I+D in Spain Diagnostic and avenues for improvement Luis Santamaría
Spanish Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology Objectives: Promote scientific quality and research excelence. Foster the increase in public and private investment in research, aiming at the levels of other Western countries. Oversee the legality of hiring practices and promotion procedures at Universities and research centres, following criteria of public diffusion, transparency, meritocracy and equal opportunity. Provide a link among researchers in Spain and abroad, facilitating the interchange of ideas and interdisciplinary research. Promote the access of scientific and technical knowledge to the general public.
Who we are? The most interdisciplinary research association in Spain – 138 members, from all fields of knowledge, positions and sectors. Other groups Asociación Nacional de Investigadores Ramón y Cajal ( Federación de Jóvenes Investigadores – Precarios (
General diagnostic of Spanish Research Policy Lack of a consistent research policy. Funding strategy contingent on economic context. Top management positions without research/technology experience. Lack of evaluation of research strategy or scientific quality for Universities and research institutes. No incentive for University research. University funding almost fully related to number of students.
Funding Among the lowest in the EU: ~1% of GDP, versus 1.9-3% for EU-USA-Japan. Large variation among regional governments: from 1.6% of GDP in Madrid to 0.28% in Balearic Islands. Increase in funding by 2005, but largely devoted to military innovation and credits to BES.
Funding Spain 2004 Spain 2002 EU USA 2002 Japan 2002 Expenditure (%GDP) 1.07 (+0.2) Funding by BES 49% 55%64%74% Expenditure by BES 54% 65%67%74%
Regional distribution of I+D expenditure %GDP
Resources devoted to I+D
% of total Private participation in I+D expenditure
Spain 8th world´s economy But I+D expenditure (%GDP) ranks: 14th of EU-25 26th of OCDE 32th of the world 8% of EU´s economy but only 1% of EU´s patents Estimated GDP for 2005 ($) International patents (per million inhabitants)
Amount of professionals working in I+D: lowest in EU-15, together with Italy, Greece and Portugal. University BES Public centres Proportion or researchers per sector (% o of working force). Year 2001
Current government goals 2% GDP by % annual increase in public funding, including credits to BES. 55% of BES funding by Increased participation in EU Programs. Funding large industrial research-lines. Funding risk enterprises. Increasing University-BES integration. Consolidate leader groups & recover experienced researchers.
Main problems Direct copy of EU´s priorities Gives up innovative research & young researchers´ talent!
Scientific Carriere Lack of a coherent and atractive research carriere. PhD researchers hired on grants, without basic worker’s rights. Long sequence of posdoctoral grants, including RyC and FIS contracts (initially conceived as tenure-tracks) without a clear prospect of permanent contracts.
Scientific Carriere / 2 Cronyism in hiring practices, particularly severe at University positions. Hiring practices are neither based on candidates’ quality nor on the centres’ research strategy. Lack of follow-up evaluations of the scientific productivity and quality of permanent researchers (civil servants).
Research Projects Lack of transparency. Evaluations not sent to researchers. Peer review committees do not meet the standards of quality and conflict-of-interests. Arbitrary cuts of requested funding. Unpredictable openings, short deadlines, inadequate online facilities. Lack of economic and scientific evaluation at the end of projects.
Technological Development Lack of active technology transfer from public research centres to private companies. Need for small bussines innovation research programs, risk capital programs, etc. Lack of qualified managers for technology-based companies. Lack of control: public funding used for innovation rather than I+D.
Avenues of Action 1.Lobbying: media, complain letters, interviews, etc. 2.Policy analysis and support 3.Observers of procedures & support to legal actions 4.Divulgation & public outreach: journal (Apuntes de Ciencia y Tecnología), newspaper articles, white papers on key issues.
Effects on science policy? Contributors to: Ramon y Cajal & Juan de la Cierva Programs Code of conduct for hiring practices at one University and CSIC INGENIO Program (e.g. increased funding & more independence of CSIC) Spanish stem-cell research program 2+2 years PhD grant+contract program