Piama birth cohort Gerard H. Koppelman Pediatric Pulmonology and Pediatric Allergology Beatrix Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands Groningen Research Institute for Asthma and COPD
Piama: part of the Allergenic study A nation wide Dutch collaborative study on atopy development in three birth cohorts Piama Prevask KOALA
The ALLERGENIC study PIAMA PREVASC KOALA Bottema et al, Eur Respir J 2008; 32: 593–602
03 mnd1 jr4 jr6 jr PR 8 jr2 jr Spec IgE: N=1732 Total IgE: N=1899 Spec IgE: N= 1206 Total IgE: N=1242 Spec IgE: N=1093 Total IgE: N=1093 IgE in Allergenic Spec IgE: N=212 Total IgE: N=212 Spec IgE: N=714 Total IgE: N=748
IL13 / 3’UTR and serum IgE Bottema et al, Eur Respir J 2008
PIAMA study 1) general overview 2) what are the strengths 3) what resources do you have 4) what areas would you be interested in collaborating on?
PIAMA study - overview a placebo controlled intervention study in which the effect of mite impermeable mattress covers was studied -a natural history study -Recruitment took place in Total n = 4,146
01 jr4 jr6 jr8 jr2 jr Measurements in Piama Clinic visit: -Total IgE -Sp IgE -FEV1 -BHR -NO Clinic visit: -Total IgE -Sp IgE -FEV1 -BHR -NO House visit: -Exposure -LPS -Der P1 -Eczema Cord blood IgE
PIAMA study - age 4 -All 1,327 children of allergic mothers -a random sample of 663 children of non- allergic mothers -Medical examination: 1,288 children -DNA was collected from 1,046 of these children
PIAMA study: strenghts Excellent follow up, now untill age 11 Homogeneous Dutch population Potential to pool data with 2 other Dutch birth cohorts Environmental data: LPS, Der P1 in subset Air pollution – based on address information
CD , dog and IgE Dog Age (years) Bottema et al, Eur Respir J 2008; 32: 593–602
PIAMA study: resources DNA is now available of over 2,000 children GWAS data in n = 400 (GABRIEL) DNA: genomic / amplified DNA Follow up investigations ongoing
PIAMA study: collaboration Field of interests: –Phenotype: Bronchial hyperresponsiveness / lung function / NO Early wheezing phenotypes –G x E Passive smoking, intervention study Air pollution Pooling of data: LPS, Der P1 –Open towards collaborations
Acknowledgement UMCG / University Groningen: N.E. Reijmerink R.W.B Bottema D.S. Postma M. Kerkhof J. Gerritsen Erasmus MC Rotterdam: J. de Jongste IRAS, Utrecht: B. Brunekreef RIVM, Bilthoven: H.A. Smit University Hospital / University Maastricht C.P. van Schayck F. Stelma C. Thijs