in conjunction with
Building an effective Web Site. Roger Marriott Roger Marriott.
in conjunction with Why an online presence is essential 62% of consumer purchasing decisions involve online research * 93% of technology purchasing decisions are made online ** 96% of industrial purchasing decisions involve online research *** 54% of industrial purchasing processes are begun online *** The web is the most popular place to look for a local supplier ! ** On-line retail spending due to reach £42.4bn by 2012 Web sales less impacted than the High Street - e.g. On-line clothing sales are predicted to grow by 100% from 5% to 10% over the next 12 months * Yahoo 2006 ** Search Engine Guide *** Industrial Marketing Survey
Over 30% of small and medium businesses have no Web presence Well over half of those businesses with a Web site feel that it does not fulfil their aspirations However…
Clarity about your reasons for creating a Web presence What function is your Web site going to perform? A basic on-line brochure Actively promote your business on line Transact business on line Is your business set up to support that activity?
in conjunction with Web Essentials.
in conjunction with Domain Names (s?) Your ‘brand’ on-line, business identity Short, easy to remember –Will usually be your address too
in conjunction with Domain Names (s?) Taxidermy&naturalhistoryartifacts.c o.u k k
in conjunction with
in conjunction with Domain Names (s?) Your ‘brand’ on-line, business identity Short, easy to remember –Will be your address,,.net,.org,.mob,.biz,.info,.name
in conjunction with
in conjunction with Domain Names (s?) Your ‘brand’ on-line, business identity Short, easy to remember Will be your address,,.net,.org,.mob,.biz,.info,,,.net,.org,.mob,.biz,.info, (Al Gore & Dot Eco).eco? (Al Gore & Dot Eco) Permanent 301 redirect
in conjunction with Hosting Is a Domain Name included? Availability (‘up-time’) ? Web Space available? Choice? Security? Level of Support? Web site builder tools?
in conjunction with Website Structure (BT’s Example)
in conjunction with Let your customers help you
in conjunction with Legal Requirements Legal Requirements for Limited Companies Registered Name, including any Trading Names Registration Number and Country of Registration Registered Office address plus Geographic Address Vat Number (even if you do not trade on line!) address of Company Trade or Professional Association details People with Disabilities
in conjunction with
Self Build or Professional Build? Self Build –Template based –‘Drag and Drop’ process –Included in hosting package? Professional Build –Not expensive (>£500 from BT) –Questions to ask:- Who owns the site? Who can change the site? Where will it be hosted? Do you have choice?
in conjunction with Content and SEO Professional logo ‘About us’ page Legal requirements What you do Address and contact details Location map etc.
in conjunction with
Content and SEO Professional logo ‘About us’ page Legal requirements What you do Address and contact details Location map etc. Well written, focussed, content Functionality over Look
in conjunction with
Content and SEO Professional logo ‘About us’ page Legal requirements What you do Address and contact details Location map etc. Well written, focussed, content Functionality over Look Two levels, Overview and Detailed Identify keywords that describe the product or service being offered Short words, short sentences, short paragraphs keyword repetition Demonstrate your expertise, your knowledge, your ability Build Trust A written style that matches the business, and the customer base that you are focused upon
in conjunction with Visibility to Search Engines and Directories –Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Keywords Content and SEO
in conjunction with
Visibility To Search Engines and Directories –Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Keywords Title tags Relevance (does the search find what is expected) Popularity (Links into) Up to date (Blogs help here) Header tags Meta robot, meta tags etc… Content and SEO
in conjunction with Content and SEO Visibility Submit site to the Search Engines –Viewability on other browser types (Firefox, Mobile Phones) Use all existing routes to display your URL –Business cards, Brochures, Letter headings, Quotations, Invoices, other media advertising Forums, Blogs and Social Networking sites –A presence on MySpace, Facebook etc. –A channel on YouTube to post your videos –On-Line Directories –A Tradespace Community presence
in conjunction with Trading On-Line
in conjunction with
Trading On-Line Lead generation –Phone number, address, integrated enquiry form, call back service, etc. Direct sales –E-commerce package –Security –Clear product description, photos, videos –Delivery options, costs, returns policy –Product ratings, customer reviews –Payment options
in conjunction with Promoting your site Existing contacts –Use every contact to promote site Natural Search Relevant content, popular, updated Use a BLOG page RSS Feed to update interested parties Customer feedback, Case studies, White Papers Links out to ‘Expert’ content
in conjunction with Promoting your site Google ‘AD WORDS’ Pay-Per-Click (PPC) –Pay search engine for prime position –Popular areas may be expensive –Seek guarantees Measure, measure, measure...
in conjunction with Lead generation and mailing lists address capture page Mobile phone details for SMS marketing (‘opt in’ required for these) Marketing List Creation
in conjunction with Showcase and sell Recommend Demonstrate expertise BT Tradespace - a tool for conversational marketing Make contact easy
in conjunction with Measurement – WEB Analytics Page views – total number of pages viewed Visits – how many times your site has been visited Unique Visits – number of unique individuals who accessed your site in a given timeframe Exit (or Bounce) Rate – percentage leaving without going any further Referral Site - how people found your site Returning visitors Visitor location – by city / country
in conjunction with Final Thoughts A good website requires work by the owner Start with understanding your Web Hosting options Be clear and realistic about the objectives of the site View everything from a potential customer’s perspective Get the site basics right, then build on them Understand the concepts of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Use all means to get your site in front of potential customers How will the site interact with your business processes? Be patient and allow time for the site to be recognised and listed Remember, a good website is always a work in progress
in conjunction with Roger Marriott Roger Marriott. Thank You Building an effective Web Site.
in conjunction with A free 15 minute expert consultation, specifically focused on your business objectives An expert review of your current website, including Google rankings, presentation and functionality Easy-to-understand advice on what you want to achieve online (on any aspect of online business including taking payments, security and getting customers to your site) A written project plan and fixed price quote, summarising all the advice and outlining what you can achieve online and how much it will cost for BT to do it for you All advice is free and without further obligation