Warwick Actuarial Conference Roger Edwards Products Director Bright Grey It’s about time we got it right!
Do you know what consumer focus is?
Is it really possible to innovate?
Innovation That’s a daft idea….. We couldn’t do that because…… My only concern is that….. The Reassurers won’t let us do that….
Taking a risk? Short term Sales Profit/Share price Tactics Safety in similarity Long term Strategy R&D Innovation New product lines
Innovation Are we designing products for consumers or our distribution channels? Bells and whistles that let our consultants get one up on the competition or benefits of real value to the consumer? Features that research well with consumers don’t always research well with distributors
Do you really talk to your customers?
Talking to customers Talk to consumers – how many of us do this enough? Product testing Trial areas FMCG tactics
Research Session one – research concept Refine session Session two – research concept Refine session Session three – research concept Marketable proposition
What do consumers think about protection? Building lifestyle pictures They do recognise the need Income is the foundation stone
What do consumers think about protection? Confusing Don’t trust it Don’t understand it Too much small print Jargon Not convinced it will pay out
What do consumers need from protection? Consumers want money and help if something goes wrong in their lives but they don’t know what will go wrong To know that it will pay out
Happy customers Financial Debt repayment Family security = income replacement
Happy customers Financial Death Debt repayment Family security = income replacement Major life changing illness Debt repayment Family security = income replacement Prolonged illness Family security = income replacement
Happy customers Financial Debt repayment Family security = income replacement Non-financial Health/well-being Recovery help
Happy customers Non-financial Health/well-being – rewards for staying healthy? Access to early diagnosis Recovery help Counselling Lifestyle advice
Happy customers Financial Debt repayment Family security = income replacement Non-financial Health/well-being Recovery help Clarity What is NOT included Easy to understand Little medical jargon
Happy customers Clarity Chatty language No jargon No medical jargon What is covered What is NOT covered No small print No surprises
Summary Financial Debt repayment Family security = income replacement Non-financial Health/well-being Recovery help Clarity What is NOT included Easy to understand Little medical jargon
Product Financial Death Debt repayment Family security = income replacement Major life changing illness Debt repayment Family security = income replacement Prolonged illness Family security = income replacement Life cover?Critical illness?Income protection?
Product Death Debt repayment Family security = income replacement Life cover? Fits bill Probably should sell more income benefit – value for money
Product Major life changing illness Debt repayment Family security = income replacement Critical illness? Complex to explain definitions Gaps Windfalls
Product Prolonged illness Family security = income replacement Income protection? Idea meets needs but: Complex Don’t know what you’ll pay or what you’ll get
Language - communication
IP Whole of Life LTA FIB CIC TPD Where now? PTD PMI
Where now? “Buy one get one free” “In the event that you procure one item, as defined by the appropriate boxed quantity and confirmed by the electronic point of sale supervisor, we will assist you in the procurement of a second item, as defined by the appropriate boxed quantity, for no charge, that is, no monetary transaction, as defined by an exchange of currency, would be needed”
Communications Communication has got to be simple How do retailers sell financial services?
Claims tidal wave - solutions Critical illness is easy to understand “If you get one of the illnesses on the list and you get a stack of cash” “If you get one of the illnesses on the list and it meets a quite complex medical definition then you get a stack of cash”
What IFAs want? IFAs say tighter CI definitions better than losing guarantee By Sonia Speedy IFAs would rather see definitions on guaranteed critical-illness policies continually tightened than lose them altogether, according to research by Legal & General. L&G's survey of 400 IFAs found that new- generation CI cover products should be based on today's model rather than "radical" new designs. Fifty- seven per cent of the IFAs offer only guaranteed premiums to clients while 42 per cent offer both guaranteed and reviewable rates.
ABI - Definition creep Any malignant tumour characterised by the uncontrolled growth and spread of malignant cells and invasion of tissue. The term cancer includes leukaemia and Hodgkin’s disease, but the following are excluded: All tumours which are histologically described as pre-malignant, as non-invasive or as cancer-in-situ Any skin cancer other than invasive malignant melanoma All forms of lymphoma in the presence of any Human Immunodeficiency Virus Kaposi’s Sarcoma in the presence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus All tumours of the prostate unless histologically classified as having a Gleason score greater than 6 or having progressed to at least TNM classification T2N0M0 All tumours of the bowel unless progressed to and measured by some meaningless medical measure All tumours of the liver unless progressed to and measured by some other meaningless medical measure
Communications Many articles state that the female market should be targeted more. Nowhere in these articles does it ever say how to do this. Suggestions of articles in females glossies. The female network
Traditional triggers
Modern triggers
So what does this mean for current product developments?
The future of critical illness cover Concerns Medical advancements Claims tidal wave Non disclosure
What consumer need is critical illness cover meeting?
What consumer need is critical illness meeting? Income replacement? Debt repayment? Mortgage repayment? Lifestyle adjustment? Compensation for life changing events?
Evolution – Reviewable definitions The public don’t trust our existing small print Now we expect them to accept variable small print? Could only work with independent body who agrees when something can be changed The CIC Plan NEW – Reviewable Definitions
Evolution – Severity underpin Retains existing problems at an individual definition level Expectations – “I’ve still got cancer” More small print to explain The CIC Plan NEW – Severity Underpin
Evolution – Tiered benefits Split between severe and mild illnesses More complex medical definitions More to explain Chance of making the wrong decision The CIC Plan NEW – Tiered benefits
Challenges More complexity More explanation required More small print More declined claims
Evolution – acceptable guaranteed product The CIC Plan Bin angioplasty, CABG and other heart surgeries Introduce age limit of 65 Introduce cover limit - £250,000
Lump sum into income £250,000 lump sum £30,300pa for 10yrs £22,100pa for 15yrs £18,100pa for 20yrs £15,700pa for 25yrs Income generator
Whatever we do with CI – people need more income protection!
Summary Design propositions for the consumer, get buy in from the distributor, give them the tools to sell Think beyond the “financial bit” – what is the whole end to end proposition Research, research, research, test, test, test Include communication and service innovation Design a product based on the needs of the person buying it