Gordana Stojanovic, Coalition for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Civil Society Organizations as a Framework for Positive Social Change in Croatia
Gordana Stojanovic, Coalition for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights The results of research conducted in Croatia from 2003 to The project was conducted by CERANEO association in cooperation with a wide circle of stakeholders from the entire country The purpose of this project was to strenghten civil society in order for it to be better prepared for its role in governance and developement Civil society was defined “as an area around the familly, state and market where people work together in order to promote common interests” 66,8 % of citizens donated money to charity in the The realation between the state and NGOs has changed since 2000 Dialogue between local authorities and NGOs has only just started
Gordana Stojanovic, Coalition for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights General informations Croatia: km2 Inhabitants 4.443,000 Number of NGOs – over the (35,4 % sport associations) GDP –National 4570 kn /634 euro; Zagreb 6400kn/850 EuroOsijek 2800 kn/390 Euro
Gordana Stojanovic, Coalition for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Civil society is insufficiently dedicated to problems of reducing poverty Only a few associations deal with the issue of local developement Civil society still acts mostly in reactive and less proactive manner Civil engagement is more frequently exercised by younger, more educated generations
Gordana Stojanovic, Coalition for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Overview of NGO current situation in Croatia In media Present “Speech of hate” in newspaper, in TV and in public reaction Zagreb: Major does not care about citizen’s opinion. ”Citizens have to wait another election procedure” Parliament: Too many NGOs
Gordana Stojanovic, Coalition for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights In public government: Announcements /tenders Lack of transparency Monitoring do not exist Employers are not well educated about project cycle management If NGOs are supported by local or national government resources, they are very “obedient” Lately Ministries have regular calls for proposals
Gordana Stojanovic, Coalition for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Legal framework: Council of Civil Society (In public media was a lot of a “scandals” with – security service). Also in Council NGOs and Ministries are equaly re- presentted Government Office for Civil Society Organizations National Foundation for Civil Society Development National Strategy for Civil Society Developement adopted Legal frame for work of CSO Law on Foundations in procedure
Gordana Stojanovic, Coalition for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Regional development and decentralization National foundation for Civil Society Development keeps the financial resources in Zagreb. Process of decentralization is very slow. Only few initiatives have started on local level (NGO Forums)- infrastructure for social developement and apsorbtion of pre-accesion funds In process of non formal education NGOs not included Croatia needs to build support infrastructure for partnership projects on local and regional levels for EU funds
Gordana Stojanovic, Coalition for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Other info: Different Consortiums / Consulting companies are entering in Croatia and Croatian NGOs have no acess to information how to be included There is no monitoring about EU process (results of screening) No transparent procedures about selection of negotiation teams (skills and know-how within the team) Local governments are not ready for training on PCM Process of LLL is not yet recognized from public employers
Gordana Stojanovic, Coalition for Promotion and Protection of Human Rights About EU Funds As part of the LIFE III Program, no NGO received a donation (fact that the preparatin of the project proposal required certain contribution) The civil society organizations need to be more active in getting information about regional cooperation networks Civil society organizations (CSO) must carefully monitor everything that happens on the European regional and domestic scene, and request from the government administration that they ensure administrative and other help for entering the programmes with grant sheme more easily. It seems to be easier to get funding for projects of regional importance than on the national level