The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity Philip Jenkins
Argument Demographic trends indicate that by 2050, most Christians will live in the Southern Hemisphere By 2050, only 20% of Christians will be non-Hispanic whites Christianity will have to adapt Northerners, both liberal and conservative, need to accept Southern Christianity on its own terms Distinguish customs from essential beliefs Recognize cultural prejudices
Trends (in millions)
Trends in Catholicism
Southern Christianty Poorer Concern for justice More conservative in beliefs and morals Among Catholics, strong Marian devotion More like pre-European ancient Christianity? Supernatural orientation Pentecostal churches growing in South Customs rejected by North Ancestors, sacrifice, FGM, etc.
African Christianity Big missionary movements in 1800s Colonies gained independence mid-1900s Christians grew from 10 million to 423 million over 20 th century Today Major denominations (Catholic, Anglican, etc.) Pentecostal churches African Independent Churches (AICs) Confronted by Islam Nigeria (50% Muslim and 40% Christian) Somalia (Muslim) and Ethiopia (45% Muslim and 40% Christian)
Questions What aspects of S. Christianity are most striking to you? Which push your metaphorical buttons? Inculturation: how do you determine essential vs. non- essential beliefs and practices? Core beliefs vs. cultural “accidents” (North and South) Homosexuality Women (leadership; marriage; FGM) Worship styles, architecture, rituals Example: OK to use corn, not wheat bread, for eucharist? “Adiaphora”: indifferent things Whose voices are missing?