僱員再培訓局為僱主而設的 度身訂造再培訓課程簡介 Introduction to Tailor-made Courses for Employers Offered by the Employees Retraining Board
簡介 I ntroduction 根據僱員再培訓條例於 1992 年成立 The Board was set up under the Employees Retraining Ordinance in 1992 主要功能是為合資格僱員,特別是失業人士,提供技術訓練,以適 應本港勞動市場的轉變 Main function: To provide retraining courses and services to eligible employees, especially the unemployed, in adjusting to changes in the employment market by acquiring new or enhanced vocational skills
服務對象 Service Target 主要服務對象為 30 歲或以上,初中或以下學歷之失業人士 Primary service target: Unemployed persons aged 30 or above, with lower secondary education or below 收生可按個別情況彈性處理 Flexibility in enrolment allowed pm individual merits
再培訓課程 Types of retraining courses 就業掛鈎課程 Placement-tied Courses - 職業技術課程 Job Specific Skills Courses - 轉業技巧課程 Job Search Skills Courses - 長者培訓課程 Courses for the elderly - 殘疾人士課程 Courses for people with disabilities - 自僱創業課程 Self-employment Course 基本技術課程 ( 非就業掛鈎 ) General Skills Courses (non-placement-tied)
就業掛鈎課程 Placement-tied courses 職業技術課程 Job Specific Skills Courses - 家務助理課程 Domestic helper course - 保安及物業管理課程 Security and property management course - 按摩推拿課程 Healthcare massage course - 起居照顧員課程 Personal care worker course - 文職課程 Clerical course - 僱主度身訂造課程 Tailor-made courses (TMCs)
基本技術課程 General skills Courses 電腦課程 Computer applications 就業語文課程 Basic workplace language training
甚麼是僱主度身訂造課程 What is Tailor-made Course? 因應個別或某類僱主特定需求而設計的培訓課程 Tailored to meet specific needs of individual or group of employers 在某一職位上有 15 個或以上空缺 Has either a number of vacancies (i.e. 15 or more) or difficulty in recruiting staff for certain job categories 三方合作:僱主、再培訓局、培訓機構 Tripartite co-operation: Employer, ERB, Training body
開辦僱主度身訂造課程的機制 Mechanism of launching TMCs 與僱主啇討開辦課程可行性 Discussing the feasibility of running a course with the employer 甄選適合培訓機構 Selecting appropriate training body 課程審批 Vetting of course proposal 舉辦招生講座,僱主直接參與甄選合適學員 Screening suitable candidates by the employer 開辦課程及跟進服務 Conducting the tailor-made course and offering follow-up services
締造雙贏局面 Win-win Situation 僱主獲益良多 Benefits to Employers - 確保培訓配合所需 Assurance of training geared to your needs - 所聘用學員具備充足訓練 Only well-qualified candidates knocking your doors - 全免設計及提供課程 No training cost needed - 首次推廣招聘費用全免 Publicity and promotion at zero cost for the debut - 學員於訓練期間熟習工作環境, 培訓後可即投入工作 Retrainees more readily adapted to the workplace through your early involvement
締造雙贏局面 Win-win Situation 學員得益 Benefits to Retrainees - 為失業人士提供就業機會 Secure job opportunities for job-seekers - 課程更多元化 Greater variety of courses - 入職後培訓機構提供跟進服務 Follow-up service for the graduates after placement
參考個案 Reference 足底按摩師 Foot Masseurs 書報發行員 Newspaper and Magazine Distributed Workers 燒味助理 Roast Food Assistant 物流文員 Logistics Clerk