IOI-OceanLearn The Training and Education Programme of the International Ocean Institute Learning for our Future Ocean…. The International Ocean Institute
OceanLearn : the Vision IOI-OceanLearn: the system-wide programme for the coordination, delivery, quality assurance and development of global partnerships of the International Ocean Institute’s capacity building activities The Vision: To develop an interdisciplinary and integrated culture of knowledge, inclusive and accessible to all, focusing on Ocean Affairs and Ocean Science, through which knowledge is distributed making use of modern techniques.
OceanLearn : The Mission To deliver education, training and capacity building products so as to promote understanding and sustainable management of ocean spaces and resources which will meet the needs of both developed and developing nations.
OceanLearn : Objectives TO coordinate, consolidate and quality assure the IOI’s education, training and capacity building activities through a clearly identified (branded) training and capacity building program TO enable the IOI to deliver its products to markets in an effective manner and in such a way the brand will become recognised with quality and delivery.
OceanLearn : Implementation OceanLearn is implemented by the OceanLearn Implementation Committee (OLIC) During the start-up phase, OceanLearn will focus on Short Training Courses, which may include courses available for degree credit at participating IOI Host Institutions.
SHORT TRAINING COURSES Combinations of short courses developed by IOI or IOI Partners Short thematic (including technical) courses delivered by IOI Operational Centers or with IOI partners Workshops delivered by IOI OCs and which include training components
OceanLearn : IOI Partners IOI-Canada and Dalhousie University, Ocean Governance and Management IOI-Malta and The University of Malta, Regional Ocean Governance IOI-Germany, Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie, University of Bremen, ISATEC Programme IOI (Australia) (OceanLearn Implementation) IOI-Southwestern Atlantic Ocean, The Center for Marine Studies of the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil IOI-Baltic, Kalmar University, Sweden IOI-Pacific Islands, The University of the South Pacific, Fiji, partners in distance and flexible learning IOI-Southern Africa, University of the Western Cape, South Africa, partners in distance and web-based learning IOI-Costa Rica, The Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica) Rural Development Program
OceanLearn : UN Partners The United Nations Division on Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea, TRAIN-SEA-COAST Programme United Nations Environment Programme Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (UNEP/GPA) United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization Institute for Water Education (UNESCO- IHE) The Global Environment Facility (GEF) – IW-Learn;
Other Supporting Agencies Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism, Caribbean Community Secretariat (CRFM & CARICOM); The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC); The Nippon Foundation’s International Ocean Governance Network; United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization Institute for Water Education; CoastLearn Ocean Science Research Foundation, Switzerland Lighthouse Foundation European Community
OceanLearn : Beneficiaries The beneficiaries of OceanLearn will be students and mid-high level government, private sector and NGO employees who will have access to OceanLearn courses. The IOI’s network of Operational and Regional Operational Centres, the IOI’s host institutions and partners will also benefit from OceanLearn.
Quality Assurance Quality Assurance will guarantee a network wide quality standard for all courses run under the OL brand; it consists of three components that investigate the quality of the content, of the performance and of the venues of the courses.
Courses under Preparation Development, Implementation and Management of Marine Protected Areas for the Pacific Islands (adaptation of a course developed by the TSC Red Sea CDU, being carried out jointly with UN/DOALOS and TRAIN-SEA-COAST. To be offered in Fiji, December 2006) 2.Risk Reduction and Integrated Management for Sustainable Tropical Coastal Tourism Development (outline prepared by IOI- Australia) 3.Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Marine Protected Area Management (outline prepared by Dr Mark Calamia) 4.Integrating Biodiversity Conservation with Sustainable Tropical Coastal Tourism Development (outline prepared by IOI-Australia and funding sought from the Department of Environment & Heritage, Government of Australia)
OceanLearn Proposed Subject Area Packages Integrated living coastal resource management Ocean non-living resources and socio-economic implication Maritime boundary delimitation and transboundary management Coastal risk management Coastal Tourism Harbour and maritime industry Environment, Human health &Traditional Ecological Knowledge Management of marine protected areas Ocean Governance