Vemuri, Zimmerer,1 Carrier Use of SIP Aparna Vemuri Voice Engineering Architect Level 3 Communications Eric Zimmerer Director of Product Management ipVerse Inc.
Vemuri, Zimmerer,2 Network Architecture Enterprise SS7 Network Trunking Gateway Softswitch IP/ATM Network Trunking Gateway SS7 Network Home/SOHO Softswitch SIP BCP-T RTP MGCP Circuit Switch Circuit Switch
Vemuri, Zimmerer,3 Network Architecture SIP with additions = Softswitch to Softswitch Open Standards (SIP BCP-T) Isolate legacy signaling and Maintain backward compatibility Enable scalable deployment of Softswitch network
Vemuri, Zimmerer,4 SIP BCP-T SIP: Session Initiation Protocol RFC 2543 INFO Method ISUP MIME Type ISUP – SIP Mapping NAP Architecture
Vemuri, Zimmerer,5 SIP Session Initiation Protocol IETF Standards track: RFC 2543 Simple: Set up and tear down sessions Wide acceptance Stack commercially available
Vemuri, Zimmerer,6 INFO method Session initiation and teardown is not enough Mid-Call events More complex services enabled
Vemuri, Zimmerer,7 ISUP MIME Type Standard method of encapsulating legacy signaling Simplifies Inter-working: Local variant Interconnect variant (LCD) Specific target: do one thing well
Vemuri, Zimmerer,8 Why not use ISUP? Which ISUP? Build Tomorrow’s network with Yesterday’s protocol? SIP BCP-T isolates legacy signaling problems New services develop faster with IP protocols
Vemuri, Zimmerer,9 ISUP SIP mapping Use SIP as a basic function or tool Build applications that use SIP for call setup Remember: SIP is not ISUP
Vemuri, Zimmerer,10 NAP architecture Interconnect Packet Networks Circuit to packet origination Packet to packet NAP Packet to circuit termination Security!
Vemuri, Zimmerer,11 Network Access Point ipVerse Control Switch IP/ATM Network Softswitch SIP BCP-T RTP Enterprise SS7 Network Trunking Gateway MGCP Circuit Switch Trunking Gateway SS7 Network Home/SOHO Circuit Switch IP/ATM Network NAP
Vemuri, Zimmerer,12 MGC to SIP end user device Tremendous power in distributing intelligence Software development at Network Edge Homebrew PBX Incorporation of Apps in the Network Security!
Vemuri, Zimmerer,13 Intelligence at the Edge Enterprise SS7 Network Trunking Gateway ipVerse Control Switch IP/ATM Network Trunking Gateway SS7 Network Home/SOHO Softswitch SIP BCP-T Circuit Switch Circuit Switch
Vemuri, Zimmerer,14 Summary SIP BCP-T: Open standard for Softswitch to Softswitch Communication Isolate Legacy Signaling and Maintain Backward Compatibility Build Scalable Softswitch Networks
Vemuri, Zimmerer,15 Proven Interoperability Enterprise SS7 Network Trunking Gateway ipVerse Control Switch IP/ATM Network Trunking Gateway SS7 Network Home/SOHO Lucent Softswitch SIP BCP-T RTP MGCP Circuit Switch Circuit Switch