Recent Developments in the Training of History Teachers in Finland May, the 30th, 2008, Arja Virta Faculty of Education, Department of Teacher Education
Background: Teacher education in Finland All teacher education for general education takes place in universities All teachers, also those for grades 1–6 in compulsory education, take MA level degrees Elementary school teachers, class teachers (for grades 1–6 ) major in pedagogy and usually do a short course in history (about 3 ECTS) Subject-specific teachers in compulsory school from grades 7–9, and in senior secondary school (=13–19 year olds)
Teachers’ qualifications by school forms in Finland (based on Jakku-Sihvonen & Niemi 2006, 11) AgeSchool formTeachers’ qualification 0–6KindergartenKindergarten teachers (BA) 6Optional pre-schoolKindergarten teachers (BA) or class teachers 7–12Basic education (compulsory) grades 1-6 Class teachers (MA), subject teachers 13–15Basic education (compulsory) grades 7 -9 Subject-specific teachers (MA, MSc) 16 –Upper secondary schoolsSubject-specific teachers (MA, MSc) 16 –Vocational schoolsVocational or subject teachers
Changes after and/or due to the Bologna process The programmes for teacher education were reformed on basis of the national working group in education ECTS system all programmes divided to BA and MA level degrees (basically even before the Bologna process) analysis of core substance in every course MA as basic requirement for teaching in schools from elementary level on (as before)
Class teacher education (MA, teaching grades 1–6) (adapted from Jakku-Sihvonen & Niemi 2006, 38) Components of class teacher Education BA 180 ECTS MA 120 ECTS Total 300 ECTS Main Subject (general education): pedagogical studies; educational research; scientific writing; theses 60 including teaching practice; BA thesis 80 (MA thesis ECTS (practice) 140 Curriculum studies (subject studies in school subjects for grades 1 to 6,) 60 Academic studies, minor subjects Other studies (language, ICT…)355 –
History in teacher studies for lower grades Included in curriculum studies, makes about 3–5 ECTS ( emphasis: the nature of history, didactics) Cross-curricular themes (cultural identity, active citizenship etc supporting pure subject studies) Class teachers can specialise in history ( qualify as subject teachers for grades 7 – 9 if they study 60 ECTS in history)
The education of the subject- specific teachers of history (= grades 7-9 and upper secondary) (ibid.,39) ComponentsBA 180 ECTS MA 120 ECTS Total 300 ECTS Academic studies in the main subject (history) 60 (incl. BA Thesis 10 ECTS in history (incl MA thesis ECTS) Academic studies in minor subjects (eg. social sciences) Subject teachers’ pedagogical studies general education; subject didactics, practice ( min. 20 teaching practice Other studies
Components of history subject teacher education SUBJECT STUDIES: major, history in the Faculty of Humanities / minor: social sciences, in the Faculty of Social Sciences, other minor studies TEACHER STUDIES: a) educational studies, b) history didactics (Fachdidaktik), c) Practical training [a+b in Departments of Education / Teacher Education; c: in University training schools, Normalschule] Practical training is mainly organised in university training schools (”normal schools”), which belong to the Faculty of Education
Different ways of becoming a history teacher 1. MA majoring in history, teacher studies for history teachers included in the degree (the mainstream) 2. MA majoring in history, teacher studies done after the degree, separate diploma 3. MA as above (1 or 2), but teacher studies done in the teacher education directed to adult education 4. MA in class teacher programme (education as major, history minor, 60 ECTS, qualifies for grades 7–9) A NEW TREND – COMPULSORY EDUCATION IS MORE AND MORE OFTEN FUNCTIONING AS A UNIFIED SCHOOL) 5. MA in some other subject, teacher studies in some other school subject (languages, social science, religion), history as a minor subject (qualifies for grades 7-9)
Current issues Social studies / social sciences are an independent school subject (from 2003 on) until now majority of history teachers have had social studies as a minor subject this combination no more so fixed Problem: resources for educating social studies teachers (didactics etc) Problems of unemployment and overeducation of history teachers pressure from the Ministry of Education to cut the numbers of new students no decisions yet
Challenges and emphases of history teacher education Principles of active learning and active citizenship, global education Creating a personal professional identity ( why do I teach history and social studies, who am I as a teacher etc) Combining the roles and responsibilities of a history and social science teacher: academic expertise and professionalism; caring and supporting the students; intercultural competence Preparing teachers to teach in culturally diverse settings
For more information: Jakku-Sihvonen, Ritva & Niemi, Hannele (editors), Research-based Teacher Education in Finland – Reflections by Finnish Teacher Educators. Research in Educational Sciences 25. Finnish Educational Research Association. Turku Virta, Arja, Recent Developments in History Teaching in Finland. In: Elisabeth Erdmann, Robert Maier & Susanne Popp (editors) Geschichtsunterricht international / Worldwide Teaching of History / L’enseignement de l’histoire dans le monde. Studien zur internationalen Schulbuchforschung Band 117. Scriftenreihe des Georg-Eckert-Instituts. Hannover 2006, pp. 323–335.