John Zammit-Haber National Grid GB SQSS Governance John Zammit-Haber National Grid
Background - GB SQSS GB SQSS has no governance arrangements in place to manage changes GB SQSS Review Group formed to: create and maintain governance arrangements consider requests to review the GB SQSS facilitate industry consultations recommend changes/amendments to the GB SQSS
Background – The Review Group Formed by the 3 transmission licensees to Develop and maintain GB SQSS Governance arrangements Co-ordinate GB SQSS review and amendment proposals on an ongoing basis Comprises membership from National Grid Electricity Transmission Scottish Power Transmission Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Ofgem representative (Observer)
GB SQSS Governance - Overview Governance Framework Accepted Industry Practice Based on ‘Governance of Electricity Standards’ (GES) framework Based on the STC model Voluntary arrangements Developing a robust governance process Genuine commitment to following the process GB SQSS Amendment Procedure Review Proposal Evaluation and Assessment Industry workshops as appropriate Industry Consultation Amendment Proposal Implementation
Review proposals Proposals to review GB SQSS should address the principles outlined in the Electricity Act Key issues to be addressed development, maintenance and operation of an efficient, economical and coordinated system of electricity transmission ensuring appropriate levels security and quality of supply and safe operation of the GB Transmission System facilitating effective competition in the generation and supply of electricity
Who can propose a review? Any of the transmission licensees The Authority (OFGEM) and any other person proposed by the Authority Any person with relevant interest If the review proposal does not meet the required criteria it will not be processed. The GB SQSS Secretary will notify the propose of the rejection of the proposal, explaining the reasons. Proposer may revise proposal and resubmit
Proposal evaluation and assessment If the Review Group decides that an analysis is required, it will form a sub-group to carry out the analysis, otherwise it will proceed to the consultation phase In order to provide the Review Group with the relevant information to make recommendations, the sub-group will invite representations, commission studies or convene industry workshops and other evaluation as appropriate, prepare a report with findings and recommendations for changes/amendments to the GB SQSS and submit to the Review Group
Industry consultation The Review Group prepares the consultation document setting out: The proposed review, recommendations, summary of assessments, proposed implementation date and summary of representations of each Party in relation to such matters Invite representations in relation to the consultation document On receipt of the representations, the Review Group prepares a summary of such representations
Amendment proposal Review Group considers representations from the consultation and prepares the Amendment Report Review Group submits the report to the Authority Transmission licensees are individually responsible for sending a licence change request to the Authority
Implementation A transmission licensee will notify the Review Group Secretary of the response by the Authority to its change request The Review Group makes the necessary changes to the GB SQSS The relevant transmission licensees are responsible for implementing changes to their systems and internal processes to effect the approved amendment
GB SQSS review register The Review Group shall maintain a Review Register which shall record: Details of proposed review Current status and progress of each proposed review Current status and progress of each approved amendment to the GB SQSS
Additional Information GB SQSS Website Governance document GB SQSS Review Group Terms of Reference Sub-groups Meeting notes Review Register Work in progress Watch the space!
GB SQSS Governance