MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 1 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Airborne MIRAS Description & Tests Results
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 2 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Project Frame and Objectives Project Team Activities Summary Demonstrator Description Tests Campaign Description Tests Results Project Achievements Contents
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 3 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo ESA Programme:Validation of L-Band Radiometry ESA Contract:15138/01/NL/SF Project Designation:MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 Airborne Demonstrator (AD – MDPP3) Image Validation Test (IVT – MDPP3) Project Duration:32 months (Feb-2004 / Oct-2006) Project Frame
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 4 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo MAIN OBJECTIVES : To build an Airborne MIRAS demonstrator by using the MDPP-1 and 2 hardware To carry out a flight demonstration of the above instrument to extend the imaging validation to real targets To assess the capability of calibrating the Instrument through Cold Sky measurements OTHER OBJECTIVES : To complete the analysis of the MDPP-2 and the IVT-4 campaigns test results To test the double-amplitude noise injection for amplitude calibration To experimentally demonstrate the way of obtaining the FwF through different methods, and To validate methods for the assessment of residual correlations Project Objectives
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 5 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Prime Contractor Airborne Demonstrator Design, Manufacturing and AIT Aircraft Interface Design and Manufacturing Flight Demonstration Residual Correlation and calibration EGSE Design and Manufacturing Mission Plan Collaboration in tests results processing Demonstrator Characterisation and Performances Tests MDPP-3 Tests results processing MDPP-2 Data Processing / Theoretical Support IVT-4 Data Process Contribution to Antenna Functional Tests Modifications on LICEFs, NIR & Clock Generator Development Modifications on DICOS-2 Project Team
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 6 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Activities Summary
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 7 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo AMIRAS Development MDPP-1 & 2 Equipments MIRAS Instrument Concept Airborne MIRAS Design Aircraft Constraints
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 8 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo AMIRAS Architecture Antenna & Equipment Controllers EGSE Antenna Controller POWER COMMANDS & DATA TRANSFER Instrument Structure Aircraft Structural Interface Aircraft Electrical Interface POWER Thermal Control POWER
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 9 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo AMIRAS Development MDPP-1 & 2 Equipments MIRAS Instrument Concept MDPP-n Equipment Selection MDPP-n Equipment Modification New Equipment Acquisition Airborne MIRAS Design Antenna Devlmt: Structure Thermal Control Harness Aircraft/Antenna Interface Development Aircraft Constraints Antenna Controller (EGSE) Development Airborne MIRAS Assembly Integration Verification
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 10 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo AMIRAS Test Campaign Airborne MIRAS Antennae Characterisation Demonstrator Performances Image Validation Tests / Cold Sky Measurements Image Validation Tests / Flight Demo onto real targets Experimental Validation of several MIRAS Instrument Capabilities Availability of an Airborne MIRAS Instrument: AMIRAS Progress on MIRAS Instrument Data Process Algorithms
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 11 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Project Shedule
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 12 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Demonstrator Description
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 13 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Antenna Lay-out 12 element antenna array Y-shaped NIR antenna placed at the centre Element interspacing: d = 0.875
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 14 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Demonstrator Equipment CAS-NS CAS-PD
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 15 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Ground Plane - connecting all the antennas
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 16 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo The Aircraft Interface Structure
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 17 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Antenna Radome
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 18 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Airborne Antenna Controller Unit (EGSE)
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 19 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Tests at UPC Anechoic Chamber: Antenna Pattern and Performances
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 20 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Tests at IRTA: Cold Sky (Calibration) and Sun/Galaxy (Imaging)
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 21 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo The HUT Aircraft: SHORT SC-7 SKYVAN
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 22 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo AMIRAS Installed in TKK Aircraft Antenna Controller Unit (EGSE)
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 23 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Ready for Flight Tests Campaign
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 24 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Test Campaign Description & Results
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 25 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Antenna Characterisation Tests: Measure the antennae Radiation Patterns Demonstrator Performances Tests: Basic Operation Empty Chamber Point Source Fringe Washing Image Validation Tests at IRTA: Galaxy Detection Assessment on instrument calibration through Cold Sky measurements Flight Tests in Finland: Assessment of EMC between Aircraft and AMIRAS Demonstrate functionality of AMIRAS when in-flight conditions Perform Measurements onto Real targets (Sea water, bare soil, vegetation,…) Repeat Cold Sky Measurement to assess instrument calibration Test Campaign Objectives
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 26 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Antenna Characterisation Test UPC anechoic chamber
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 27 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Antenna Characterisation Test Far-field patterns (E θ,E ) computed using spherical mode expansion from Near-field data. Patterns referred to the center of rotation of the spherical system. Post-processing: –Translation to nominal positions in the arms. –Conversion to copolar and crosspolar components (Ludwig 3 rd ). –Coordinate conversion to director cosines (ξ,η). –Normalization with respect maximum value. –Directivity and solid angle computation. Interactive viewer –antenna patterns\index.htmantenna patterns\index.htm
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 28 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo ….. Copolar patternAperture fields Phase (copolar)Amplitude Co-polar Cross-polar η=0 ξ=0
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 29 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Empty chamber: Noise source off Instrument facing a chamber wall Point source: Noise source on Instrument as in the picture Horn rotated at 0º, 45º and 90º Demonstrator Performances Tests
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 30 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Polarization switch consistency Horn Vertical Horn Horizontal V-polH-pol
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 31 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Empty Chamber Correlation Offsets V-pol H-pol A1-A2 A2-A3 A3-A4
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 32 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Point Source Test Results Translated to antenna plane Fully Calibrated Visiblility
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 33 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo IRTA (Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentària) Ebro River Delta. Catalonia Image Validation Tests
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 34 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Sun tracking during day Cold Sky calibration during night Galaxy imaging when present in FOV Instrument installation at IRTA GPS antenna Metallic fence
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 35 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Flat Target Response Cold Sky measurement Theory V-polH-pol
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 36 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo NIR calibration
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 37 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Sun and Galaxy images
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 38 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Flight Test Flight altitude: ~ 400m over land and lakes and 600m over open sea. Aircraft velocity: ~60m/s Pitch: ~4º (nose up) Integration time: 200ms to reduce blurring. Flight dates: 20th June 2006 (night) 19th July 2006 (night) 20th July 2006 (day) 21th July 2006 (day)
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 39 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo First and second flights Calibration is performed at the beginning and end of flight legs 19th July :07 to 22:32 UTC20th June :00 to 21:39 UTC Cal
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 40 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Ferry flight to Lathi: 20th July :21 to 16:51 UTC Ferry flight back to Helsinky: 21th July :05 to 10:39 UTC Third and fourth flights and cold sky measurement Cal
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 41 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Results from the first flight: Pensaari island
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 42 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Single Snapshot over fresh water (τ=200 ms) Horizontal Vertical Residual systematic errors are still present. Probably due to: -Receiver B1 is failing -Mixed baselines are corrupted and not used. -Inversion algorithm is FFT with average antenna pattern. -Fringe-washing function is not taken into account. -Some external interferences from aircraft were observed
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 43 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Incidence angle dependence Amplitude calibration error Aliasing effect Theoretical radiometric sensitivity due to limited integration time NIR was not available for absolute calibration. An estimation from PMS was used instead.
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 44 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo MDPP-3 Project Achievements
MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project #3 (MDPP-3) SMOS SAG Meeting No November 2006Slide 45 ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo Main achievements of the project have been: a)Delivery of a Y-shaped MIRAS airborne demonstrator, fully polarimetric b)Polarimetric formulation of the Corbella equation c)First galaxy image ever with a Y-shape MIRAS demonstrator (IRTA) d)Flat Target Transformation experimental validation (IRTA) e)Demonstration of imaging capabilities in airborne conditions f)First experimental verification ever of the FwF closure (using HUT-2D) g)Consolidation of calibration, data processing and image reconstruction for SMOS AMIRAS Availability: The airborne demonstrator is currently stored at TKK (HUT) premises in Helsinki Future Test Campaign should take account that receiver B1 functionality must be checked and repaired if needed