ICT and education Lieve Van den Brande, European Commission, DG Education and Culture Contact:


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Presentation transcript:

ICT and education Lieve Van den Brande, European Commission, DG Education and Culture Contact:

2 ICT and education Core messages Policy context E&T EU support And next … Core messages Policy context E&T EU support And next …

3 A changing context... Different skills ? We are entering the age of the “Learning Society” – enabled by a rich, digital environment, characterised by advances in social networking. –21st century competencies are the main game and the central focus of learning – …… and the broader promise of a learning society is emerging. We are entering the age of the “Learning Society” – enabled by a rich, digital environment, characterised by advances in social networking. –21st century competencies are the main game and the central focus of learning – …… and the broader promise of a learning society is emerging.

4 The new learning generation changing context – other skills ?

5 Web 2.0

6 The new learning generation The 21st century digital learner is increasingly driving the agenda….. and demanding an 21st century skill set for life and work 21st century competencies are on the front page of educational reforms in Europe and worldwide: –OECD DeSeCo / PISA –Partnership for 21st century skills –Assessing and Testing 21st century skills –EU key competencies for LLL –Europe 2020 The 21st century digital learner is increasingly driving the agenda….. and demanding an 21st century skill set for life and work 21st century competencies are on the front page of educational reforms in Europe and worldwide: –OECD DeSeCo / PISA –Partnership for 21st century skills –Assessing and Testing 21st century skills –EU key competencies for LLL –Europe 2020

Different media lead to… …different skills

8 Core message Digital competences are core future 21st century skills The citizens and workforce of tomorrow are at this very moment already at school New millennium learners may be digital natives but are not by definition effective learners uniqueEducation has a unique role to play to teaching/learning the critical use of ICT Digital competences are core future 21st century skills The citizens and workforce of tomorrow are at this very moment already at school New millennium learners may be digital natives but are not by definition effective learners uniqueEducation has a unique role to play to teaching/learning the critical use of ICT

9 The reality Technology use is connected to a significant increase in performance  However, no matching evidence regarding use in schools Not all pupils have the same approach to technology use  A second and third digital divide are emerging New millennium learners may be digital natives  but are not by definition effective and critical learners Would the results be different if we could raise school use? unique Education has a unique role to play ICT – The case of e-maturity of schools Technology use is connected to a significant increase in performance  However, no matching evidence regarding use in schools Not all pupils have the same approach to technology use  A second and third digital divide are emerging New millennium learners may be digital natives  but are not by definition effective and critical learners Would the results be different if we could raise school use? unique Education has a unique role to play ICT – The case of e-maturity of schools

10 The reality key Teachers are key intermediairs Teachers have to be confident, digital competent and have the necessary ICT didactic skills  ICT is pedagogically under-used  crucial importance of teacher skills development Whole school ICT integration and leadership matter ICT integration = key to changing practices key Teachers are key intermediairs Teachers have to be confident, digital competent and have the necessary ICT didactic skills  ICT is pedagogically under-used  crucial importance of teacher skills development Whole school ICT integration and leadership matter ICT integration = key to changing practices unique Education has a unique role to play in systemic use of ICT for learning

11 21st century competences require an “adequate” response from education and training 21st century competences require an “adequate” response from education and training

12 ICT and education Policy context E&T

13 The European Policy Framework Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, 2006/962/EC mother tongue; foreign languages; maths/science/technology; digital competence, learning to learn; social & civic competences; entrepreneurship; cultural awareness & expression Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in E&T, COM(2008) 865 Lifelong learning and mobility Quality & efficiency of E&T Equity & active citizenship Innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship SWP: The Use of ICT to support innovation and lifelong learning for all, SEC(2008) 2629 Education Innovation Research

14 ICT cluster under OMC Representatives of 18 Ministries of Education of 18 Member States compiled key recommendations It is timely to move away from perceiving ICT diffusion and usage as a goal and instead see ICT as an enabler of teaching and learning. It is not about ICT but about transformation …” “The cluster has contributed to a fundamental change in discourse from accessibility to innovative learning through the support of ICT”. “The ICT cluster has influenced the development of improved indicators for measuring ICT use and impact. This has led to the first European-wide comparative study on the use and impact of ICT in school education”.

15 Towards a new learning paradigm Allow more learner-centred approaches Lessons learned by the ICT cluster Final Report - Learning, Innovation and ICT Digital competences as core life and employability skills Leadership and institutional change for a renewed strategy on learning VISION future! Professional development – the teacher as learner at the centre

16 Coming soon –January 2011 Educational Transformation in a Digital World A Handbook for Leaders and Policy Makers in Schools

17 ICT and education EU support

18 EU support ICT in education and training programmes Improving the quality and accessibility of European education and training systems through the effective use of information and communication technologies (ICT) Specific objectives include: to support the development of innovative ICT- based content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning Minerva Socrates Promote European cooperation in the field of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education

19 EU support Comenius: eTwinning for schools Support for online partnerships between two or more European primary or secondary schools Flexible, teacher friendly scheme to mainstream pedagogical use of ICT and support professional development Mainly based on joint pedagogical projects Increasing use of online Communities of Practice for teachers Quality label for good practice examples Support for online partnerships between two or more European primary or secondary schools Flexible, teacher friendly scheme to mainstream pedagogical use of ICT and support professional development Mainly based on joint pedagogical projects Increasing use of online Communities of Practice for teachers Quality label for good practice examples

20 Studies at DG EAC Learning 2.0 (2008) New learning communities through ICT (2009) Foresight study on ICT, learning and innovation (Dec. 2010) European-wide comparison of the use and impact of ICT on school education (STEPS -2009) Development of methodologies for ICT indicators (2009) Benchmarking study by DG INFSO (upcoming) Learning 2.0 (2008) New learning communities through ICT (2009) Foresight study on ICT, learning and innovation (Dec. 2010) European-wide comparison of the use and impact of ICT on school education (STEPS -2009) Development of methodologies for ICT indicators (2009) Benchmarking study by DG INFSO (upcoming)

21 EU support The eLearning Portal Supporting the exchange of ideas, good practice and resources in elearning across Europe and the world Open to everyone, everywhere Funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme Supporting the exchange of ideas, good practice and resources in elearning across Europe and the world Open to everyone, everywhere Funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme eLearning Papers n° 2 (2007)

22 EU support European Year of Creativity & Innovation Key messages Creativity and innovation contribute to economic prosperity as well as to social and individual wellbeing. Creativity and innovation are personal capacities requiring a social context. There is a wide consensus in the collective, collaborative nature of innovation, be it social, organisational or research-based We live in a networked society, and ICT provides unprecedented tools for sharing and for collaboration Key messages Creativity and innovation contribute to economic prosperity as well as to social and individual wellbeing. Creativity and innovation are personal capacities requiring a social context. There is a wide consensus in the collective, collaborative nature of innovation, be it social, organisational or research-based We live in a networked society, and ICT provides unprecedented tools for sharing and for collaboration

23 ICT and education And next …

24 A new policy agenda: Europe 2020 Smart Growth Sustainable Growth Inclusive Growth Innovation « Innovation Union » Climate, energy and mobility « Resource efficient Europe » Employment and skills « An agenda for new skills and jobs » Education « Youth on the move » Competitiveness « An industrial policy for the globalisation era » Fighting poverty « European platform against poverty » Digital society « A digital agenda for Europe »

25 Approx. 150 M Europeans (30%) has never used the Internet, especially elderly people, low education, youngsters at risk The e-Skills gap could be between 384,00 and 700,00 jobs KA 10 – The EC will propose digital literacy and competences as a priority for the European Social Fund Regulation ( ) KA 11 – The EC will develop tools to identify and recognise the competences of ICT practitioners and users by 2012 KEY ACTIONS KEY ACTIONS CHALLENGES OTHER ACTIONS OTHER ACTIONS ) The EC will: The development of a European wide Digital competence framework for all levels of education The development of an ICTsupplement to EUROPASS Propose by 2013 EU-wide indicators of digital competences and media literacy MS should: mainstream eLearning in national policies for the modernisation of education and training, including in curricula, assessment of learning outcomes and the professional development of teachers and trainers. Digital competences in the Digital Agenda

26 Developing modern education and training systems to deliver key competences and excellence Including the ability to exploit fully the potential of ICT Propose a European Skills Passport in 2011 based on existing elements of EUROPASS … incl. ICT skills KEY ACTIONS KEY ACTIONS CHALLENGES OTHER ACTIONS OTHER ACTIONS ) The EC will: -Develop ICT skills supplement to EUROPASS -Propose by 2013 EU-wide indicators of digital competences and media literacy -Communication on competences supporting LL L - Communication on the recognition of informal and non formal learning Digital competences in ’Youth on the move’ The share of early school leavers should be under 10% and at least 40% of the younger generation should have a tertiary degree.

27 All future jobs will include some element of digital skills Mismatch between supply and demand Enhance the right mix of skills By 2012, propose European-wide approaches and instruments to support Member States in the integration of ICT and digital literacy in their core lifelong learning policies. KEY ACTIONS KEY ACTIONS CHALLENGES OTHER ACTIONS OTHER ACTIONS ) The EC will: Launch a multistakeholder sectoral council for ICT skills and employment Policy Handbook for leaders and policy makers for schools based on the work of MS Towards an EC Communication Digital competences in ‘New Skills and Jobs’

28 Quality & efficiency Innovation & creativity (incl. entrepreneurship) Equity & citizenship Lifelong learning + mobility ET 2020 Strategic challenges

29 Individual Teaching Student Guide Hierarchical Lifelong & Lifewide certification/validation Learning by experiencing Learning Spaces: future learning Learner Social Teacher Rote Learning InstitutionalMultiple ways Formal Heterarchical Learning

30 An adaptive response by E&T policy 21st century competences require an “adequate” response from E&T 1.Connect ‘ICT for learning’ into the core educational agenda: drop the “e” of e-learning 2.Bring education at the forefront of the technological rich world 3.New learners are not by definition effective learners 4.A second and third digital divide are emerging 5.Recognise the importance of informal next to formal learning 6.Show leadership and vision in the field of ICT for learning, while fostering a culture of sharing and dialogue 21st century competences require an “adequate” response from E&T 1.Connect ‘ICT for learning’ into the core educational agenda: drop the “e” of e-learning 2.Bring education at the forefront of the technological rich world 3.New learners are not by definition effective learners 4.A second and third digital divide are emerging 5.Recognise the importance of informal next to formal learning 6.Show leadership and vision in the field of ICT for learning, while fostering a culture of sharing and dialogue

31 Policy Embed ICT into the core E&T agenda Partnership building / Increase peer learning among all stakeholders (e.g. ICT cluster/ ICT Sector Council) Need for guidance and support instruments to MS (e.g. Policy handbook; digital competence framework; new competences framework) Visioning the future of learning in a digitised society (NSNJ; foresight studies) Increase the evidence on the use and impact of ICT for learning  Towards a long-term strategy for ICT learning indicators (surveys) Towards an integrated agenda around ICT for learning

32 Thank you ! ‘Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow. ’ William Pollard The Lifelong Learning Programme: DG Education and Culture: The Executive Agency: