1 List of Projects RRM (slide 1 to 13) What is the difference between Linux and Windows operating systems in terms of memory management including memory allocation virtual memory and page replacement? Why 5 th Generation Machines could not be implemented and What's beyond 5 th Generation Machines? Comparison and Similarities between structural and object oriented programming languages? Compare and Contrast Script Languages and Complied Languages (take up case)? Compare and Contrast concurrent, parallel and distributed systems? What is meant by scalability of computing? Give scenarios as to when one would opt to scale horizontally instead of vertically and vice-versa Current trends and future of pervasive computing? Current trends and future of mobile computing? What is meant by AmI? Highlight Ethical, Social and Political issues of Ambient Intelligence (give scenarios)?
2 Overview of super computers and compare and contrast manufacturers of Super Computers? Overview of bioinformatics, how is it helping to solve biological problems and what is its future? Current vocations of computer science, what are the future vocations? Compare and Contrast formal models of computation? Compare and Contrast different theories of computation? Cost (of disasters) to the society because of malfunctioning of computers? Research on Configuration Management and Source Code Management? Compare and Contrast between Agile Software Development and Cleanroom Software Engineering? What are the pitfalls of the waterfall model in software development lifecycle? How does another model (take any) overcome them?
3 Other Suggested Areas… Core Software Engineering Areas Embedded Systems Mobile Computing Software measurement Graph theory (foundations for data structures and searching algorithms) Game theory (useful in robotics and cybernetics) Grid Computing (advantages) Reverse Engineering Data Mining Information Security Information Systems …….the list is infinite Note: I’ll suggest more areas in the next class
4 Class Exercise and Assignment 1 A.Example : F=(9/5) C + 32 B.i-e multiply Celsius reading by 9/5 and add 32 to the product Which one of these statements is an algorithm ( A or B)? Babylonian Algorithm (Assignment 1): The Babylonian Algorithm (computing sq root of 2) This is the Algorithm that ancient Babylonians used to compute the sq root of 2 i-e under the root 2 1.Set y=1.0 2.Replace y with the average of y and 2/y 3.Repeat step 2 until its effect upon y is insignificant 4.Return y Note: Works for any +ve number, just change the 2 in the step 2 to the number whose square root you want to calculate e-g to compute square root of six, do this for step 2 : Replace y with the average of y and 6/y Assignment- To be delivered in the next class i-e Mon 13 th Oct Deliverable- Excel Sheet (Hardcopy)
5 Ambient Intelligence In computing, ambient intelligence (AmI) refers to electronic environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people. Ambient intelligence is a vision on the future of consumer electronics, telecommunications and computing that was originally developed in the late 1990s for the time frame 2010–2020. In an ambient intelligence world, devices work in concert to support people in carrying out their everyday life activities, tasks and rituals in easy, natural way using information and intelligence that is hidden in the network connecting these devices (see Internet of Things). As these devices grow smaller, more connected and more integrated into our environment, the technology disappears into our surroundings until only the user interface remains perceivable by users.computingconsumer electronics telecommunicationscomputing Internet of Things The ambient intelligence paradigm builds upon ubiquitous computing* and human-centric computer interaction design and is characterized by systems and technologies that are:ubiquitous computing embedded: many networked devices are integrated into the environmentembedded context aware: these devices can recognize you and your situational contextcontext aware personalized: they can be tailored to your needspersonalized adaptive: they can change in response to youadaptive anticipatory: they can anticipate your desires without conscious mediation.anticipatory *Pronunciation [yoo-bik-wi-tuh s]Pronunciation Source: Wikipedia
6 AmI Example scenario Ellen returns home after a long day's work. At the front door she is recognized by an intelligent surveillance camera, the door alarm is switched off, and the door unlocks and opens. When she enters the hall the house map indicates that her husband Peter is at an art fair in Paris, and that her daughter Charlotte is in the children's playroom, where she is playing with an interactive screen. The remote children surveillance service is notified that she is at home, and subsequently the on-line connection is switched off. When she enters the kitchen the family memo frame lights up to indicate that there are new messages. The shopping list that has been composed needs confirmation before it is sent to the supermarket for delivery. There is also a message notifying that the home information system has found new information on the semantic Web about economic holiday cottages with sea sight in Spain. (cont on the next slide)
7 She briefly connects to the playroom to say hello to Charlotte, and her video picture automatically appears on the flat screen that is currently used by Charlotte. Next, she connects to Peter at the art fair in Paris. He shows her through his contact lens camera some of the sculptures he intends to buy, and she confirms his choice. In the mean time she selects one of the displayed menus that indicate what can be prepared with the food that is currently available from the pantry and the refrigerator. Next, she switches to the video on demand channel to watch the latest news program. Through the follow me she switches over to the flat screen in the bedroom where she is going to have her personalized workout session. Later that evening, after Peter has returned home, they are chatting with a friend in the living room with their personalized ambient lighting switched on. They watch the virtual presenter that informs them about the programs and the information that have been recorded by the home storage server earlier that day.
8 Computing as an Activity Computing is usually defined like the activity of using and developing computer technology, computer hardware and software. It is the computer- specific part of information technology. Computer science (or computing science) is the study and the science of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and their implementation and application in computer systems. computercomputer hardwaresoftwareinformation technologyComputer science Computing Curricula 2005[1] defined computing:[1] In a general way, we can define computing to mean any goal-oriented activity requiring, benefiting from, or creating computers. Thus, computing includes designing and building hardware and software systems for a wide range of purposes; processing, structuring, and managing various kinds of information; doing scientific studies using computers; making computer systems behave intelligently; creating and using communications and entertainment media; finding and gathering information relevant to any particular purpose, and so on. The list is virtually endless, and the possibilities are vast.
9 History of Computing Computing began with simple counting First computing devices –Fingers on hands We still use digit (meaning finger) to describe symbols 4, 6 that are used for numbers The simple task of counting is a common task performed by modern computers Another pre-historic device that’s still in use today is the abacus –Oriental device allows rapid addition and subtraction by sliding beads along parallel wires held in a frame
10 The first mechanical calculator was designed and built by German Mathematician Wilhelm Schickard ( ). It was capable of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. But in 1624, his only working copy was destroyed in a fire. Schickard and his entire family perished in the plagues brought on by the 30 year war. His design was not discovered until 1957 when his complete description along with sketches was found in a letter to Kepler. Note –The fact that the calculator could also perform multiplication and division is controversial, some say it could, some say not. However calculators that could multiply and divide were in use by 19 th century
11 Because Schickards achievement was unnoticed by historians, the French mathematician Blaise Pascal ( ) is usually credited with the invention of the first calculator. Capable of only addition and subtraction-however Pascal was able to market his devise and several of them exist today. The great mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz expanded his idea, building a calculator in 1673 known as ‘’Leibniz wheel’’. It completely automated all basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Leibniz had one copy of his machine built for Peter the Great to send to the Emperor of China
12 First modern computer was designed by Charles Babbage ( ). He actually designed 2 computing devices 1.Difference Engine (1823) Difference Engine was designed to tabulate tables of functions using the “method of finite difference”. There was a genuine need in England for such a machine. British Navigational tables at that time, upon which British shipping depended was rife with human errors at that time. But before Babbage the construction of his Difference Engine could be completed, he abandoned it in the favour of a better machine which was called the Analytical engine.
13 2. Analytical Engine This would be the first truly general purpose programmable computer with its own processor, memory, secondary storage, input device and output device –The programs would be stored on belt of punched paste cards the same way that Joseph Marie Jacquards loom stored programs for patterns to be weaved into fabrics.