Bernard LOING General Delegate 1 20TH ICDE WORLD CONFERENCE ON OPEN LEARNING AND DISTANCE EDUCATION The Future of Learning - Learning for the Future: Shaping the Transition Düsseldorf, Germany, April 2001 Bernard LOING General Delegate of ICDE At UNESCO, Treasurer of the Liaison Committee NGO/UNESCO Keynote Address in the Closing Session on Thursday, 05 April 2001
03/06/2015 Bernard LOING General Delegate 2 ICDE and UNESCO Bernard LOING General Delegate of ICDE At UNESCO, Treasurer of the Liaison Committee NGO/UNESCO
Bernard LOING General Delegate 3 Introduction UNESCO : an Intergovernmental organisation; 189 member states in the year 2000; Mandate: promote collaboration among nations through education, science, and culture; Regular budget: $544 million for Education as major programme: 30,9% The states define objectives and actions; NGOs as “civil society” help to implement UNESCO’s objectives.
Bernard LOING General Delegate 4 The Liaison Committee Represents the 350 international NGOs in official relation with UNESCO; Elected every 3 years (1998, 2001, etc.) 10 members (including ICDE); International Conference; Joint Programme Committees Collective consultations; Regional consultations; Commissions and special events.
Bernard LOING General Delegate 5 Unesco policies and action in Open and Distance Education Priorities in education: access; life-long learning; best training at lowest cost. Promote endogenous capacities in ODL; Recognition of diplomas delivered in ODL; Co-operation with global networks in ODL; Development of IT applied to Education.
Bernard LOING General Delegate 6 ICDE and the World Conference on Higher Education Contribution to framework of action (1998); Paper on follow-up (June 2000); Collective Consultation on Higher Education (November 2000), paper on « ICT Revolution or Solution »(B.Loing); Leader of Working Group on Globalisation, the World of work, and IT Applications;
Bernard LOING General Delegate 7 ICDE and the Global Initiative« Education for All » The Dakar Forum (April 2000), or Jomtien 10 years after; Critical position of the NGOs; Technology for Education in Developing countries? The position of ICDE; NGO Consultation (March 2001) chaired by ICDE: towards a plan of action to finance the Global Initiative, resources and mechanisms.
Bernard LOING General Delegate 8 Various other actions Working Group on Secondary Education; “Educating for a Sustainable Future”; NGO Joint Commission on “ICT and Communication”; The Liaison Committee symposium on “The Culture of Peace” (November 2000); Preparation of the World Summit on The Information Society (2003)
Bernard LOING General Delegate 9 Conclusions ICDE’s central position; a collective work; 2 major priorities: - Development of ICT in Education; - The digital divide; A work of expertise; updating the 1997 UNESCO document on ODL; Contact the National Commissions;