Geographic Information Sharing Tool [GIST] Harvard Provost Innovation Grant 15 Nov 2006 Lex Berman & Bill Hays
The threshold point of the learning curve is typically around the two year time frame. - J. K. Berry (Berry & Assoc) GIS Learning Curve ~ 2 years
Google Earth's intuitive interface allows everyone in the organization to interact meaningfully with technical datasets without any expensive, time-consuming formal training. - USGS Google Earth Learning Curve ~ 2 hours
KML [Keyhole Markup Language] Source
Geographic Information Sharing w/ Google Earth KML KML from student 1 KML from student 2 KML from student 3 upload KML files to server or parse KML into database
Why Parse the KML into Relational Database? User submitted filenames might conflict, database can assign each submission a unique ID Once in the database the features, filenames, user names, & course names can be queried or sorted Query results can be recompiled into KML on-the-fly Entire Submission / Query process can be web-based and accessible by all participants
User-Created KML to Database / KML Download
Uploading KML Save original KML file Parse KML contents into Relational Database Acknowledge KML submission showing points on map Convert each KML file into GML
Downloading KML Download each KML file as it was submitted Download all KML submitted by each user Download all KML submitted for each course Download KML files based on query results
Geographic Information Sharing Tool All KML from student 1 All KML from student 2 All KML from student 3 KML A from student 1 KML B from student 1 KML A from student 2 KML A from student 3 KML based on query
Geographic Information Sharing Tool [GIST]