University of Padova library services Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo
Antonella De Robbio profile librarian at the University of Padova Library System: coordinator of OAI Eprints and e-Learning Projects scientific coordinator of Italian Biomedical Publications Database (Ministry of Health) expert member on copyright and I.P.R. European MINERVA project on digitisation activity in the DML in collaboration with Marini development of a set of tools for displaying and connecting classification schemes, applied to the MSC, ZDM, PACS and CCS, as well to DDC E-LIS manager (international OAI in LIS) Italian coordinator of MAI
Introduction: local activities Co-ordinating Manager at the Library System of the University of Padova, the University Centre for Libraries (CAB) I was Responsible (from 1977 and until 2002) for the Mathematics Library of the University of Padua. I established and currently co-ordinate the MathSciNet Italy Consortium (22 Italian Universities) Since 2002 I have been responsible for the Projects Section and Digital Library: digitalization, Eprints repositories (open access in general), bibliographical services to support e-learning In my role I co-ordinate the Working Group for the implementation of EPrints sw. - a system of OAI compatible Open Archives - for the University of Padova research papers. I am also the co-ordinator of the Pole of the libraries of the detached centres.
Introduction: national activities I am Referent for the copyright and intellectual property issues for my University and as such I participate in the Italian section of the International Association for Intellectual Property Protection (AIPPI) and I am an expert member on copyright and intellectual property policies for a specific Task Force at CRUI (Conference of the Italian Rectors) I am working as a copyright and intellectual property expert for the Italian Digital Library, a project of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Assets. I have prepared a digitalisation plan for a new big library, named BEIC European Library of Information and Culture, which will be open in Milan in 2011 I give lessons in some Masters and University Courses in Italy My University (Masters for school librarians – Education Sciences Fac.) Others: Napoli, Ravenna, Urbino,...
Volounteer activities I am co-ordinating the development and management of the MAI system, which is a result of co-operation between the Italian Library Association (AIB) and the Consorzio Interuniversitario Lombardo per l'elaborazione automatica (CILEA). In 2003 I implemented an electronic open access archive for scientific or technical documents, published or unpublished, in Librarianship, Information Science and Technology, and related application activities, named E-LIS, of which I am manager.
We serve students and over academics with: 55 libraries 5.7 million euro budget (staff excluded) books journals (current subscriptions) e-journals 200+ staff all disciplines covered (13 faculties) University of Padova Library System Our figures
Average Italian university Average figures per university: 24 libraries 1.5 million euro expendture for aquisitions 69 staff users: students academics
55 libraries as administrative units 1 coordinating centre Common objectives + coordinating function provide a system approach University of Padova Library System Organization
a single library management system and catalogue (OPAC) connected to the national catalogue (SBN) outstanding electronic bibliographic service with locally hosted databases (120) providing service to other universities and private companies through a commercial partnership (Ensemble, University of Padova Library System Important features
strong focus on electronic resources (e- journals) available through the WAN and remotely web site as a portal to resources through state of the art technology (php, zope) some digital library projects University of Padova Library System Important features
University of Padova Library System High profile and reputation at national level coordination of the E-resources Committee of the Library Commission of the Italian Rectors Standing Conference founder and current coordinator of the CIPE group (12 libraries cooperating for e-journal acquisitions) founding and coordination of the national group for university libraries measurement (GIM) host of the national mailing list of directors of library services of italian universities
Capere: e-journals catalogue/database Bibliomedia: in house open source sw for the management of e-collections connected to the library management system Italian Biomedical Publications Database University of Padova Library System Digital Library Projects
2 OAI e-print servers (experimental) V enice L agoon D igital L ibrary : thematic archive collecting metadata and full text of research papers, primary data, maps, pictures in the field of environmental and biological sciences University of Padova Library System Digital Library Projects
digitization of Italian Social and Business Studies journals microfilm conversion into digital format DAFNE: nationally funded project for electronic publishing Digital Math Library (participation) University of Padova Library System Digital Library Projects