Assessing Vocabulary Group 6 April, Karen, Lillian, Peggy, Vivian.


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Presentation transcript:

Assessing Vocabulary Group 6 April, Karen, Lillian, Peggy, Vivian

Outline Principles---April Possible formats --- Lillian, Karen Critic—Vivian, Peggy

Principles 1. Proficiency test Achievement test 2. Passive or receptive--- reading, listening Active or productive---- speaking, writing 3. Three things that testers have to keep in mind

Possible Formats of Testing Vocabulary

Critic the Current Test 台北區公私立高級中學九十一學年度第一 學期學科能力測驗模擬考 台北區公立高級中學九十一學年度第一學 期複習考

Seven Characteristics Distractors having a similar “meaning” to the key (correct answer) but inappropriate in context. Distractors that are contextually related but not fit in the context. Overemphasize on grammar

Distractors having similar “spelling” but different meanings Unclear structure of the question sentence Questions involving in proverbs Options related to idioms or phrases

Alternative Assessment of Vocabulary Hangman Cross puzzle Scrabble Snake