SERC Achievements and Program Direction Art Pyster Deputy Executive Director November, Note by R Peak 12/7/2010: This presentation ppt file is based on excerpts from the original full presentation available here: Update on SERC Status Since 1st ASRR and 2011 Plans Art Pyster, Deputy Executive Director, SERC (Stevens) (this version also has ** added on slides 7-9 to indicate SERC projects involving my lab)
1.Research organization within a university or college 2.Provides or maintains DoD essential engineering, research, and/or development capabilities defined as core 3.Receive sole source contract funding from DoD. May also receive other funding 4.UARCs perform research in specific mission areas. By design, no two UARCs have the same mission 5.Maintain long-term, strategic relationships with sponsoring DoD components in specific core areas and operate in the public interest What is a UARC? University Affiliated Research Center 2
For Internal SERC Use Only Any U.S. university can be added to the SERC to provide capabilities needed to support the SERC mission 3 Who We Are
The mission of the SERC is to enhance and enable the DoD's capability in Systems Engineering for the successful development, integration, testing and sustainability of complex defense systems, services and enterprises 4 SERC Mission
SERC Vision 5 DoD and Intelligence Community systems achieving mission outcomes – enabled by research leading to transformational SE methods, processes, and tools. The SERC will be the primary engine for defense and intelligence community SE basic research
6 1.Respond more quickly, flexibly, agilely – Systems Engineering Transformation 2.Acquire, operate, and evolve large complex systems that have distributed and diffuse governance, architecture, and mission – Systems of Systems and Enterprise Systems 3.Increase the pool and capabilities of systems engineers, and instill systems engineering into all engineers – Human Capital Development 4.Address security challenges in a systemic fashion rather than piecemeal – Trusted Systems With an increasing focus on design for affordability DoD Mission Themes Drive SERC Research Themes
TopicDescription SE Body of Knowledge and Graduate Reference Curriculum Create mature SE BoK and graduate reference curriculum with broad community involvement Modular Reconfigurable Architecture for Tailored and Rapid SE Knowledge Dissemination Create way to rapidly publish and maintain currency of SE artifacts and other documents, extensively tailoring them to audience Rapid CONOPS Development Environment for Agile SE Develop approach to quickly construct a CONOPS that strongly informs all key stakeholders and can evolve quickly and easily Develop SE Technical Leaders Create way to educate SE technical leaders rapidly and effectively using innovative educational technologies Evolutionary SE Create MPT for evolutionary SE for acquisition in context of new and emphasis on early SE prior to Milestone B Data Quality and Estimation Research In Support of Future Defense Cost Analysis Create improved ways to cost complex software-intensive systems, especially systems of systems Agile Methods, Processes, and ToolsExplore agile MPTs with focus on those applicable to NSA Systems Engineering Transformation Create a roadmap of research to transform SE into a much faster, more responsive discipline 7 Research Projects
TopicDescription Security Systems Engineering Create a roadmap of research on security SE and begin executing that roadmap System Readiness Level Explore the equivalent of technology readiness levels, but for systems integration and other facets of engineering maturity RT 21 ** Verification, Validation and Accreditation using Modeling and Simulation Explore ways to perform “built-in” VV&A when creating system models and running system level simulations Early Identification of SE-Related Program Risks Extension Continue work begun under FY09 project to explore early identification of SE-related program risks SE Development Experience Accelerator Significantly reduce the amount of time it takes for an SE to become proficient Valuing Flexible Systems Develop architectural and other approaches to enable flexible systems SE Capabilities within Universities (STEM) Develop teaching capabilities within universities to build tomorrow’s workforce DoD Systems 2020 Future SE capabilities that enable more efficient platform development, derivatives (flexibility), and adaptive systems 8 More Research Projects ** Project involving R Peak lab at GIT
TopicDescription Communications Effects Server Establish systems architecture modeling and assessment environment with Army’s communications effects server RT 24 ** Integration of Modeling and Simulation, Software Design, and DoDAF Integrate activities and artifacts of modeling and simulation, software design, and architecture Requirements Definition for Net- Centric Enterprises Prototype method and tooling to support emerging requirements for net-centric enterprises Vehicle Systems Engineering and Integration Activities Determine competencies and capabilities needed for vehicle systems engineering 9 And Still More Research Projects ** Project involving R Peak lab at GIT
SERC Objectives TRANSFORM systems engineering practice throughout the DoD and IC by creating innovative methods, processes, and tools that address critical challenges to meeting mission outcomes (what we do), CATALYZE community growth among systems engineering researchers by enabling collaboration among many research organizations (who does it), ACCELERATE systems engineering competency development through rapid transfer of research to educators and practitioners (how we impact others). 10
Ability to conduct long-term, comprehensive SE research focused on DoD acquisition, including Enable integrated development and management New ways to link requirements to design Leverage modeling and simulation Ability to leverage developments in systems architecting, complex systems theory, systems thinking, systems science, knowledge management and SwE to perform research to advance the design and development of complex systems across all DoD domains, including System and open systems architecture/analysis SE in complex SoS and FoS environments Enterprise SE SW-unique extensions and modern SW-development technology Ability to leverage developments in open systems standards, organizational theory, program management, SE management, and IT to provide needed integration of program/technical management MPTs, including Integrate TPMs with EVM Maturity reviews SE team structures, etc. for improvement Improved SE information sharing Link technical baselines to architectures Apply SE to acquisition of services Flexible SE environment Knowledge management Undergraduate/Graduate SE education needs Rationale and way ahead for standards Toolsets throughout the life cycle Analyzing SE costs, accounts, and ROI SE metrics and leading indicators SERC Core Competencies 11
Reference The full original presentation is available here: Update on SERC Status Since 1st ASRR and 2011 Plans Art Pyster, Deputy Executive Director, SERC (Stevens)