SINTESI SINergie TEcnologiche in SIcilia University-Enterprise Partnership Associazione SINTESI - Viale delle Scienze - Palermo Università degli Studi.


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Presentation transcript:

SINTESI SINergie TEcnologiche in SIcilia University-Enterprise Partnership Associazione SINTESI - Viale delle Scienze - Palermo Università degli Studi di Palermo Università degli Studi di Catania Università degli Studi di Messina Centro per la Ricerca Elettronica in Sicilia

Palermo Messina Catania SINTESI non profit organization founded as a UETP in 1991 SINTESI SINergie TEcnologiche in SIcilia MEMBERS Universities of Palermo, Catania and Messina CRES Sicilian Electronic Research Centre MAIN AIMS promotion and development of University-Enterprise cooperation in Sicily for training, research and technological transfer

SINTESI SINergie TEcnologiche in SIcilia * Mobility and exchange projectsMobility and exchange projects * Studies and analysesStudies and analyses * Training courses and post-graduate courses * Development of multimedia tools for trainingDevelopment of multimedia tools for training CD-ROM * European pilot and network projectsEuropean pilot and network projects Main activities * Liaison Office Activities Liaison Office Activities

Mobility and exchange projects SINTESI SINergie TEcnologiche in SIcilia award and management of grants to support University students and graduates’ mobility exchange projects to financially support staff of private and public organizations for updating skills by other EU’s organizations The first mobility projects were financed within the COMETT programme ( ) then by LEONARDO and the Regional Administration. About 1000 training grants have been awarded by SINTESI to students and recent graduates between 1991 and 2002.

Studies and analyses SINTESI SINergie TEcnologiche in SIcilia Surveys Training needs analyses Innovation needs analyses Analysis of Sicilian SME’s international cooperation Women Career paths in ICT Training offer analyses

Training courses and post-graduate courses SINTESI SINergie TEcnologiche in SIcilia ESF courses for young graduates in technical fields Continuous training Master courses Training of young researchers

Main present projects – Master courses SINTESI SINergie TEcnologiche in SIcilia Other Master courses will soon start in the following fields: Management of urban environmental hydraulic systems, Composite materials, Seismic engineering, Microwave systems and technologies for telecommunications ErgonomicsGeographical Information Systems Building recoveryQuantitative methods and operational strategies for management of financial risk

Development of multimedia tools for training CD-ROM SINTESI SINergie TEcnologiche in SIcilia “Building a Business Plan for SMEs” (BBP) “Quality in Training: an ISO 9000 oriented support tool” (MATER) “Hearing impaired people support tool” (RIVA ) “Socio-economic integration for disabled people” (SOLARIS) “Management of WasteWater Treatment Plants” “Les Eco-conseillers syndicaux” “Quality and Advanced Manufacturing” and “Stereo Lithography” “European Synergy in Tourism Vocational Training”

LIAISON OFFICE ACTIVITIES Present projects SINTESI SINergie TEcnologiche in SIcilia [Job guidance desk] Dissemination of innovation in the Alto Belice district

European pilot and network projects SINTESI SINergie TEcnologiche in SIcilia The development of actions aimed at promoting innovation in training is carried out mainly under the framework of the LEONARDO DA VINCI programme through specific projects: pilot projects for the development of training tools and methods; network projects with the aim of planning and implementing innovative methods for training linked to regional development and to the aim of spreading results of transnational projects;

Present European projects Bios & Environment Transnational Network Early Recognition of a Need for Qualification and Measures of Shaping Oriented Vocational Education in Plant Engineering Women In Technologies: Strategies of continuous training and retraining in Europe Green Investments in the Tourism Industry SINTESI SINergie TEcnologiche in SIcilia Quality Management Systems Training and …