ORANGE COUNTY BUDGET Budget Worksession Summary July 19, 2007
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Budget Summary Consent Agenda Action Requested
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Budget Summary Consent Agenda Action Requested
BUDGET SUMMARY Introduction Administrative Services Growth Management Health & Family Services Community & Environmental Services ISS Convention Center Medical Benefits Day 1
Public Safety / Fire Rescue / Corrections Juvenile Assessment Center Public Works Utilities Parks & Recreation Fee Presentation Library Day 2 BUDGET SUMMARY
Constitutional Officers Economic Development Program LYNX Outside Agencies –Emergency Medicine Learning & Resource Center Green Government / Global Warming Initiatives Commuter Rail Day 3 BUDGET SUMMARY
Green Government / Global Warming Initiatives – Approved the Resolution for support in joining The Cities for Climate Protection ® Campaign, and becoming member of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives Day 3 BUDGET SUMMARY
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Budget Summary Consent Agenda Action Requested
CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Following Consent Agenda Items –County’s Medical Plan Self-Funded Medical Plan/ Co-Pay and Premiums Retiree Medical Coverage $25 Wellness for Life Credit Dental Insurance Coverage
CONSENT AGENDA –Commuter Rail CIP amendment #07C-9340 –Orange Blossom Trail Safe Neighborhood Improvement budget and authorization to reimburse expenditures –Services Fees Resolution to adjust certain fees charged by Orange County Community and Environmental Services, and Growth Management Departments
–Juvenile Assessment Center Transfer of $1.4 million from General Fund reserves to the Corrections Department budget –Chamber of Commerce Approval to reduce membership dues by 10% for the following Chambers: –Orlando Regional Chamber of Commerce –Hispanic Chamber of Commerce –West Orange Chamber of Commerce –African-American Chamber of Commerce CONSENT AGENDA
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Budget Summary Summary of Board Actions Consent Agenda Action Requested
Countywide (14.2%) Sheriff MSTU (15.0%) Fire MSTU (13.2%) Millage Rates Current Rate Proposed Rate % Change ACTION REQUESTED
RESERVES General Fund Reserves Fiscal Year% of Budget FY % FY % FY % FY % Proposed FY %
RESERVES General Fund Reserves Proposed FY 07-08$58.6M 3% to 5% Roll Back(9.1M) Juv. Assessment Center (1.4M) Total$48.1M % of Budget6.4%
RESERVES General Fund Reserves Fiscal Year% of Budget FY % FY % FY % FY % Adjusted FY %
ACTION REQUESTED Approval of Budget Consent Agenda Approval of Tentative Millages and Tentative Countywide Budget with Changes as Noted
Economic Development Commission East Central Florida Regional Planning Council Metropolitan Planning Organization Aid to Private Organization Dues & Memberships Florida Association of Counties WMFE DISCUSSION ITEMS
Economic Development Commission –In prior years the budget was based on $1 per capita –FY Budget $1,043,437 –FY Budget $782,578, which is a 25% decrease DISCUSSION ITEMS
East Central Florida Regional Planning Council Budget –In prior years the budget was based on $0.23 per capita –FY Budget $239,991 –FY Budget $215,992, which is a 10% decrease DISCUSSION ITEMS
Metropolitan Planning Organization –In prior years the budget was based on $0.75 per capita, less the City of Orlando and the City of Apopka populations –FY Budget $593,302 –FY Budget $533,972, which is a 10% decrease DISCUSSION ITEMS
Aid to Private Organizations –Children’s Safety Village$27,127 –COMPACT 6,300 DISCUSSION ITEMS
Dues & Memberships - $62,703 DISCUSSION ITEMS
Florida Association of Counties (FAC) –In prior years the budget was based on letter from FAC informing the County of next fiscal year dues –FY Budget $107,130 –FY Budget $96,417, which is a 10% decrease DISCUSSION ITEMS
WMFE –Funding for WMFE to provided Orange TV broadcast time on WMFE-CFAN –FY Budget $40,000 –FY Budget $36,000, which is a 10% decrease DISCUSSION ITEMS
Cultural and Recreational Agencies Miscellaneous Impact Fees Other Items Not Listed DISCUSSION ITEMS
Cultural and Recreational Agencies –United Arts of Central Florida - $834,750 –Central Florida Zoo –Orlando Science Center DISCUSSION ITEMS
Miscellaneous Impact Fees –$172,729 –Provides waivers of Impact fees for Not for Profits. Each application is scrutinized to meet established criteria and must be approved by the Board. DISCUSSION ITEMS
Other Items Not Listed –FY $366,503 –FY $204,300 DISCUSSION ITEMS
ACTION REQUESTED Approval of Budget Consent Agenda Approval of Tentative Millages and Tentative Countywide Budget with Changes as Noted
ORANGE COUNTY BUDGET Budget Worksession Summary July 19, 2007
CONSENT AGENDA –Plan co-pay changes in Plan Year Plan Year Inpatient $250 $300 Outpatient 0 25 Emergency Room Major X-Ray 0 25 Tier 2 Pharmacy Tier 3 Pharmacy 40 50
CONSENT AGENDA –Retiree Medical Coverage Mandatory Medicare Part B enrollment for Medicare eligible retirees and their eligible spouses’ effective plan year 2008 –$25 Wellness for Life Credit Elimination of the current $25 Beneflex credit and the creation of a $25 Wellness for Life credit for all regular employees
CONSENT AGENDA –Dental Insurance Coverage Renewal of the Standard dental insurance for plan year 2008, with the addition of coverage for posterior resin filling coverage, a 3% increase to the low plan, 1.5% increase to the middle plan, a 5.5% increase to the high plan and a move to 80% UCR.