Church Growth (Ephesians 4:8-16)
Review God has spoken God has spoken –Necessity of growth –Must not rely on man’s wisdom The plan is easily seen and understood The plan is easily seen and understood –Each Christian needs to be involved –The question is will we work the plan?
The Church in Jerusalem A “working model” (Acts 2:1-8:4) A “working model” (Acts 2:1-8:4) –Apostles sent out (Matthew 28:18-20) –Began on Pentecost (2:1-38) –Equipped by the apostles (2:42, 46; 6:2) –Each member trained to teach (8:4) –Notice how the plan worked
Paul’s Work His duty as an apostle (Acts 13-16) His duty as an apostle (Acts 13-16) –He and Barnabas established churches (Acts 13, 14) –Appointed elders (14:23) –Luke joined Paul at Troas, was left at Philippi, and rejoined him 7 years later (Acts 16:10, 40; 20:5, 6)
Paul’s Work His duty as an apostle (Acts 17-20) His duty as an apostle (Acts 17-20) –Began the church in Thessalonica, leaving Timothy there (17:14; 2 Timothy 2:2) –Began the church in Ephesus, leaving Priscilla and Aquila there, went on to Antioch, and returned (19:9, 10) –Epaphras began the church in Colossae as a result of Paul’s work in Ephesus (19:9, 10; 20:20; Colossians 1:3-7))
Paul’s Work He was concerned about having evangelists to edify the church He was concerned about having evangelists to edify the church –Timothy at Ephesus (1 Timothy 1:3) –Some fell away (2 Timothy 4:1-5, 10-12) –Titus at Crete (Titus 1:5; 2:15; 3:12)
What Is Often Done? Many churches fail to grow Many churches fail to grow –Young men sent to colleges to learn to preach –Little is required in Bible classes –Could one become a doctor this way? Results Results –Lose members to the world –Church weakened by worldliness
What Do We Do Now? Put our heads in the sand Put our heads in the sand –Church will not grow –Souls will be lost Can follow God’s plan Can follow God’s plan –Elders work (Acts 20:28) –Evangelists work (Ephesians 4:11, 12) –All the saints work (2 Timothy 2:2)
What Do We Do Now? Results Results –Members will grow and mature –Men will be trained to preach –The church will grow
Conclusion Need self-examination Need self-examination –Each of us must look at self –Periodic assessment Correction when necessary Correction when necessary –Our lives will change –The church will grow