CSC, , A. Lombardi. 1 Status of HIPPI – April 2007 Maurizio Vretenar Alessandra Lombardi
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 2 Contents News since September 2006 HIPPI06 and referee comments WP highlights Meetings, deliverables Outlook for 2007
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 3 HIPPI06 Meeting in Jülich JRA Meeting on September 27th – 29th in Julich. 35 registered participants from all contributing institutes + 1 or 2 external. All 3 members of the ESAC: J. Stovall (LANL-SNS), Y. Yamazaki (KEK-JPARC), A. Pisent (LNL). 24 WP talks 4 general talks Overview of HIPPI prototypes LINAC4 and FAIR Comparison NC/SC structures above 90 MeV
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 4 HIPPI06-referee comments Overall very positive Worries/recommendations Delays (chopper testing and ISTC DTL) More exchange WP3 WP5 EM interference More sophisticated treatment of expected beam loss as a function of error tolerances
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 5 Hardware by WP WP2 (normal conducting cavities) : DTL power coupler H-DTL SCL (cold model) CCDTL (2 prototypes) WP3 (super conducting cavities) : Cavity A and B (elliptical cavities) Spoke cavities 700 MHz 352 MHz 2-gap and multi-gap CH resonator 700 MHz RF test stand
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 6 WP2 achievements All the 4 milestones achieved, 2 deliverables due for December 06 are delayed by a few months. 4 prototypes of accelerating structures are completed (3 are being tested), 1 more is under construction, a DTL coupler is ready: The CH model built and tested at IAP Frankfurt The CCDTL prototype the day of delivery at CERN (Jan. 07), presently under testing Cells of the SCL prototype built at LPSC Grenoble, presently under test
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 7 BINP, Novosibirsk RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk CCDTL prototype built under the ISTC contract 2875: 1 acc. tank + coupling cell + 1 acc. tank + coupling half-cell VNIITF: Half-tank shells and coupling cells (copper plated inside) Support frame VNIITF, Snezhinsk BINP, Novosibirsk CERN, Geneva Mech. & vacuum checks (VNIITF, BINP, CERN) Low-level rf measurements (BINP, CERN) High power tests (CERN) CCDTL module section during frequency tuning BINP: DTs, fixed tuners and waveguide External water cooling circuits Final assembly DT installation Copper plated parts VNIITF BINP Who did what?
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 8 The field profile in the accelerating gaps was measured using bead pulling. Field flatness over the two tanks is within 1.5%.
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 9 Comparison of the field profile measurements done at CERN and at BINP (green)
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 10 WP3 achievements All the 6 milestones have been achieved, the only deliverable due by mid term (cavity B ready) has been achieved end of March 07. All components for the test stand at CEA Saclay have been delivered, installation is in progress Prototype superconducting cavities are ready or under construction: Cavity B being prepared for tests at CEA Saclay Design of the 3-spoke cavity (FZJ-IPN) being built at FZJ. High-power RF components for the test stand at Saclay
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 11 Elliptical Cavity B is now at Saclay
CSC, , A. Lombardi kV power supply HV Pulse power supply 1 MW – 704 MHz Klystron Main components of the RF power test stand are now at Saclay 704 MHz Circulator, RF loads and bi-directionnal couplers
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 13 Klystron 700 MHz 1MW IOT 80kW Circulator Load HV Pulse Generator Load Klystron 1300 MHz 2MW 110 kV power supply Power supply View of the complete RF power platform CryHoLab RF power platform Next 2 months : - wave guide connection -Installation of the water-cooling system Commisionning of the RF power test stand in June 07
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 14 Hardware by WP (continued) WP4 (chopping) Chopper structures (A,B) Chopper drivers (A,B) Dump WP5 (beam dynamics) : Diagnostics Profile by fluorescence Non interceptive bunch measurement Halo device Beam profile at FZJ Measurements at the UNILAC
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 15 WP4 achievements All the 5 milestones and 1 deliverable due by mid term have been reached. Three pieces of hardware are ready : CERN chopper plates housed inside a quadrupole, ready to be mounted on the 3 MeV beam line. CERN dump, based on the hyper-vapotron geometry, capable of intersecting the deflected beam power up to 78 MW/m2 RAL Slow Pulse Generator pre-prototype ‘Breadboard’ system
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 16 WP4 –CERN - driver CERN solution, based on mosfet, tested in april06. It works, need money to build the other 3 units. BACK-UP. St. Petersburg solution, based on semiconductor. 6 months delay on delivery. MAINLINE 550 V 700 V
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 17 WP5 achievements 2 milestones delayed by 6 months with justification, 4 achieved. Code development and code comparison advancing as planned Diagnostics are ready: 3 deliverables achieved, 1 delayed (April 07) Bunch Shape and Halo Monitor during the test with a laser beam in Tests with a particle beam are planned for A Beam Induced Fluorescence (BIF) Monitor installed on the GSI LINAC
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 18 Milestones and deliverables DELIVERABLES : 2005 : 1/1 delivered 2006 : 4/8 delivered. 3 delayed to delayed to (up to today) : 1 delivered, 1 delayed by 3 months
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 19 Milestones and Deliverables Milestones and Deliverables
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 20 Milestones and deliverables
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 21 Milestones and deliverables
CSC, , A. Lombardi worries DTL (WP2) model from Russia will not come or will be very late. Alternative model at CERN with contributions from Russia. Chopper tests with beam will be possible only in June 2008 at the earliest : impacts two deliverables Staffing problems at RAL (?) : impacts one deliverable
CSC, , A. Lombardi. 23 Dissemination and WP meetings Dissemination 8 notes, 2 reports since sept conference papers Periodical HIPPI reports delivered (and about to..) WP meetings : WP2 : may 24 th at CERN WP3 : april 27 th in Orsay WP4 : not fixed yet WP5 : may 21 st in Saclay