Haskell and HaskellVV
What is Haskell? “Haskell is a polymorphically typed, lazy, pure functional language.” – So what does this mean?
Haskell is…a functional language Imperative (C, C++) Program is a sequence of steps Subroutines are called in a specific order How to calculate Functional (Lisp, ML) Program is a single function evaluation Sub-expressions are evaluated when needed What is calculated
…a pure functional language No side effects!
Types in Haskell num = 2 inc x = 1 + x add x y = x + y num :: Int inc :: Int → Int add :: Int → Int → Int Could be Int → Int → Int or could be Int → (Int → Int) a function returning a function!
Types in Haskell (add 1) :: Int → Int (add 1) x = 1 + x inc = add 1 “currying”
Other types Bool, Char [] are lists –[Bool] or [Char] (String = [Char]) (,) (,,) and so on are pairs, triples, n-tuples –(Bool, Int) or (Bool, [Char], Int) [(Bool, [Char → Int], [[(Char,Bool)]])]
…is a functional language (2) Functions are first-order objects! Functions can be passed as arguments: –sort :: [Int] → [Int] –sortBy :: (Int → Int → Bool) → [Int] → [Int] –sortBy (<) –sortBy (>) –sortBy (customOrdering)
…is polymorphically typed sortBy :: (a → a → Bool) → [a] → [a] a can be any type: –sortBy :: (Int → Int → Bool) → [Int] → [Int] –sortBy :: (Char→Char→Bool) → String →String –sortBy :: ((Int, Int) → (Int, Int) → Bool) → [(Int, Int)] → [(Int, Int)] sortBy (<) :: [a] → [a] (more or less)
Example: quicksort qsort :: [a] → [a] qsort [] = [] qsort (x:xs) = (qsort lt) ++ [x] ++ (qsort gt) wherelt = filter (<x) xs gt = filter (>x) xs We could also write qsortBy, replacing (<x) with (f x)
Haskell is lazy eg. head (qsort list) –Only the first element is needed, so the lists gt are never computed! qsort (x:xs)= (qsort lt) ++ … = (qsort (l:ls) ++ …) ++ … … = ((…(qsort [] ++ [y] ++ …)… qsort (x:xs)= y
One more important function map :: (a → b) → [a] → [b] Applies a function f to every element in a list (or, more generally, any data structure) eg. map (*2) [1,2,3] = [2,4,6]
HaskellVV mesh, vtxLabel, vtxData ← polymorphic No global state → labels particular to mesh Query functions like –prevTo :: mesh → vtxLabel → vtxLabel → vtxLabel –lookupData :: mesh → vtxLabel → vtxData Update functions like –setNB :: mesh → vtxLabel → [vtxLabel] → mesh –lookupData :: mesh → (vtxLabel → vtxData → vtxData) → mesh
HaskellVV Long operations are clumsy insertVertex m p q x = replaceWith ( replaceWith ( setNB m x [p,q] ) p q x) q p x)
HaskellVV There are ways around this: insertVertex m p q x = let m1 = setNB m x [p,q] in let m2 = replaceWith m1 p q x in let m3 = replaceWith m2 q p x in … The problem remains: we want sequential operations.
Monads Mathematical structures offering operations which satisfy certain rules … Imperative operations are monads!
Monads provide a way to incorporate ‘side effects’ eg. I/O operations –putStr :: String → IO () –getStr :: IO String (getStr >>= \str → putStr str) :: IO () (do { str ← getStr; putStr str; }) :: IO ()
Monads This looks like imperative code, but… 1.Side-effects are precisely controlled 2.These are first-order objects! –map putStr [“one”, ”two”, ”three”, …] is actually a list of I/O operations –[IO ()], ([IO String], Bool → IO ()) –sequence [do {str ← getStr; putStr str; }, (putStr “foo”), …]
Monads and HaskellVV use a monad MeshOp: prevToOp :: vtxLabel→vtxLabel→MeshOp vtxLabel setNBOp :: vtxLabel → [vtxLabel] → MeshOp () MeshOp is just an operation: executeMeshOp :: MeshOp () → mesh → mesh
Example: insertVertex insertVertex :: vtxLabel → vtxLabel → MeshOp vtxLabel insertVertex p q = dolbl ← newVertexOp setNBOp lbl [p,q] replaceWithOp p q lbl replaceWithOp q p lbl return lbl
Monads and HaskellVV Some things are easy (like forall): map someOperation (listVertices mesh) map insertVertex (listNeighbours mesh) However, many vv programs require two (or more) passes through a forall statement Hmmm…maybe Haskell can help here?
Delay monads The Delay monad lets you arbitrarily delay an operation: synchronize ( do { delay a; b; }) ↔ do { b; a; } A vertex or pair can be dealt with in one go: synchronize (map doSomething (getVertices mesh))
Example: delayedInsertVertex dInsertVertex :: vtxLabel →vtxLabel → MeshOp vtxLabel dInsertVertex p q = dolbl ← newVertexOp delay (do setNBOp lbl [p,q] replaceWithOp p q lbl replaceWithOp q p lbl) return lbl
Example, continued An operation can then be someOperation = synchronize ( map handleOne (getNeighbours mesh)) where handleOne (p,q) = dolbl ← delayInsertVertex p q someOtherOperation p q someOtherOperation uses all of the old neighbourhoods!
Conclusion What’s good about Haskell (and HaskellVV?) –Delayed operations –Strict semantics (no side-effects) –Easier to understand the code –Operations are implementation independent –Haskell code can be as fast as C / C++ –Windowing support, OpenGL libraries, …
Conclusion What’s bad about Haskell (and HaskellVV?) –Haskell is functional and lazy Expressions are stored until evaluated (or garbage collected) If you’re not careful, the heap can fill up with unevaluated expressions –Current implementation of vv is slow
What have I left out? Type classes –define what functions may be applied to a type –for instance, (<) :: a → a → Bool is only defined for a in class Ord: ( a → a → Bool –HaskellVV defines classes Mesh mesh vtxLabel vtxData MeshOp op mesh vtxLabel vtxData VectorSpace field vector and others
More information –Haskell homepage, lots of information, plus compilers, interpreters, etc. –Adding my code, will archive this presentation, etc.