Conference On Ocean Literacy VADM Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr. US Navy (Ret.) Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere NOAA Administrator June 7, 2006
Conference On Ocean Literacy 2 NOAA’s Vision An informed society that uses a comprehensive understanding of the role of the oceans, coasts, and atmosphere in the global ecosystem to make the best social and economic decisions.
Conference On Ocean Literacy 3 NOAA’s future depends on creating an ocean literate society Human behavior impacts ocean health By 2010, approximately 61% of NOAA’s oceanographers will be eligible for retirement. NOAA needs the best and brightest students from diverse backgrounds to become fascinated with the sea.
Conference On Ocean Literacy 4 How do the Essential Principles connect to NOAA? NOAA predicts there will be 4 to 6 major hurricanes in the Atlantic this year. Ocean forecasting influences decisions farmers make in Kansas. As the ocean changes, so will its influence on weather and climate. “The ocean is a major influence on weather and climate.”
Conference On Ocean Literacy 5 How do the Essential Principles connect to NOAA? Protecting marine habitats provides nurseries for our fisheries which are a significant contribution to GNP. Each new discovery has the potential to lead to new advances in medicine and biotechnology. New polymers found in marine snail egg capsules can rebuild soft-tissue. “The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems.”
Conference On Ocean Literacy 6 How do the Essential Principles connect to NOAA? USDA 2005 Dietary Guidelines recommends that Americans eat two or more servings of fish a week. The ocean provides us with fresh water and oxygen. The ocean creates more than 13 million jobs in the U.S. “The ocean and humans are inextricably interconnected.”
Conference On Ocean Literacy 7 How is NOAA using the Essential Principles? Environmental Literacy Grants NOAA Education Council Ocean Exploration program Sanctuary Program Estuarine-based curriculum Teacher-at-Sea program Teacher At Sea, Susan Carty Sea Grant, Becky Stamski— Monterey Bay Sanctuary Ocean Exploration—Aquarius
Conference On Ocean Literacy 8 NOAA needs your help To communicate The importance of the ocean and the impact we are having on it To find New ways to interact with the ocean, improving its health and ours