Mission: Launch 2014/15; Deployment June-August 2019, release alt. 100m Mission duration: 16 hrs of on-asteroid operation Main functions: On-surface up-righting and mobility (incl. attitude determination) by internal torquer Mainly autonomous science measurements and operation without ground interference Payload: 4 instruments with 3 kg total mass including margins Configuration: Prismatic body with fixed instrument accommodation Structure: no boxes, but integrated structure (including common electronics accommodation) Design status of the Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout (MASCOT) for the Hayabusa-2 mission J. Biele, S. Ulamec, Caroline Lange, Christian Krause, Tra-Mi Ho, Susanne Wagenbach, Lars Witte, Eugen Ksenik, Tim van Zoest and the MASCOT-Study Team MASCOT was proposed to fill the gap between remote investigations by the main-S/C and investigation of returned samples Remote: GLOBAL study of the target body Link to telescopic data Sampling site selection Returned Samples: MICROSCOPIC study of the target body Link to meteorite/cosmic dust collection data Can use the most updated analytical facilities at return MASCOT: LOCAL study of the target body Cross-scale link between mother-S/C data and sample analyses Sampling site investigation in-situ, analytical capabilities Direct exploration of sub-surface information (1) Background (2) Science Objectives (1) MASCOT = “Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout“, strong heritage from PHILAE (Rosetta Lander, launched 2004) (2) Mobility by „hopping“ in µ-gravity (3) Several proposals for asteroid missions (ESA’s Marco Polo, Marco Polo R, JAXA’s Hayabusa-2 identified interest in a dedicated lander for in-situ science DLR Bremen proposed MASCOT as a dedicated lander (4) JAXA/ISAS: to launch Hayabusa-2 in 2014/15 primary flight opportunity (5) MASCOT now in Phase B, breadboards being built (6) Adaptable to other missions to small bodies (4) System Requirements and Baseline Design Contact (3) Payload (for MASCOT on H-2) (3) Target Body 1999 JU3 C-type asteroid is likely to be a rubble-pile size of 1999 JU3 comparable to ITOKAWA µOmega MAG CAM MARA Wide Angle Camera to CAM (0.4 kg) obtain multispectral images of the landing site and provide geological context for MASCOT PL MicrOmega to imaging spectrometer (1,9 kg) to determine mineralogical composition and characterize grains size and structure of surface soil samples at μ- scale Mid-IR thermal sensor Mara (0.12 kg) to map NEA‘s surface temperature to determine the thermal inertia Yarkovsky, YORP 3-axis fluxgate Magnetometer MAG (0.15 kg) to determine magnetization of the NEA formation history Highly integrated approach for all subsystems, passive and low risk system Thermal: mainly passive (i.e. using coatings and MLI) with heating only during cruise and for warm-up Communication: UHF-band using synergies with the main-S/C Power: Primary battery only, 210 Wh (LiSOCl 2 ) Redundancy for onboard computer High degree of autonomy Long-lived version about same mass Fig.: Hayabusa-2 and MASCOT Mission Timeline Fig.: MASCOT On-Surface Operations D Daytime Measurements N Nighttime Measurements Tab. 1: Mass Budget Fig.: 1999 JU3 shape model and gravitational model Fig.: Views of ITOKAWA (left) and size comparision (bottom) Fig.: Artists rendition of Marco Polo (left) and Hayabusa at ITOKAWA (middle and right) [JAXA/ISAS] [ESA]] Abe, M., Kawakami, K., Hasegawa, S. et al. 2008, COSPAR Scientific Assembly, B Kawakami, K. 2009, Master's thesis, University of Tokyo Jens Biele German Aerospace Center / DLR RB-MUSC Linder Höhe 1, Köln / GERMANY Telefone: ; International Primitive Body Exploration Working Group 2011 Workshop Fig.: MASCOT after eject from H-2 (MESS interface) Figs.: MASCOT Design