1Peter, #3 How Christian Affects Your Life & Relationships 1Peter 2:13 - 3:12
1Peter, #3- How Christianity Affects Life & Relationships Let’s review what we’ve already learned: >1Peter was written to Christians in a changing political/religious world. >It was written largely to warn of and strengthen saints for impending persecution.
1Peter, #3- How Christianity Affects Life & Relationships Specifically, we’ve seen that: >Peter is urging these scattered aliens to live exemplary lives of holiness and right conduct regardless of the circumstance. What we’ll see now is that the lifestyle of holiness will change every facet of their lives…. >as Citizens, as Servants, & as Spouses
1Peter, #3- How Christianity Affects Life & Relationships Or put another way, their lives >in Society >in the Workplace &>in the Home must now be dominated by their dedication to do the right thing because it is the right thing!
1Peter, #3- How Christianity Affects Life & Relationships Otherwise, whatever they suffer by way of persecution will: be deserved, destroy their faith, fail to properly influence others, and cost them not only their lives, but their souls as well!
1Peter, #3- How Christianity Affects Life & Relationships Therefore, living righteously in persecution will change their relationship to the Government. 1Peter 2:13-16 >vv Submission is required to all forms of government. -It is God’s requirement- not our choice. -Such is ordained by Him, Rom.13:1-4 >v.15 The purpose is at least partially evangelistic. cf. 3:17
1Peter, #3- How Christianity Affects Life & Relationships So, >v.16 -Act as free men -Don’t abuse your freedom & -Use it for God’s purposes. What does this mean in practical terms? >v.17 -Honor all men, -Love the brotherhood, -Fear God (rather than the government) -Honor the king.
1Peter, #3- How Christianity Affects Life & Relationships Living righteously in persecution will also change their relationship in the Workplace. 1Peter 2:18-20 >v.18 Submission is required…. -with respect -to the unreasonable as well >v.19 Suffering unjustly finds favor with God. He doesn’t desire it, but >v.20 Prefers it over suffering justly!
1Peter, #3- How Christianity Affects Life & Relationships Why are these things so???? 1Peter 2:21-25 >v.21 It is your purpose because it was Christ’s purpose. >v.22 He suffered sinlessly, we don’t. >v.23 He overcame the temptation to return evil for evil by trusting God! >v.24 He did so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. >v.25 If we would Sheep of His Fold, we must follow the steps of the Shepherd!
1Peter, #3- How Christianity Affects Life & Relationships Living righteously in persecution will also change their relationship in the Home…. 1Peter 3:1-6 For the Wives: >v.1 Submission to disobedient husbands without a word, can influence them for good. >v.2 The proper behavior is required. >vv.3-4 Proper adornment is required inside and out! >vv.5-6 “Yes” it will too work! It did before!
1Peter, #3- How Christianity Affects Life & Relationships Living righteously in persecution will also change their relationship in the Home…. 1Peter 3:7 For the Husbands: >live with them >in an understanding way (as weaker & as a woman) >grant (apportion or assign) her honor >otherwise, your relationship with God suffers!
1Peter, #3- How Christianity Affects Life & Relationships The Summation: 1Peter 3:8-12 >v.8 Harmony, sympathy, kindness, and humility is required in each of these relationships to be pleasing to God. >v.9 Otherwise, you’re no better/different than anyone else, cf. Matt.5: The Key to Victorious, Happy Living? vv.10-12