Disability Employment Network
Specialist employment assistance in the open labour market Range of supports to meet individual need: Specific job skills Job search support On the job support Vocational training Help for employers if needed Intermittent Support Employment in Jeopardy What is the Disability Employment Network (DEN)?
DEN Capped Assessed future work capacity of eight or more hours per week Require ongoing support to find and retain work and / or are unable to work at full wages
DEN Uncapped Demand driven Guaranteed assistance for people with disability who have to look for work to meet participation requirements Up to two years of employment assistance to job seekers with disability with an assessed future work capacity of 15 hours or more per week at full wages
What type of job search can a DEN assist with? A range of job search and training options for people with disability Apprenticeships Productivity Places Program
Additional assistance Workplace Modifications Scheme Supported Wage System Wage Subsidy Scheme Auslan for Employment Program
What outcomes can be achieved in DEN? Employment outcomes in the Capped and Uncapped programs 4, 13 and 26 week outcomes Capped program – Maintenance phase Uncapped program – Post placement support
How to access DEN Usually through a Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) Based on eligibility criteria Referral to Capped or Uncapped stream
What documentation is needed to access DEN? DEN providers will let people know what they need Most people will have a JCA referral Direct registrations will need proof of identity
How can ‘school leavers’ access DEN? A school leaver is defined as: Capacity to work 8 hours or more per week with intervention Legal work age and working less than 8 hours per week; or In the last 6 months of school and considering post-school employment options; or Full time student in a school-based apprenticeship Do not need to be attending a special school No JCA referral needed but a CRN is required Eligible for DEN Capped only
What is the difference between DEN, VRS and Job Network? Vocational Rehabilitation Services Injury, disability or health condition Rehabilitation, intervention and specialist employment assistance Injury management Job Network Job seekers have less barriers to employment Personalised assistance through job search and employment focused activities Increased workforce participation
Job Services Australia Commencing nationally on 1 July Training, skills development and work experience Focus on training in skills shortage areas Sustainable employment outcomes for job seekers
The new Disability Employment Services Release of the Exposure Draft on 20 May distinct, demand-driven programs Program A Not expected to require ongoing support in the workplace Program B Permanent disability and assessed need for long term support in the workplace
Key features of the new model Eighteen months of tailored assistance Stronger outcome focus Flexible options for ongoing support Simplified fee structure Red tape reduction Employment Assistance Fund Ongoing support assessments Increased funding for remote services
Key changes to the new services Direct registration for school leavers to improve school to work transition Employment outcomes includes employment with multiple employers over a 26 week period Increasing job placement fees from two to four for up to two years
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