skopje, Belgrade (ETF), Belgrade (Sc), Berlin, Plovdiv Novi Sad, Berlin Belgrade (ETF), Novi Sad, Berlin Berlin, Belgrade (ETF), Plovdiv, Novi Sad Skopje, Novi Sad, Plovdiv, Timisoara, Zagreb, Tirana, Belgrade (ETF), Sarajevo, Kragujevac, Berlin Development & use: Berlin, Novi Sad, Skopje, Plovdiv, Belgrade (ETF) Rijeka, Novi Sad, Plovdiv, Skopje, Berlin Sarajevo, Berlin, Novi Sad, Plovdiv, Skopje, Timisoara, Belgrade (ETF) Berlin, Novi Sad, Skopje, Belgrade (ETF), Nis, Plovdiv, Timisoara
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Our workshops are the stimulating / motivating events to work in the sense of our project goals as well as the usefulness of its results for academic work at home universities 7.Without the project (and project founds from DAAD) it will be hard (or even impossible) to continue with the project ( DAAD annual conference 2004: “Without projects no cooperation”) 8.All project results have been achieved without additional manpower and in addition to the ordinary work at home universities (strong workload with educational work, research, academic administration / commissions, …) Cooperation between project members: Overview and generalization (cont.)
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Contents Overview of the workshop What happened in our DAAD project since September 2004? Cooperation between project members – overview and generalisation Statistics "5 years of DAAD special program 'Academic Reconstruction of South Eastern Europe' " Source: Thomas Zettler, presented at DAAD Conference "5 Years of Stability Pact " Hamburg, Febr. 2005
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Federal Foreign Office Mio. EUR Federal Ministry for Education and Research 67.4 Mio. EUR Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development 21.5 Mio. EUR European Union 19.4 Mio. EUR Other Sources 18.5 Mio. EUR Mio. EUR DAAD budget 2004 and sources
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, DAAD Funding of SEE 2003 *) *) not restricted to the 'Stability Pact'
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, 44 Project Networks 11 Participating Countries Academic Reconstruction in South Eastern Europe Networks 176 SEE Partners Funding: 14 mill. € ( )
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Exchange of university members ( ) from South Eastern Europe to Germany (30) from Germany to South Eastern Europe (19) within South Eastern Europe (120)
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Strategic areas Public Administration Health Related Subjects Natural- & Computer Sciences Agro-Science & Forestry Regional Studies European Studies Engineering Economy Law
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Networks According to Subjects
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Workshop participants Novi Sad Plovdiv Ohrid Zagreb Baile Herculane
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Group photos
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Publications 2003 K. Zdravkova, K. Bothe, Z. Budimac: SETT-Net: A Network for Software Engineering Training and Teaching, ITI, Information Technology Interfaces, Cavtat, Croatia, June , 2003 K. Zdravkova, K. Bothe, Z. Budimac: The structure of SETT-Net, Eurocon 2003, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sept , 2003 K. Bothe, K. Schuetzler, Z. Budimac, K. Zdravkova, D. Bojic, S. Stoyanov: Technical and Managerial Principles of a Distributed Cooperative Development of a Multi-Lingual Educational Course, 1st Balkan Conference in Informatics, Thessaloniki, Nov. 21 – 23, 2003 Z. Putnik, Z. Budimac, K. Bothe: International Educational Project – Some Experiences, Conference on Computers in Education - RUN 03, Workshop on Teaching of Informatics ”NaRa 03”, Novi Sad, September 5-6, 2003 Z. Budimac, K. Bothe: Slides – Style and Usage Guidelines – Experiences from an International Project, Conference on Computers in Education - RUN 03, Workshop on Teaching of Informatics ”NaRa 03”, Novi Sad, September 5-6, 2003 K. Bothe (presentation Z. Budimac): Invited tutorial: What is Software Engineering?, Conference on Computers in Education - RUN 03, Workshop on Teaching of Informatics ”NaRa 03”, Novi Sad, September 5-6, 2003
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Publications 2004 K. Bothe, K. Schuetzler, Z. Budimac, K. Zdravkova, D. Bojic, S. Stoyanov: JCSE – ein länderübergreifendes Multimediaprojekt zur Lehre in der Softwaretechnik, Softwaretechnik-Trends, Oct K. Bothe, K. Schuetzler: JCSE – ein alternatives Multimediaprojekt zur Lehre in der Softwaretechnik, DeLFI 2004, Paderborn, Sept. 6-8, 2004 S. Joachim, K. Bothe: Tool support for developing multi-lingual course materials, 10th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training OnlineEduca, Berlin, Dec. 1-3, 2004
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Publications 2005 K. Bothe, K. Schuetzler, Z. Budimac, K. Zdravkova: Collaborative Development of a Joint Web-Based Software Engineering Course across Countries, 35th ASEA/IEEE Frontiers of Education Conference (FIE2005), Indianapolis, Oct K. Bothe, S. Joachim: Interactive Tool-based Production of Multilingual Teaching and Learning Materials, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2005), Koahsiung, Taiwan, July 2005
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Zagreb: Workshop presentations E-Learning: Tools,... Related projects: SWENET, MuSoft SE curricula, Tempus Software tools Free SE subjects: Experience in SW development E-business others JCSE Use extend and improve e.g. RUP, Extreme programming, … special courses: Project management,... national versions (localization) educational projects case studies management: usage reports, review reports, students feedback sheets New courses OO with Java Compiler Construction... RE XCTL Refactoring Tool (Plovdiv) Last year summary
Introduction, Baile Herculane, Romania, Networking Partners in SEE by Country