TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven WIS Geert-Jan Houben Jeen Broekstra
TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven WIS 2006 Web data: RDF (5/9) Web data: OWL (12/9) Web Engineering (19/9) Web 2.0 trend (26/9) Semantic Web tools and applications (3/10) SMIL (17/10) Knowledge-based solutions in practice (24/10)
TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Sep. 5 – Oct. 24 Follow lecture (obligatory) Do homework assignment (as explained in lecture) –In case the homework is to write a paper on the subject (desk research, app. 2 A4, 1200 words) Reference from literature Application of theory or approach Link to other subject “Problem” (and/or solution) –One or two weeks to work on –Deadline and procedure for handing in are included in assignment [62 hours (2+8)]
TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven before Oct. 25 Select subject final assignment –See list of assignments by week 6 Proposal (per ) to teacher (Houben) for okay (and maybe hints) [1 hour]
TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Oct. 25 – Dec. 1 Work on final assignment or write larger paper (app. 15 A4, 9000 words) [48 hours] Before actual start of writing “sync” with (assigned) teacher After handing in discuss with teacher (appointment) [1 hour]
TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Grading Small (homework) assignments Final assignment/paper (+ discussion)
TU/e technische universiteit eindhoven Contact wwwis.win.tue.nl/wis