I. Reservoirs Reservoirs are natural basins. Reservoirs are natural basins. It is usually surrounded with mountains or high areas. It is usually surrounded.


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Presentation transcript:

I. Reservoirs Reservoirs are natural basins. Reservoirs are natural basins. It is usually surrounded with mountains or high areas. It is usually surrounded with mountains or high areas. It has a narrow exits. It has a narrow exits.

1.1 Physical Characteristics Topography Topography Soil properties Soil properties 1. Solid rock base 1. Solid rock base 2. Low permeability 2. Low permeability

Elevation Capacity Curve. Elevation Capacity Curve. Elevation Surface Area Curve. Elevation Surface Area Curve.

Operation Policy Balance Equation: Balance Equation: Release = Inflow + Δ S – losses Release = Inflow + Δ S – losses Constraints: Constraints: Release ≤ Q max Release ≤ Q max Storage ≤ Maximum Storage Storage ≤ Maximum Storage