Prescriptive Guidance for SOA Peter Roden Director of Technology Development OASIS
What is OASIS? OASIS = Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards OASIS has been developing e-Standards since 1993 OASIS is a member-led, international non-profit standards consortium concentrating on structured information and global e-business standards. Close to 5000 members and 500 organizations Supports over 60 technical committees producing royalty-free and RAND standards in an open process. “The largest standards group for electronic commerce on the Web”
50% Technology Providers Software vendors Industry organisations Individuals / small developers OASIS Member Distribution 15% Government & Academic Governments Universities Research centres & related nonprofits 35% Users and influencers User companies Vertical industry organisations Individuals / small consultancies
OASIS Membership Expanding Globally
ORCHESTRATION & MANAGEMENT DATA CONTENT MESSAGINGDISCOVERY SECURITY & ACCESS DESCRIPTION SOA COMMON MESSAGE (XML) COMMON TRANSPORT AVDL, eGOV, Election, eProc, Emergency, Legal XML, Materials, PLCS, PPS, TaxML, TransWs, WAS, XLIFF, (Auto Repair) ABCM, (Conformance), ebSOA, FWSI, SOA Blueprints, SOA-RM ebXML CPPA, HumanML, UIML, WSRP DITA, EntityRes, Topic Maps, Pub. Subj, XDI, XRI ebXML, RegRep, UDDI Relax NG, XSLT Conformance ebXML MSG, ebXML IIC, WS-Reliability, WS-RX DSS, PKI, SAML, WS-Security, XCBF SPML, XACML, (DSML) DCML (x3), WSDM, WSRF, WS-Notification ASAP, BTP, ebXML-BP, WSBPEL, WSCAF CIQ, CGM, DocBook, OpenDocument, UBL OASIS Technical Standards
Technical trends in OASIS work Infrastructure work is maturing The action is moving up the "stack" to content and semantics Stronger emphasis on service orientation: interoperability and re- use End users are providing more of the content ORCHESTRATION & MANAGEMENT DATA CONTENT MESSAGINGDISCOVERY SECURITY & ACCESS DESCRIPTION SOA COMMON MESSAGE (XML) COMMON TRANSPORT
Prescriptive: “to lay down as a guide, direction, or rule of action”
Business Centric Methodology TC 1.BCM templates for the Repository 2.Information architecture 3.Connections
SOA Blueprints TC Methodology –“Open-Source” RFP Built around Generico Donation from CapGemini for defining Business Requirements Donation from WellsFargo –“Open-Source” POC Vendor-Neutral source of information and benchmarks –Best Practices & Patterns Reference implementations from BEA, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun
SOA Blueprint Goals Part of a long term project, SOA Blueprints aims to: –Define a baseline standardized set of enterprise applications –Focus on SOA principles –Highlight SOA design patterns and best practices –Encourage SOA adoption –Be industry agnostic –Be applicable to as many organizations as possible The specification will lead to: –An agreement on SOA terminology –A reference open source implementation –An implementation by vendors –Additional modules with particular industry focus
SOA Blueprints Implementation Environments Definition of services independent of implementation, location or use Implementation and hosting of services as a provider Location and usage of services as a consumer Assembly of services from other services and business rules Support for synchronous, asynchronous and conversational services Orchestration of application presentation built on services and rules Automated data transformation between disparate data structures Provisioning of local and remote services Support for simulating, testing and debugging of services
More OASIS SOA Prescriptive Work ebSOA –Update the ebXML Architecture in an SOA context Framework for WS Implementation – design a template for Web services deployment to enable systems integrators, software vendors, and in-house developers to build e-commerce solutions more quickly SOA Reference Model –define a reference model for Service Oriented Architecture Semantic Execution Environment – guidelines, justifications and implementation directions for an execution environment for Semantic Web services
End-User Company Benefits Influence direction and priorities of standards development by aligning your strategic requirements with the standards Learn and adopt best practices Improve Vendor and Partner selection through a better understanding of why they are choosing their implementation and product directions Shift training expenses to standards participation to better educate technical staff on trends and developments of technology Observe practical implementations from multiple vendors for given business scenarios Speed up your implementations by participating in multi-vendor interoperability demonstrations with your specific use cases
Peter Roden Director of Technology Development OASIS 630 Boston Road Billerica, MA USA Ext. 210 (Voice) (Mobile) (Fax)