Unlocking The Keys To Technology Infusion Presented by Kathy Andrzejewski And Cindy O’Dwyer
To use or infuse… That is the question?
What is INFUSION? Turn and talk with a neighbor about: What you know of technology infusion What you would like to know about infusion
Using Technology According to LoTI Focus is more on computer use than on the critical content Technology-based tools are used to supplement the existing instructional program Technology is used as an extension activity, an enrichment exercises, or a technology-based tools Technology use reinforces lower cognitive skill development
Infusing Technology According to LoTI Emphasis is on higher order thinking and problem solving strategies linked to critical content Technology based tools (spreadsheets, Internet, publishing applications) compliment instruction Curriculum based, student centered, problem based learning supported by technology
Why Infuse? Teacher Centered Instruction Student Centered Learning Constructivism Single path progression Multi-path progression Student choice and initiative Single mediaMultimediaSound, video, interactivity Isolated workCollaborative workDistributed learning
More Reasons to Infuse Information deliveryInformation exchangeGlobal Communication Passive learningActive learningReal world problems Factual, literal thinkingCritical thinking, informed decision making Situational practice Reactive responseProactive, planned action Student choice Isolated, artificial context Authentic, real context Real data
LoTI Challenge Dr. Moersch challenged our school to reach Level 3 Infusion Three years ago majority of teachers were on levels 0,1,2 in LoTI (Exploration) Currently majority of teachers are functioning on levels 3,4(Infusion,Integration) in LoTI
Brandywine Springs School Chooses INFUSION Directly supports curriculum Directly supports constructivist model of instruction Directly supports higher level thinking skills
Tech Time Infusion Model Tech Time Weekly Special Teacher reinforces curriculum topics Teacher utilizes Inspiration, United Streaming assignments, blogging, IKeepbookmarks, Orchard software Teacher supports school initiatives such as the Stock Market Game, Accelerated Reader and Numbers Bee
TIC Time Collaboration Model Bi-monthly sessions Technology specialist coaches and collaborates with teachers Topics support classroom curriculum
Technology Hardware 2 Computer labs with 30 computers 2 Smart Boards in labs 2 sets of 30 handheld computers 2 laptops with LCD projectors 4 digital cameras 2 or 3 desktops per classroom
Real World Applications Topic- Excelling GLE’s- Organize and informally represent categorical data Interpret data by making comparisons of categorical data Objective- To gather, interpret data, and represent data in various ways
Tools for the Task Technology Hardware- handheld computers, desktop computers, printer Technology Programs-Excel
Process Students gather data about their favorite character on the Axim using Excel Data is consolidated and students compare and discuss data Students use the desktops in the lab to transfer results into a column table Students use Chart Wizard to create graphic representations of their data Students discuss and compare graphs
Assessment Students applied what they learned and created a new data table during center time Student work was then assessed by the teacher Students demonstrated what they had learned in writing
Next steps Using student knowledge about data tables have students create a table in Word that will become a calendar page
Calendar Skills Topic-Calendar skills Essential Question- How are measurement and counting related? Objective- to develop an understanding of time on the calendar Technology Hardware- handheld computers, desktop computers Technology Resources- Calendar resource on handheld, Excel, Word Other resources- Large model of calendar page, differentiated word problem worksheets
Process Students create a calendar page from a table in Word Students utilize the calendar feature on the Axims Students develop understanding of determining dates and lapsed time (yesterday, tomorrow, 4 days from now)
Assessment Differentiated skill sheets Anecdotal records Student created word problems and solutions
Wondrous Words Topic-Vocabulary Building Dictionary Skills, Math terms, reading comprehension strategy of inferring GLE- To identify, select and use multiple sources of information (dictionary), To use technology tools to enhance learning, use traditional and electronic search tools To see appropriate strategies to comprehend and infer Objective-To develop an understanding of unknown words in text, to develop understanding of the dictionary and how to use the dictionary, and to apply dictionary skills to create a math dictionary to develop understanding of math terms
Tools For the Task Technology Hardware- Desktop computers, handheld computers Technology Resources- Wondrous Words vocabulary form, Power Point Other Resources- Books, dictionary, vocabulary worksheet
Process Students explore a dictionary Students use vocabulary form to list unknown words in reading text Students transfer words onto online form, add images, and determine meaning Students return to text and determine meaningfulness of definition
Process Continued Students transfer understanding of dictionary skills to create a classroom dictionary of math terms Students choose a math term, define it, create a picture representing it on a Power Point slide Class wide Power Point will be copied into a book for students
Wondrous Words Form
Assessment Students will create a page for the math dictionary to model understanding of dictionary skills
NUMBER SENTENCE It is when you have two numbers which make a higher or lower number. It always equals something. Logan 5 word wall words +5 word wall words= 10 word wall words
Tally A device for keeping a count It looks like a strait line You use them in groups of 5. Haley I used tallys to make groups of 5
“Phabulous” Philadelphia Topic-A Technology Infused Field Trip Objective-To have the students gather information to use for writing prompts and media projects Technology Hardware- Handheld computers, digital cameras, desktop computers Technology Resources- IKeepbookmarks folder with Philadelphia resources, Power Point, Word
Process Students utilized a variety of online resources about Philadelphia to prepare for a field trip Students selected a landmark in Philadelphia and recorded notes and observations Students will use data they gathered to create a media project and writing piece to persuade people to visit the landmark
Brandywine Springs School’s trip to Philadelphia Presented by: Will Barndt, Will Johansen, and Jeffrey Leggio
Flags of all States When you enter the Constitution Center, look up. You’ll see every state’s flag. We focused on Delaware’s flag.
Hall of Signers Using our axim, we recorded the name of every signer, the age they signed it, and their professions. Some were lawyers, some were farmers, others were politicians. Delaware’s signers were: Jacob Broom, Gunning Bedford, George Read, Thomas McKean and John Dickinson.
So we ask you now… To infuse or to use… That is the question? You make the decision