(Information System) Architecture l Definition (Zachman, 1997): An Architecture is that set of design artifacts or descriptive representations that are relevant for describing an object, such that it can be produced to requirements (quality) as well as maintained over the period of its useful life (change). l Definition (McFadden & Hoffer, 1994): An Information Systems Architecture is a conceptual blueprint or plan that expresses the desired future structure for the information system in an organization
The Zachman Information Systems Architecture Framework: Premises l Complex products don’t have a single architectural representation l They have a set of representations depicting ] different perspectives (roles) being played in the development process. ] different characteristics (e.g. data, process, location, people, time, motivation) that can be dealt with individually (but not independently)
Peter Kiewit Institute of Science, Technology, and Engineering
PKI Floor Plan
Goal of Zachman Information Systems Architecture Framework l Provide an analytical framework that can be used to guide development of an information system architecture (or, more precisely, a sequence of related representations of an information system’s architecture).
The Zachman ISA Framework Roles (Building example)
The Zachman ISA Framework Roles (IS example)
Roles in the Zachman ISA Framework l Each row is a “layer” of the total picture, representing a total view of the solution from a particular perspective l Rows are not levels of understanding, complexity, or detail. They are different perspectives. l Each row adds constraints l Each row must conform to the constraints of rows above it
The Zachman ISA Framework Characteristics (Dimensions)
The Zachman ISA Framework Pulling it Together
In other words.... The Zachman Framework is a classification scheme for design artifacts, that is, descriptive representations, of any complex object Inmon, Zachman & Geiger, 1997 Data Stores, Data Warehousing, and the Zachman Framework