Dialogue Systems 2 GSLT Spring 2003
Purpose The purpose of the course is to –do real research on dialogue systems by –building on existing systems developed by researchers involved in GSLT. Implementation work is encouraged, as is research that directly contributes to existing systems and projects.
Contents The course will be primarily based on student research projects, supervised locally. Researchers from Göteborg, Linköping and KTH will present their dialogue systems, related research results, and current research topics. On the basis of these presentations, students select a research topic –either one suggested by the lecturers, or –some other improvement or development of an existing system.
Göteborg TrindiKit –a toolkit for building and experimenting with dialogue systems using the information state approach –developed in the TRINDI and SIRIDUS projects, GoDiS –a dialogue system built using TrindiKit and –implementing an issue-based model of dialogue management. Course project types –Adding features to TrindiKit or GoDiS –Building GoDiS applications
Göteborg literature Robin Cooper and Staffan Larsson (forthcoming): Accommodation and reaccommodation in dialogue. To appear in Bäuerle, Reyle and Zimmermann (eds.): Presuppositions and Discourse. Elsevier, Amsterdam. (21 pages) Staffan Larsson, Alexander Berman, Leif Grönqvist and Fredrik Kronlid (2002): TrindiKit 3.0 Manual. SIRIDUS deliverable D6.4. Staffan Larsson (2002): Issue-based Dialogue Management. PhD Thesis, Goteborg University. (290 pages) David Traum and Staffan Larsson (forthcoming): The Information State Approach to Dialogue Management (DRAFT). To appear in Smith and Kuppevelt (eds.): Current and New Directions in Discourse & Dialogue, Kluwer Academic Publishers. (30 pages)
KTH Alltiallo (All in one) –Alltiallo has been running for some time and we have papers from different studies and also the platform. HIGGINS - (preliminary title). –The "HIGGINS" project, preliminary title, is still on the drawing board and has no directly relevant literature. The project has so far a focus on error handling in dialog systems.
KTH literature Gustafson J (2002). Developing multimodal spoken dialogue systems. Empirical studies of spoken human-computer interaction. Doctoral Thesis. Department of Speech, Music and Hearing, KTH, Stockholm Melin H (2001). ATLAS: A generic software platform for speech technology based applications. TMH-QPSR, KTH, 1:29-42 Melin H, Sandell A & Ihse M (2001). CTT-bank: A speech controlled telephone banking system - an initial evaluation. TMH-QPSR, KTH, 1:1-27 Pakucs B (2002) VoiceXML-based Dynamic Plug and Play Dialogue Management for Mobile Environments. Proc of the ISCA Workshop Multi-Modal Dialogue in Mobile Environments Pakucs B (2002) A Human Centered Approach to Speech Interfaces in Mobileand Ubiquitous Computing Environments. DRAFT, To be published in QPRS.
Linköping tools and frameworks on nlpFarm –for iterative development of dialogue systems. a method for customising a dialogue systems framework –in our case the LINLIN/MALIN framework, –which advocates incremental addition of dialogue capabilities, as presented in the papers below. Course work can either include –the development of a dialogue system for a new application or –extending and refining current demo systems on nlpFarm.
Linköping literature Iterative Development of an Information-Providing Dialogue System; Pontus Johansson, Lars Degerstedt and Arne Jönsson, Proceedings of the 7th ERCIM Workshop "User Interfaces for All" Paris, France, Iterative Implementation of Dialogue System Modules; Lars Degerstedt and Arne Jönsson, Proceedings of Eurospeech 2001, Aalborg, Denmark, A Method for Iterative Implementation of Dialogue Management; Lars Degerstedt and Arne Jönsson, IJCAI Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical Dialogue Systems, Seattle, 2001.