A comparison of the blogging practices of UK and US bloggers Dr Sarah Pedersen
US and UK bloggers: are there differences? Vast majority of research into blogging has so far focused on the North American experience British bloggers are relatively late arrivals to the blogosphere
Methodology Survey administered to 60 UK and 60 US bloggers Selected randomly from two blogging directories which allowed selection by state or county Equal numbers of male and female bloggers blogging in English and over the age of 18 Data also collected directly from their blogs Established a blog about the research
Demographic differences Previous US studies have characterised bloggers as educated to graduate level UK respondents, on average, were younger and less educated than US respondents Is the second wave of blogging, outside the US, attracting a different type of person to the blogosphere? Or did earlier studies focus on graduates? US bloggers UK bloggers Educated to bachelor degree 47%32% Postgraduate degree 35%18% Left school at 16 10%28%
Where and where do bloggers blog? 14% at a workplace outside the home 43% at home 30% at home, which is also their place of employment ’I sometimes wonder how a person who doesn’t work from home would find significant time to blog.’ US bloggers more likely to blog in the morning UK bloggers more likely to blog in the evening
Content of blogs 51 blogs characterised as Personal –15 men and 36 women –Only 4 US men wrote Personal blogs Religion – 5 male blogs Politics and opinion – 12 male and 3 female Work, business and IT – 16 male and 5 female Food – 3 female
The blog as online diary? 28 respondents agreed that their blog had replaced a diary (19 women) 17 agreed that the blog had replaced a project journal 15 agreed that the blog had replaced a travel diary US males least likely to see blogs as a form of diary keeping 50% of UK women stated that they blogged for their own records –Compared to only 4 US males (13%)
Promotion of blogs Most popular method – submit blog to blog directory (97) Blogrings – 26 UK bloggers and 15 US bloggers (only 4 US males) Most popular blogrings – linked bloggers of the same sex or same geographical location, ie Scottish bloggers UK bloggers need to mark themselves out against numerically stronger US bloggers?
Concerns about privacy 56 respondents had concerns about privacy Particularly regarding family and work Potential future employers might search for them on the Internet Are bloggers identifiable through the information they give? 70% of the blogs did not show an identifiable photo But, 54% of US male blogs did show such a photo Anecdotal evidence suggests that bloggers can be identified
Blog as income generator Teams led by Nardi and Schiano suggested five main motivations for blogging –Documenting the author’s life –Commentary and opinion –Expressing deeply felt emotions –Working out ideas –Forming communities Pedersen also suggests a need for validation This survey suggested a desire for financial reward
Financial reward Particularly strong motivation for women respondents –Looking for alternative to full-time employment out of house ’I hope to eventually make enough money from my blog to support my family’ Marketing tool Blogging as a profession Carrying advertising or requesting subscriptions Publication of the blog itself
Blogrolls Recommended reading 82 blogs surveyed had a blogroll Survey asked what respondents had in common with the blogs on their blogroll –Interests (92) –A sense of humour (59) –Part of the world (19)
How willing are bloggers to link to blogs outside their own country?
US blogrolls 47 US blogs carried a blogroll 31 had less than 20% of all links to blogs outside the US 15 of these had no links outside the US at all Male blogger with most foreign links was a German ex-pat Female blogger with most foreign links wrote a blog about Jane Austen
UK blogrolls 43 UK blogs had blogrolls 14 had less than 20% of all links to blogs outside the UK 7 had no links outside the UK at all 14 bloggers had more than 50% of their links to foreign blogs Not surprising: there ARE more blogs outside the UK However, the limited amount of linking that the average US blogger does to sites outside the US should be noted
The popular blogs 120 respondents’ blogs were ranked in terms of popularity The survey’s US male respondents were more popular in the blogosphere than other respondents Agrees with other research investigating popularity in the US blogosphere UK males UK females US males US females Least popular 20 blogs 6617 Most popular 20 blogs 44102
Surfwax data UK malesUK femalesUS malesUS females Top ten blogs with most links 2161 Top ten blogs with most images 0271 Top ten blogs with most words 2161
Conclusions The project set out to compare and contrast the blogging techniques of UK and US bloggers. However, what it has discovered is noticeable differences between US males and the rest of the blogosphere. The dominance of male bloggers in the US, identified by many commentators in the last few years, also translates into a dominance of the international, anglophone blogosphere. UK bloggers were more ready to make links to overseas blogs in their blogrolls, while US bloggers as a group were less ready. Blogging is now being seen as a viable income generator for those who need a flexible approach to employment.