SOT Postdoctoral Update Fall 2008
Abstract Submission Call For Abstracts The SOT electronic abstract submission site is open August 1–October 3, 2008, for general abstract submission. The SOT electronic abstract submission site is open August 1–October 3, 2008, for general abstract submission.
Best Postdoctoral Publication Awards Purpose Recognize talented postdoctoral researchers who have recently published exceptional papers in the field of toxicology. Recognize talented postdoctoral researchers who have recently published exceptional papers in the field of toxicology. Three awards (plaque and a $100 cash award) are presented at the Postdoctoral Assembly Luncheon during the SOT Annual Meeting. Three awards (plaque and a $100 cash award) are presented at the Postdoctoral Assembly Luncheon during the SOT Annual Meeting. Eligibility for 2009 Eligibility for 2009 The research reported in the paper was conducted while the applicant was engaged in a postdoctoral research experience The research reported in the paper was conducted while the applicant was engaged in a postdoctoral research experience Member of SOT or membership application submitted by award application deadline Member of SOT or membership application submitted by award application deadline First author on a peer-reviewed paper published on-line or in print, or in press, between June 1, 2007 and May 31, 2008 First author on a peer-reviewed paper published on-line or in print, or in press, between June 1, 2007 and May 31, 2008 Application supported by letter from the research advisor Application supported by letter from the research advisor Only one paper submitted by each applicant Only one paper submitted by each applicant DUE: October 9 th
Best Postdoctoral Publication Awards Application A statement explaining the significance of the result(s) and indicate how these results impact the advancement of science, length no more than one page A statement explaining the significance of the result(s) and indicate how these results impact the advancement of science, length no more than one page Copy of the nominated paper Copy of the nominated paper Advisor Nomination Statement describing the significance of the work and detail concerning the contributions of the nominee to the research in the paper, up to one page in length Statement describing the significance of the work and detail concerning the contributions of the nominee to the research in the paper, up to one page in length Application materials must be sent via to SOT Headquarters to before 12:00 Midnight ET Oct. 9, Application materials must be sent via to SOT Headquarters to before 12:00 Midnight ET Oct. 9,
More Postdoc Awards DUE DATES DUE DATES American Association of Chinese in Toxicology SIG Best Abstract Awards January 1, 2009 American Association of Chinese in Toxicology SIG Best Abstract Awards January 1, 2009 Best Postdoctoral Publication Awards October 9, 2008 Best Postdoctoral Publication Awards October 9, 2008 Biological Modeling SS Perry J. Gehring Student Award January 15, 2009 Biological Modeling SS Perry J. Gehring Student Award January 15, 2009 Carcinogenesis SS Postdoctoral Fellowship AwardNovember 16, 2008 Carcinogenesis SS Postdoctoral Fellowship AwardNovember 16, 2008 Central States RC Graduate and Postdoctoral Student Travel Award December 1, 2008 Central States RC Graduate and Postdoctoral Student Travel Award December 1, 2008 Colgate-Palmolive Grants for Alternative Research October 9, 2008 Colgate-Palmolive Grants for Alternative Research October 9, 2008 Colgate-Palmolive Postdoctoral Fellowship Award in In Vitro Toxicology October 9, 2008 Colgate-Palmolive Postdoctoral Fellowship Award in In Vitro Toxicology October 9, 2008 Dermal Toxicology SS Student and Postdoc Awards December 1, 2008 Dermal Toxicology SS Student and Postdoc Awards December 1, 2008 Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues SS Student Awards February 1, 2009 Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues SS Student Awards February 1, 2009 Immunotoxicology SS Best Presentation by a Postdoctoral Trainee Award February 1, 2009 Immunotoxicology SS Best Presentation by a Postdoctoral Trainee Award February 1, 2009 In Vitro and Alternative Methods SS MB Research Best PosterJanuary 1, 2009 In Vitro and Alternative Methods SS MB Research Best PosterJanuary 1, 2009 In Vitro and Alternative Methods SS Student Award January 1, 2009 In Vitro and Alternative Methods SS Student Award January 1, 2009 Inhalation and Respiratory SS Paper of the Year Award December 15, 2008 Inhalation and Respiratory SS Paper of the Year Award December 15, 2008 Inhalation and Respiratory SS Postdoctoral Award January 2, 2009 Inhalation and Respiratory SS Postdoctoral Award January 2, 2009 Mechanisms SS Merck Postdoctoral Travel Award January 30, 2009 Mechanisms SS Merck Postdoctoral Travel Award January 30, 2009 Metals SS Graduate Student/Postdoctoral Awards January 15, 2009 Metals SS Graduate Student/Postdoctoral Awards January 15, 2009 Michigan RC Postdoc Poster Award November 14th, 2008 Michigan RC Postdoc Poster Award November 14th, 2008 Molecular Biology SS Postdoctoral Fellow Research Award November 1, 2008 Molecular Biology SS Postdoctoral Fellow Research Award November 1, 2008 National Capital RC Bern Schwetz Travel Award January 12, 2009 National Capital RC Bern Schwetz Travel Award January 12, 2009 National Capital RC Poster Award April 12, 2009 National Capital RC Poster Award April 12, 2009 Neurotoxicology SS Best Abstract Award January 15, 2009 Neurotoxicology SS Best Abstract Award January 15, 2009 Neurotoxicology SS Postdoctoral Fellow/Associate Poster Award January 15, 2009 Neurotoxicology SS Postdoctoral Fellow/Associate Poster Award January 15, 2009 North Carolina RC President's Award for Research Competition (PARC) September 19, 2008 North Carolina RC President's Award for Research Competition (PARC) September 19, 2008 Northern California RC Travel Award January 16, 2009 Northern California RC Travel Award January 16, 2009 Northern California RC Young Investigators Award December 21, 2008 Northern California RC Young Investigators Award December 21, 2008 Occupational and Public Health SS Best Abstract Award January 15, 2009 Occupational and Public Health SS Best Abstract Award January 15, 2009 Occupational and Public Health SS Best Manuscript Award January 15, 2009 Occupational and Public Health SS Best Manuscript Award January 15, 2009 Reproductive and Developmental SS Postdoc Award March 01, 2009 Reproductive and Developmental SS Postdoc Award March 01, 2009 Risk Assessment SS Best Postdoc Abstract Award January 14, 2009 Risk Assessment SS Best Postdoc Abstract Award January 14, 2009 South Central RC Fall Meeting Presentation Awards at meeting South Central RC Fall Meeting Presentation Awards at meeting South Central RC Travel Award January 15, 2009 South Central RC Travel Award January 15, 2009 Women in Toxicology SIG Achievement Award January 11, 2009 Women in Toxicology SIG Achievement Award January 11, 2009
SOT On-Line Mentoring Program Mentor Match Developed by the Career Resource and Development (CRAD) Committee Developed by the Career Resource and Development (CRAD) Committee Objective: To provide a service that matches mentees with potential mentors from the SOT membership to provide advice on career path selection and success and life/work balance issues. Objective: To provide a service that matches mentees with potential mentors from the SOT membership to provide advice on career path selection and success and life/work balance issues. How does it work: How does it work: Review the program guidelines Review the program guidelines Respond to the web-based questionnaire Respond to the web-based questionnaire List of potential matches sent to both List of potential matches sent to both the mentor and mentee the mentor and mentee For further information, please contact Kristy Rand at For further information, please contact Kristy Rand at
Postdoctoral Luncheon & Mixer Postdoc Events at 2009 SOT Meeting Postdoc Events at 2009 SOT Meeting Postdoctoral Luncheon: Meet council representative, awards, door prizes, and mingling Postdoctoral Luncheon: Meet council representative, awards, door prizes, and mingling Free – ticket required! Free – ticket required! Watch for the announcement of date, time, place! Watch for the announcement of date, time, place! Student/Postdoc Mixer: Spend Sunday evening eating, drinking and mingling with other postdocs. Learn more about SOT Specialty Sections, Regional Chapters, and Special Interest Groups Student/Postdoc Mixer: Spend Sunday evening eating, drinking and mingling with other postdocs. Learn more about SOT Specialty Sections, Regional Chapters, and Special Interest Groups Free – ticket required! Free – ticket required!
Workshops PDA is organizing two workshops at the 2009 National Meeting: 1. Scientific: co-sponsored with the Student Advisory Council Topic: Gene-Environment Interactions:Epigenetic Pathways in Chronic Disease Promotion and Progression Topic: Gene-Environment Interactions:Epigenetic Pathways in Chronic Disease Promotion and Progression 2. Career Development: co-sponsored with the Toxicologists of African Origin Topic: Career Opportunities and Transitions in Toxicology Topic: Career Opportunities and Transitions in Toxicology
Looking for Postdoc Officers We need you! Yes, you !!!! We need you! Yes, you !!!! We are currently looking to establish postdoc officer positions on the following: Regional Chapters: Mid-Atlantic, Michigan, Midwest, Mountain West, National Capital, North Carolina, Northern California, Northland, Northeast, Ohio Valley, South Central, Southern California Regional Chapters: Mid-Atlantic, Michigan, Midwest, Mountain West, National Capital, North Carolina, Northern California, Northland, Northeast, Ohio Valley, South Central, Southern California Specialty Sections: Biological Modeling, Comparative and Veterinary, Drug Discovery, Ethical, Legal and Social Issues, Food Safety, Inhalation and Respiratory, Molecular Biology, Nanotechnology, Neurotoxicology, Ocular, Regulatory and Safety Evaluation, Toxicologic and Exploratory Specialty Sections: Biological Modeling, Comparative and Veterinary, Drug Discovery, Ethical, Legal and Social Issues, Food Safety, Inhalation and Respiratory, Molecular Biology, Nanotechnology, Neurotoxicology, Ocular, Regulatory and Safety Evaluation, Toxicologic and Exploratory Special Interest Groups: Amer. Assoc. Chinese, Special Interest Groups: Amer. Assoc. Chinese, Korean Tox. Assoc., Tox. of African Origin, Women Korean Tox. Assoc., Tox. of African Origin, Women in Toxicology in Toxicology Please contact: Lauren Aleksunes Please contact: Lauren Aleksunes
The Post-y Newsletter Published twice a year Published twice a year Topics relevant to the postdoctoral experience Topics relevant to the postdoctoral experience Members can suggest or provide a topic or article – please contact the PDA Members can suggest or provide a topic or article – please contact the PDA
New Postdoctoral Membership Status !!! SOT member access at no charge to SOT Career Resource and Development services Job Bank and interviewing SOT member access at no charge to SOT Career Resource and Development services Job Bank and interviewing One free Specialty Section membership and one free Special Interest Group membership One free Specialty Section membership and one free Special Interest Group membership Eligibility for leadership roles in Regional Chapter and Specialty Eligibility for leadership roles in Regional Chapter and Specialty Section Graduate Committees, the Postdoctoral Assembly, and other SOT groups Section Graduate Committees, the Postdoctoral Assembly, and other SOT groups Right to submit an unsponsored abstract for the Annual Meeting Right to submit an unsponsored abstract for the Annual Meeting Access to member-restricted information on the SOT Web site Access to member-restricted information on the SOT Web site Access to mentoring network Access to mentoring network Application Due Dates: January, May, September 1
Postdoctoral Assembly (PDA) Heather Floyd, Chair Betina Lew, Vice-chair Betina Lew, Vice-chair Valerie Mitchell, Secretary-Treasurer Valerie Mitchell, Secretary-Treasurer Lauren Aleksunes, Councilor Lauren Aleksunes, Councilor Please contact the PDA with any suggestions, questions, or concerns…