16/3/2015 Baryon-Baryon Interactions From Lattice QCD Martin Savage University of Washington K  (Hyperons 2006, Mainz, Germany)


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Presentation transcript:

16/3/2015 Baryon-Baryon Interactions From Lattice QCD Martin Savage University of Washington K  (Hyperons 2006, Mainz, Germany)

26/3/2015 A Grand Challenge for QCD and Nuclear Physics MuMu  QCD MdMd MsMs e ( M Z ) g ( M Z ),,,  QCD, How do the properties and interactions of nuclei depend upon the fundamental parameters of nature ? Fundamental physics and intellectual curiosity Fine-tunings

36/3/2015 The Strategy : QCD to Nuclei QCD Lagrangian N, 2N, 3N, 4N, … Effective Interactions Low-Momentum Interactions For Nuclei EFT and RG Lattice QCD A Exact methods A≤12 GFMC, NCSM, Lattice EFT Shell Model, Coupled Cluster, … A<100 Density Functional Theory ?? Lattice EFT A>100 ( HYP 2006 )

46/3/2015 Chiral Symmetry and the 2N, 3N and 4N Interactions Low energy EFT of QCD Quark mass dependence Softer interaction Counterterms !!!!

56/3/2015 g A from Lattice QCD (LHPC) JLab Lattice Chroma  PT : V M q a SciDAC Mixed Action: DWF on Staggered Lattices (R. Edwards, B. Joo)

66/3/2015 Strong Isospin Breaking from Isospin Symmetric Lattices Neutron-Proton Mass Difference : Quark mass differences, m d -m u Electromagnetism Partially-Quenched Lattice Calculations + Theory M n - M p = MeV expt = MeV Electromagnetism

76/3/2015 Maiani-Testa: End of the Innocence  (s) ? G NN (s) Euclidean = G NN (s) Minkowski One Hopes that Away from Kinematic Thresholds

86/3/2015 a  from Lattice QCD (S. Beane, P. Bedaque, K. Orginos, mjs ; PRD73, (2006)) JLab Lattice Chroma  PT : V M q a Mixed-Action (Chen, O’Connel Van de Water, Walker-Loud) SciDAC (R. Edward, B. Joo)  N f = 2+0 N f = 2+1

96/3/2015 K +  + Scattering Length (S.Beane, P.Bedaque, T.Luu, K.Orginos, E.Pallante, A.Parreno, mjs ; hep-lat/ )

106/3/2015 K  Scattering Lengths Lattice QCD + Chiral Symmetry

116/3/2015 NN Correlators 1S01S0 3 S D 1 G Fully-Dynamical QCD Domain-Wall Valence on rooted-Staggered Sea  C n Exp [-E n t] n C 0 Exp [-E 0 t]

126/3/2015 Two-Particle Energy Levels (Luscher) UV regulator Below Inelastic Thresholds : Measure on lattice

136/3/2015 NN Scattering: Chiral Extrapolation (S.R. Beane, P.F. Bedaque, K. Orginos, mjs ; PRL97, (2006)) 1 S 0 : pp, pn, nn 3 S D 1 : pn : deuteron a ~ 1/m 

146/3/2015  - n 1 S I=3/2, J=0, s=1 a (t) Log[ G ] Fully-Dynamical QCD Domain-Wall Valence on rooted-Staggered Sea (S.Beane, P.Bedaque, T.Luu, K.Orginos, E.Pallante, A.Parreno, mjs ) M  = 497 MeV PRELIMINARYPRELIMINARY

156/3/2015  Interactions --- I=0, J=0, s=2 -ve Energy Shift ? M  = 590 MeV

166/3/2015 Ql – Ql Potentials.. A toy for NN e.g. B-mesons Q Q Q Q Direct Exchange Quenched M  ~ 420 MeV M  ~ 700 MeV Light d.o.f : S=1/2, I=1/2 (I,S) = (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1)

176/3/2015 Quenched : a=0.10 fm, L=1.6 fm 150 cfgs    

186/3/2015 Tensor Force ?

196/3/2015 Summary and Outlook Lattice QCD is an important part of the future of (Hyper-) Nuclear Physics (Hyper-) Nuclear Physics 1/ Reproduce what is known 1/ Reproduce what is known 2/ Calculate quantities that are poorly known or not known at all! 2/ Calculate quantities that are poorly known or not known at all!  n,  n,   n,  n,  First motion toward rigorous QCD calculations (via EFT’s) of properties and interactions of nuclei. Coherent effort between numerical and analytic investigations. nn , K


216/3/2015 M = 350 MeV 2.5 fm lattices... M  = 350 MeV 2.5 fm lattices... TODAY !! TODAY !! NN on the Lattice: Unnatural Scattering Lengths (Beane, Bedaque, Parreno, mjs) ~E L 2 Deuteron 1st continuum 2nd continuum

226/3/2015 Energy Scales and QCD 8 Be +  C MuMu  QCD MdMd MsMs  QCD f 2 (,, ) MuMu  QCD MdMd MsMs  QCD f 1 (,, ) MuMu  QCD MdMd MsMs  QCD f 0 (,, ) Energy levels are … + electroweak M c, M b, M t ``in’’  QCD

236/3/2015  Interactions -ve Energy Shift ?