New curricula at Department of Mathematics and Informatics (3+2+3) (Novi Sad) passed the accreditation Durres, September 9, 2008
Andreja Tepavčević & Zoran Budimac Department of Mathematics and Informatics Faculty of Science University of Novi Sad Serbia
Faculty of Science UNS Founded in 1969 Consists of 5 departments Biology and Ecology Chemistry Mathematics and Informatics Geography Physics 71 laboratories, m 2
Faculty of Sciences consists of 5000 people: students, teachers and non-teaching staff.Faculty of Sciences consists of 5000 people: students, teachers and non-teaching staff. 256 researchers in Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences 256 researchers in Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
Faculty of Science, UNS has passed the accreditation On 12. April, 2008 the Quality Control Commission of Republic of Serbia approved the accreditation of Faculty of Science IN THE FIRST ROUND.
Curricula of Informatics (starting from 2008/9) (Bachelor + Master + Doctoral) BSc in Informatics Computer Science Information technologies Master in Informatics Theoretical Computer Science Teaching Master in Information Technologies Software engineering Information systems PhD in Informatics
BSC in Informatics Obligatory courses:
Two modules: Module 1: Computer Science (85 ECTS) Module 2: Information Technologies (80ECTS)
Module 1: Computer Science
Module 2: Information Technologies
Optional courses Module 1 Computer Science -student choose 36 ECTS Module 2 Information Technologies -student choose 41 ECTS from the following list:
Master in Informatics Obligatory courses
Three modules: Module 1: Computer Science (31 ECTS) Module 2: Informatics Education (30 ECTS) Module 3: Theoretical Computer Science (26 ECTS)
Module 1: Computer Science
Module 2: Informatics Education
Module 3: Theoretical Computer Science
Optional courses Module 1: Computer Science -student choose 36 ECTS Module 2: Informatics Education -student choose 37 ECTS Module 3: Theoretical Computer Science -student choose 41 ECTS from the following list:
Master in Information Technologies Obligatory courses:
Two modules: Module 1: Software Engineering (22.5 ECTS) Module 2: Information Systems (32.5 ECTS)
Module 1: Software Engineering
Module 2: Information Systems
Optional courses Module 1: Software Engineering -student choose 52 ECTS Module 2: Information Systems -student choose 42 ECTS
PhD in Informatics
Where are ‘joint’ master studies in software engineering (Tempus project)? In: Master of Information Technologies Software engineering that consists of: Courses from the ‘joint’ studies + Some other courses – Soft ‘joint’ courses (E-business, Business modeling, applied system thinking,…)
Some statistics – elective courses BSc – obligatory courses 33% Computer science: + 44 % Information technologies: + 44% BSc – elective courses: + 33 % MSc Informatics, 33 % elective MSc IT, 36 % elective PhD, 100% elective
Some statistics: math. vs inf. BSc in CS (only obligatory) Mathematics + theoretical found.: 45 % Informatics: 55 % BSc in IT (only obligatory) Mathematics + theoretical found.: 26 % Informatics: 74 % 10 students enrolled 58 students enrolled
Some statistics: math. vs inf. MSc in Inf - CS (only obligatory) Mathematics + theoretical found.: 40 % Informatics: 60 % BSc in IT – SE (only obligatory) Mathematics + theoretical found.: 15 % Informatics: 85 %
Problems Courses for PhD are ‘thin’ (5 ECTS points each) – because of accreditation ‘metrics’ Is our BSc in CS (45% theory, 55% inf.) capable of doing something useful in industry? Probably not → master
Conclusion Is this the final stage of our continual 10-years efforts of reforms? Probably not, but it is a good step in that direction The next step: analyzing the courses contents to check the usefulness to industry (esp. after 3 years).