Relaxation Is important to build a stress-free environment Leaves energy free for learning The body needs less energy, leaving more for the brain.
Ideal state of mind Concentrative relaxation The more alert our minds are, the more receptive we are Pleasantness is only the means, not the aim. (Lozanov)
Learning is state of mind dependent Our „states of mind“ constantly change when we are awake. Consequence: I must send out as many signals as possible to relate to as many states I can.
Learning is state of mind dependent Support for teachers: Music All parts (Largos, Allegros, Andantes) are played Language and intonation (use all voice possibilities – chest, head and combined voice)
Alpha waves Alpha waves are often a by-product Not the aim (as in superlearning)
No deep relaxation When deeply relaxed you can memorize things but not recall them. Consequence: Do everything to avoid „sleepy“ states of minds.
Avoid all kinds of deep relaxation „Relaxation is the first level of hypnosis (Lozanov) Hypnoses provokes getting back to back ages The hypnotical state diminishes creativity. Hypnoses can provide diseases
Desuggestopedia is not…. not hypnosis not Superlearning not using a reclining chair, or a sofa. not using "breathing exercise“ not using "alpha wave" enhance exercise not using "slow baroque" music in the concert reading not only a group of teaching techniques not able to teach without a teacher
Concentrative relaxation Learning should happen with pleasure and should be free from tension sleepiness fear stress