CSE 548 Advanced Computer Network Security Long Qiu Xinyi Dong DOSGI APPLICATION PLATFORM FOR MOBICLOUD
P ROJECT G OAL Fulfill SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and CBD (Component Based Development) Build up Distributed OSGi framework for mobile phone and virtual machines. Develop network module which enables communication among different OSGis. Implement service transition bundle that bridge various objects.
T ASKS Setting up Distributed OSGi framework on virtual machine. Setting up Distributed OSGi framework on Android phone. Develop network bundle. Develop service transition bundle. Develop demo bundles which utilize built platform to show its strength.
T ASK A LLOCATION Xinyi: Setting up Distributed OSGi framework on virtual machine. 100% Develop network bundle. 50% Develop service transition bundle. 50% Develop demo bundles which utilize built platform to show its strength. 50%
TASK ALLOCATION Long: Setting up Distributed OSGi framework on Android phone. 100% Develop network bundle. 50% Develop service transition bundle. 50% Develop demo bundles which utilize built platform to show its strength. 50%
S OFTWARE AND H ARDWARE Software: Operating system: Linux on VM, Android on cell phone. DOSGi framework: Felix on VM, FelDroid on cell phone Development Kit: JDK on VM, Android SDK on cell phone. IDE: Eclipse Other tool: Maven
SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE Hardware: Server by MobiCloud project for running virtual machine Google Android Phone
Setting up DOSGi on virtual machine. Which OSGI implementation: Felix, Equinox, or Eclipse Plug-in? Prefer Felix Setting up DOSGi framework on Android phone. The framework Felidroid on Android phone Compatible with Felix on VM? Limited documents on Internet
TECHNICAL DETAILS Develop network bundle. To handle communication and networking between the Android phone and its VM. Develop service transition bundle. To bind bundles from each side. Does DOSGi provide such functionality?
TECHNICAL DETAILS Build demo bundles presenting our built platform. “Geological Location Recording” running on Android phone. Handled by internet bundle and transition bundle within FelDroid. “Location Log” on VM.
R ISKS AND B ENEFITS Novel aspects of this project: The interaction between services in different platform can be handled by OSGi instead of service itself. Risks/challenges: Is there any interfaces between OSGi framework for VM and that for Android phone? Difference between OSGi implementations. Limited documentation. Potential applications & benefits: Provide a platform for distributed services. Scalability for developing services among different OSGi frameworks.
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