Who am I speaking on behalf of? 6 years of being a medical student - hybrid course 2 months into internship
The downgrading of Basic Sciences? - a student’s perspective
Teaching the Art AND the Science of Medicine The dual importance of raw knowledge and the ability to put it into action
What Will I talk About? Content Feedback Apprenticeship
Current Opinion Academics Clinicians Heads in books Dinosaurs
What do the students think? The medical student organisations Australian Medical Students Association Local Medical Student Societies No Policy
Do students have an opinion? Yes Growing Awareness Major item on AMSA agenda for their first Council meeting of 2005 in March. Personal opinion combined with the perspectives of others
Content “Hard” vs “Soft” Science 20 years ago The pendulum has swung
Where Do I think the pendulum lies? Too far in favour of “soft science” Soft science is important There is not enough anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology
How much should there be? Too much of a good thing Bring back more hard science Does this have to be at the expense of soft science?
Feedback Non-graded passes vs marks Formative vs Summative "When the cook tastes the soup, that’s formative; when the guests taste the soup, that’s summative." - Robert Stakes
What is my opinion? “Where none admire, tis useless to excel” Basic competencies vs encouraging and rewarding excellence Basic competencies AND encouraging and rewarding excellence
Is there anything on which all stakeholders agree?
Apprenticeship Medicine needs mentoring Is this taking place to a sufficient level? No
Why? Individuals or system? System failure Service delivery is taking priority over teaching Applies to teachers and students (junior doctors).
Whose responsibility is this? State Departments of Health
What needs to be done? More money More time Recognition Protection Quantification - of both time and money
The Right People ? AMC CDAMS Academics in the MEUs
Thankyous David Hewett Ted Cleary Matthew Hutchinson All attendees
Recommendations: Content That this conference recognises the value of subjects such as communication skills and ethics. That the MEUs increase the level of hard science taught in their curriculums. That this takes place while still maintaining an adequate level of soft sciences
Recommendations: Feedback That more assessment is provided to medical students. That this should consist of a mixture of summative and formative assessment.
Recommendations: Apprenticeship That the state Departments of Health need to invest more money into the education of medical students and junior doctors. Quantification Recognition Protection