DE Workshop Wednesday 11 th February 2009 SWK3180 Fieldwork DE Co-ordinator Rural and Interstate placements: Jennifer McConachy Room C4.01 Tel (03) Fieldwork Coordinator: Marija Dragic Room C4.02 Tel (03) Melbourne placements and Skills Coordinator: Stephanie Vrionis Room C4.04 Tel (03)
2 AASW and Monash requirements Need to complete two placements within social work program of study. Placement must be continuous 70 days within academic year Work according to organisational policies and procedures, eg: 9 – 5 or 8am till 4pm Full time or Part time (minimum 3days/week)
3 AASW and Monash requirements Work based placements must be negotiated with co-ordinator separately. Public holidays included in 70 days Sick leave 3 days Social work supervision vs Task supervision Credit for prior fieldwork experience
4 AASW and Monash requirements No placement will be observational At least one placement in direct practice Placements must be in two different fields of practice and organisations with different client groups
5 Field Education Paperwork Police Checks National Police Check required annually The current volunteer fee for this service is $14. Download police check application form to receive the student concession rate. ce-checks.htmlIt should have Cathy Barnett's signature on it in section 7police check application form
6 Field Education Paperwork When you receive NPC: Download and complete the verification/permission formverification/permission Bring or post original NPC and verification/permission form to Fieldwork Admin for sighting and signing by Dr. Max Liddell, Marija Dragic or Jennifer McConachy You will be given a copy of the verification form for your record keeping. The NPC will also be retained in your student placement file
7 Field Education Paperwork Working With Children Checks Victorian students working with children must obtain a WWC prior to placement Download WWC form and verification form check.html WWC ID card and verification forms must be sighted by faculty Interstate students should refer to SW website for details of WWC requirements in their state
8 Issues for Consideration Wherever you live, think about taking a placement based away from where you live Learning needs Fields in which you would like to gain experience and skills Balancing placement with the rest of your life –Work commitments –Travel time
9 Nuts and Bolts RURAL AND INTERSTATE PLACEMENTS You need to find a placement Use contacts Community services guide for the Local Government area The Department has a fledgling database If the first person can’t offer a placement, ask if they know who might Get the paperwork in early; ask if you are not sure
10 Nuts and Bolts MELBOURNE-BASED PLACEMENTS Do NOT contact agencies We (Marija Dragic and Stephanie Vrionis) will compile a list of available placements in Melbourne This list will be put into groups such as: –Families –Clinical –Education –Youth –Counselling, and more The list of placements will be uploaded on SW website by April
11 Nuts and Bolts MELBOURNE-BASED PLACEMENTS Submit your 3 preferences –Consider your interests, where you live, public transport etc.. Fieldwork team will then secure placements according to preferences Some will get 1 st preference – some won’t We will answer questions and provide lots of detail in at Briefing sessions (March/April) Interview Secure placement (Complete Appendices D&E)
12 Meeting with potential supervisor Read up on organisation ie annual report, websites etc Reflect on why you want to do a placement at chosen agency; what are your learning goals; what skills, values and knowledge do you want to attain through the placement; what skills do you have What are your expectations from supervisor, supervision arrangements, practical arrangements ie desk; phone What are expectations from the university
13 Next workshop June workshop will cover: What are the required pieces of documentation throughout the placement and why we need them How to write a learning agreement What to expect from supervision –Types of supervision –Role of supervisor –Role of student
14 Additional information You will receive a fieldwork manual – this outlines (almost) everything you need to know The website has all the forms you need for placement AASW website has the educational standards and expectations of fieldwork Contact staff at the Department Rural and Interstate placements – Jennifer Melbourne based placements – Marija and Stephanie
15 GOOD LUCK – enjoy, learn and have fun Questions, comments, applause…