PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 1 Status & plans of the SPL* study Why upgrade the proton beams at CERN ? Approved physics programme Potential extensions of the physics programme Why a high energy linac ? Linac versus RCS World-wide context How ? SPL design R. & D. topics and collaborations Staging Roadmap and resources * SPL = Superconducting Proton Linac A concept for improving the performance of the proton beams at CERN, ultimately based on a high-energy Superconducting Linear Accelerator
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 2 The SPL Working Group - Conceptual Design of the SPL, a High Power Superconducting Proton Linac at CERN Ed. M. Vretenar, CERN SPL web site: REFERENCES
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 3 PART 1: WHY ?
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 4 Why upgrade the proton beams at CERN ? (1) Long-term Scientific Programme at CERN (from CERN/SPC/811) Period of interest… LHC SPS Fixed target PSB & PS
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 5 Because users will miss protons… Why upgrade the proton beams at CERN ? (2) PS supercycle for LHC PS supercycle for CNGS Remaining PSB & PS pulses to be shared between nTOF, AD, ISOLDE, East Hall, Machine studies…
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 6 Why upgrade the proton beams at CERN ? (3) Because higher beam performance (brightness*) will be first, welcome, and later, necessary to: Reliably deliver the ultimate beam actually foreseen for LHC, Reduce the LHC filling time, Increase the proton flux onto the CNGS target, Prepare for further upgrades of the LHC performance beyond the present ultimate. * For protons, brightness can only degrade along a cascade of accelerators Any improvement has to begin at the low energy (linac) end
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 7 Why upgrade the proton beams at CERN ? (4) To address new physics programmes: “Neutrino Super-Beam” (= conventional but very intense neutrino beam) Accelerator, target and decay channel at CERNDetector in the Frejus tunnel (400 ktons…)
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 8 Why upgrade the proton beams at CERN ? (5) To address new physics programmes: EURISOL (Next generation of ISOLDE-like source of radio-active isotopes) _ European Isotope Separation On-Line Radioactive Nuclear Beam Facility The EURISOL project is one of the 5 Research and Technical Development (RTD) projects in Nuclear Physics selected for support by the EU. The project is aimed at completing a preliminary design study of the next-generation European ISOL radioactive nuclear beam (RNB) facility. The resulting facility is intended to extend and amplify, beyond 2010, the exciting work presently being carried out using the first-generation RNB facilities in various scientific disciplines including nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics and fundamental interactions. Careful design and developments will be needed to increase the variety and the number of exotic ions available per second to be provided for research, beyond the limits of presently available facilities.
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 9 Why upgrade the proton beams at CERN ? (6) To address new physics programmes: beams to Frejus
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 10 Why upgrade the proton beams at CERN ? (7) To address new physics programmes: Neutrino Factory y -1 ~ 3 /year to each experiment 1/ dominates
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 11 Approved physics experiments CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso (CNGS): increased flux (~ 2) Anti-proton Decelerator: increased flux Neutrons Time Of Flight (TOF) experiments: increased flux ISOLDE: increased flux, higher duty factor, multiple energies LHC: faster filling time, increased operational margin Future potential users LHC performance upgrade beyond ultimate “Conventional” neutrino beam from the SPL “super-beam” Second generation ISOLDE facility (“EURISOL” -like) Neutrino source from “beta beams” Neutrino Factory Why upgrade the proton beams ? Summary of reasons
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 12 ~ 4 MW of beam power at 2-3 GeV are needed The energy of the linac injecting into the first synchrotron has to be increased (50 MeV today) Comparing a Linac + fixed energy rings set-up with a 2-3 GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) : The linac set-up can accommodate more users since its beam power can be increased, Some users prefer the long beam pulse delivered by a linac, The RCS construction cost could be smaller, but this is moderated by the availability of the LEP RF equipment which a linac will re-use Linac maintenance is likely to require less manpower Why a high energy linac ? (1)
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 13 A large inventory of LEP RF equipment is available (SC cavities, cryostats, klystrons, waveguides, circulators, etc.) which can drastically reduce the cost of construction The LEP klystron Storage of the LEP cavities in the ISR tunnel Why a high energy linac ? (2) LEP RF equipment
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 14 Why a high energy linac ? (3) World-wide context High Power Linacs Survey (H +,H -,D + ) * * Updated during the 20 th ICFA Beam Dynamics workshop (FNAL, 8-12 April 2002) NameIon Pulse length (ms) F Rep (Hz) Duty factor (%) I Bunch (mA) I Average (mA) Energy (GeV) P Average (MW) Start date … LANSCE H + /H /206.2/1.216/9.11.0/ /0.08On SNS H-H-H-H CERN SPL H-H-H-H ESS Short Pulse ESS Long Pulse H - H - or H / / FNAL 8 GeV H + /H - /e ? JKJ 400 MeV JKJ 600 MeV H-H-H-H-0.550/ / ? TRASCO H+H+H+H+CW ? IFMIF D+D+D+D+CW1002x1252x
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 15 PART 2: HOW ?
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 16 SPL Design - Basics Design principles: 352 MHz frequency (LEP) for all the linac (standard RF, easy long. matching) start room-temperature, go to SC as soon as possible trade-off between current and pulse length (best compromise SC/RT) Basic parameters Energy >2 GeV (PS injection, production) Max. repetition rate 50 Hz (limit for SC cavities) Beam power 4 MW (limit of target technology)
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 17 SPL Design - Parameters chopping
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 18 SPL Design - Layout 55 cryostats, 33 from LEP, 22 using components (68 total available) 49 klystrons (44 used in LEP) Note: no more unmodified LEP cavities are used in the SPL design, for a 87 m shorter linac
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 19 SPL Design – Layout on site
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 20 SPL R&D guidelines Identify strategic items (and establish a list of priorities): 1. Requiring limited resources 2. Essential / critical to the project 3. Where CERN competence is particularly valuable 4. With a maximum of collaboration/exchanges with other labs 5. Useful for any upgrade of the CERN injectors
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 21 SPL Design – R&D topics H- source, 25 mA 14% duty cycle Fast chopper (2 ns transition time) Cell Coupled Drift Tube Linac new SC cavities: =0.52, 0.7, 0.8 Development of a new Low Level RF (with Linac2) Beam dynamics studies aiming at minimising losses (activation!) Vibrations of SC cavities: analysis, compensation schemes. RF system: pulsing of LEP klystrons
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 22 R&D topics: the chopper structure and driver CERN Chopper structure: Alumina substrate, reduced width (inside quads) Prototypes tested (attenuation and dispersion) (F. Caspers) kicks out the bunches falling between accumulator buckets (reduce loss at injection) essential for modern injector linacs ! Driver amplifier: 2 ns rise-fall time (10%-90%) ± 500 V Prototype of HF part (M. Paoluzzi) 40 ns Chopper: Travelling-wave RF deflector (meander line) at 3 MeV
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 23 R&D topics – the CCDTL From 40 MeV (up to 120 MeV) the Alvarez can be replaced by a Cell-Coupled Drift Tube Linac: 1. Quadrupoles outside drift tubes: simpler cooling, access/replacement, alignment 2. Less expensive structure than DTL 3. Same real estate shunt impedance 4. Continuous focusing lattice 5. Stabilised structure ( /2 mode) 6. One resonator/klystron drift tube quadrupole housing coupling cell 4 klystrons6 klystrons5 klystrons
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 24 R&D collaborations: the DTL test stand (with IPHI) CERN 50 kW amplifier (ex SPS-LEP) Waveguide (ex LEP) DTL model (CEA-Saclay) Measurements (ISN Grenoble) New test stand in the PS South Hall for 352 MHz linac structures 50 kW CW, 100 kW pulse (just outside MCR) 2002: testing the IPHI DTL model (3 drift tubes) 2003: testing the CERN CCDTL model
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 25 R&D topics – low SC cavities The =0.7 4-cell prototype CERN technique of Nb/Cu sputtering excellent thermal and mechanical stability (important for pulsed systems) lower material cost, large apertures, released tolerances, 4.5 K operation with Q = 10 9 Bulk Nb or mixed technique for =0.52 (one 100 kW tetrode per cavity) (E. Chiaveri, R. Losito)
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 26 R&D topics - vibrations Effect on field regulation Effect on the beam vector sum feedback can compensate only for vibration amplitudes below 40 Hz possible remedies: piezos and/or high power phase and amplitude modulators (prototype ordered - H. Frischholz) + possible chaotic effects (J. Tückmantel)
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 27 R&D topics – pulsing of LEP klystrons Mod anode driver 5 ms/div 1 ms/div LEP power supplies and klystrons are capable to operate in pulsed mode after minor modifications up to 12 klystrons can be connected to one LEP power supply 14/05/ H. Frischholz
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 28 R&D topics – loss management For hands-on maintenance, the generally accepted figure is a particle loss < 1 W/m For the SPL, 10 nA/m ( MeV, 0.5 nA/m ( GeV Present Linac2 loss level (transfer line): 25W/80m = 0.3 W/m (but hot spots at > 1 W/m !) Mechanism of beam loss in the SPL: 1.H- stripping < 0.01 W/m in quads for an off-axis beam 2.Residual gas < mbar, 2 GeV (but ) 3.Halo scraping more delicate, requires: large apertures (SC is good!) careful beam dynamics design
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 29 R&D topics – beam dynamics Control rms emittance growth and loss from the outer halo by avoiding parametric resonances Selection of the working point (phase advances) on the Hofmann’s chart (F. Gerigk) + Careful matching ( 50Mpart simulations with IMPACT at NERSC, Berkeley)
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 30 R&D topics – after the linac… Transfer lines, collimation (= scrape away halo particles before the accumulator ), etc. Accumulator/Collector scheme (PDAC study group) for NuFact Two Rings in the ISR Tunnel Accumulator: 3.3 s burst of 144 bunches at 44 MHz Compressor: Bunch length reduced to 3 ns
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 31 Staging 1: a common low- energy test stand with IPHI IPHI=Injecteur de Protons Haute Intensité (CEA+IN2P3) a 5 MeV CW 352 MHz is in construction and a test stand (2 LEP klystrons) in preparation at CEA-Saclay. CERN will assemble a chopper line (choppers, quads, bunchers) IPHI RFQ split at 3 MeV to accomodate the CERN line More details: CERN/PS (RF) SUMMARY OF MINI-WORKSHOP ON SPL AND IPHI R. Garoby Common test stand at CEA Saclay Further tests (2006) at CERN with an H- source Agreement reached in April:
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 32 Staging 2 – a 120 MeV linac in the PS South Hall Profiting of the SPL design, we have a unique chance to build a new, low-cost and high- performance linac by using the RT (120 MeV) part of the SPL to inject H- into the PSB. Parameters are relaxed, there is enough space for a linac in the PS South Hall, the RF comes for free. Any upgrade of the CERN injectors to higher brightness requires a higher energy linac
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 33 Staging – the 120 MeV linac 72 m to inflector & PSB
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 34 Staging – the 120 MeV linac
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 35 A new 120 MeV linac at CERN (Linac 4…) 1. Cost-effective construction (the RF is available, including waveguides and power supplies, the building is there as well as cooling and electricity,…) 2.Advantages for the LHC beam (shorter filling time, more margin for the injectors, opens the way for an LHC upgrade) 3.Many advantages for the users of secondary beams (factor 1.8 in flux for CNGS, factor 2 for ISOLDE, improvements for AD and n-TOF). 4.A more modern and easy-to-run injector replacing the aging Linac2
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 36 PART 3: ROADMAP & RESOURCES
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 37 Roadmap (1) CERN context “The R&D budget for future detectors and accelerators foreseen in the MTP and for the subsequent years to 2010 is reduced in total by 54.2 MCHF making thus available 26 MCHF for the completion of the upgrade of the injectors. The materials budget for R&D during the period will therefore be limited to around 3.8 MCHF per year. For the time being, similar figures are also foreseen, for the years Direct manpower involved in accelerator R&D is kept over the next 8 years at about 30 CERN staff and 5 fellows and associates, full time equivalent per year. It should be stressed that the above is a minimal programme of Accelerator R&D especially for an accelerator laboratory of the importance of CERN. Its narrowness and limitations can only be justified by the present severe budgetary problems facing CERN. Efforts will be made to enhance the synergies in accelerator R&D with other Laboratories by enlarging the scope of ongoing collaborations and by setting up new ones. In the years about 90 % of the accelerator R&D resources will go to the construction of the CTF3 facility for CLIC... R&D work on components for the front-end of a Superconducting Proton Linac (SPL) will continue with limited funds until the first phase of CTF3 is completed and the testing of high- gradient accelerating structures is well advanced. From then on, the sharing of resources between CLIC and SPL work might evolve as a function of the results technically achieved and of the contribution of the collaborations with other Laboratories. The work on the SPL front- end is carried out within the framework of collaboration for powerful H -- sources among seven European laboratories and with IN2P3/CEA for a Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) device…” R & D on accelerators at CERN - Medium Term Plan (SPC/811)
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 38 Roadmap (2) [until 2006] 5 MeV H - injector (summary of collaboration meetings in April 2002) Tests at Saclay: Construction & installation of RFQ1 (3MeV)mid-2004 + CW diagnostic line (3 MeV) + beam stopper Characterisation in CW up to ~ 100 mAend 2004 Installation of chopping line + RFQ2 (?)mid-2005 + CW diagnostic line (5 MeV) with time resolved instrumentation Characterisation at 5 MeV [pulsed & CW]end 2005 Installation at CERN (without H+ source)~ 2006 Resources: Need to provide the foreseen CERN contribution (chopper line and instrumentation), develop an H- source and prepare the infrastructure for installation. Comment: ~ feasible with the manpower authorised in ~ 500 kCHF/year
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 39 120 MeV H - linac in the PS South Hall [replacing LINAC 2 (50 MeV H+)] Goal: increase beam intensity for CNGS and improve characteristics of all proton beams (LHC, ISOLDE…) Under study: detailed design report with cost estimate in October 2002 Roadmap (3) [until 2010 ?] Resources: Requires an order of magnitude increase w.r.t. the effort invested in the 5 MeV injector Comment: Active search for external resources (E.U. etc.). Nothing will be possible without a clear decision by the CERN management, linked to the commitment to an adequate support. On-going activities: Tests at CERN of DTL prototypes (collaboration with CEA & IN2P3) Development of CCDTL structures Development of new low level RF Study of charge exchange injection in the PSB
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 40 Full size SPL Necessary condition: approval of (at least) one new physics programme (Neutrino super-beam ? EURISOL ?…) Design is not frozen ! (beam energy, type of SC cavities…) Roadmap (4) [until 201x !] Resources: Large size project when combined with the realisation of high power target area(s) and new experimental facilities Comment: Will need major contributions in know-how and in-kind from other laboratories. A clear possibility of development of CERN after the completion of the LHC construction… On-going activities: Studies and developments for the 120 MeV injector Characterisation of 352 MHz low SC cavities in pulsed mode Development of high power amplitude & phase modulator Beam dynamics optimisation
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans 41 The SPL study is alive and supported, although with limited resources, and progress is made: design is improving, R&D is going on, collaborations are active and more is encouraged ! A staged approach is proposed to: bring immediate benefits to the approved physics programme help preserve and gradually strengthen a competent team accelerate the realization of the complete SPL Continuation after 2002 depends upon CERN management decisions to solve the LHC crisis… Roadmap (5)
PS Seminar – 27/06/2002 SPL status & plans High intensity protons beams will remain a strong asset of CERN beyond Improving their performance is a logical and necessary path for the approved physics programme (especially LHC). 2. Proposals for new major experimental facilities are being prepared (UNO, neutrino super-beams, EURISOL, …), for which the CERN site is perfectly suitable. A new high performance proton injector like the SPL would be a key component to satisfy both needs Such a project is ideally suited to bridge the gap between the end of payment of the LHC construction and a future project for high energy physics (VLHC ? Linear Collider ? Neutrino Factory ? …) Such a project is ideally suited to bridge the gap between the end of payment of the LHC construction and a future project for high energy physics (VLHC ? Linear Collider ? Neutrino Factory ? …) CONCLUSION